Sunday 26 February 2017


In the name of satyameva jayate (truth triumphs) as the national ideal, the Congress Party has for nearly seven decades since independence attempted to perpetuate the lie of Netaji's death by air-crash and has undermined his seminal role in the freedom movement to corner all glory for Gandhi, Nehru and the like. But truth, for sure, triumphs and the day has arrived when facts will come to the fore to expose the traitors to the motherland. Friends, let us work with all our might to bring to light facts of freedom and not let fiction pervert history in our minds. I wonder in which other country in recent memory such a lie has grown overtime with such Machiavellian machination of the powers that be and such abject submission of an entire people been to gullible acceptance of everything that goes in the name of historical heresy, data distortion and diabolic destruction of all that was glorious in the sacrifice of blood and toil for the sake of the liberation of the motherland.

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