Wednesday, 1 February 2017


A religion that arbitrarily passes judgement on all other religions as partially or wholly false and, therefore, fit to be destroyed by conversion of their adherents, prevention of their propagation and imposition of all sorts of obstacles in their path such as conferring of inferior 'dhimmi' status to their followers, exaction of tax such as 'jizya' and the perpetration of a host of other atrocities at every bend and turn of civic life such that sheer survival necessitates adoption of the persecuting faith, cannot be, after all, called a 'religion of peace' or a 'religion of submission' which by definition it is unless, of course, peace means the lull of death and submission means the forfeiture of all human rights and the critical faculties to this perfidious political movement masquerading as a spiritual one by supposed divine sanction. It is a merciless movement not rooted in any way in universal compassion and love which is the hallmark of the Indian dharma traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, and has historically been a great retarding force in cultures controlled by it by the sword or by political perversion which is at the heart of its perfidious political agenda.

What has happened historically is shameful and redolent of the barbaric past of the human race in places where tribal culture was predominant and by dint of physical might rose to dictate terms to more refined civilisations, but what is happening even now in the name of this violent cult is reprehensible and needs to be resisted at every front. Wherever this 'religion of peace', this 'religion of submission' is in power through human majority, it is spelling danger for non-believers which it scripturally terms 'kuffars'. Even today, there is utmost discrimination in Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Islamic States which are ruled by Sharia or Islamic Law, against the Hindu infidel who is persecuted at every point simply because he chooses to differ in his religious beliefs from the Muslim and because his faith includes principles which are not in consonance with the Quran or the Hadith. The Hindus of Pakistan have been systematically decimated, their daughters abducted and forced into conversion and thereon into marriage with their Islamic abductors, their houses pillaged and plundered, ransacked and razed, their places of worship burnt and destroyed and their womenfolk molested and murdered till the Hindus today are a negligible minority on the brink of vanishing from the map of Pakistan. In Bangladesh the situation is hardly better today as fundamentalists have taken over the country, killing secular bloggers and dissenters with impunity in exactly the way prescribed in their holy texts. Here also we see the sharp decline in the Hindu population for conditions are not congenial for fruitful living.

And in recent memory in Bangladesh in a filthily written letter to a Hindu monk of a renowned religious organisation, the terrorist outfit's local chief threatened a horrendous death within a stipulated period of time unless, of course, he quit office and shifted elsewhere. The Indian High Commission acted promptly and the monastic was brought over home to secure his person's safety.

Seven decades earlier, in 1948, Swami Ranganathananda had to quit Karachi and wind up the Ramakrishna Mission there because Islamic violence made fruitful functioning of a Hindu spiritual organisation no more possible in Pakistan.

So, arises the question --- are these stray incidents that were perpetrated by frustrated fringe elements within Islam or are these the product of its fundamentally fanatical doctrine that cannot tolerate the equal existence of any other faith? It is for you to find out the answer through your research and readings and it is for you to arrive at your individual conclusions. Whatever be your verdict, it cannot be gainsaid that it is time indeed for us to awaken to this menace of Islamic intolerance and to resist it at every level even as they operate at every level to attempt imposing their own rule. Upon our resolve depends the fate of the future civilised world where freedom is the prime principle and submission to irrationality and blind belief a noxious nightmare. Jai Hind!

... to be continued

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