Friday, 17 February 2017


This is the spirit --- a spirited rejoinder to all that is being aired by 'perfected patriots', 'self-acclaimed researchers' and 'heirs apparent to the leonine leader' with a practised persistence, vehement and vitriolic, which by incessant repetition is, however, failing to produce the desired effect of inducing conviction in facile theories running contrary to the tenor of the hero's being and, therefore, is being rejected, in the absence of tangible evidence, by many an ardent devotee of Netaji. There are followers galore of sensationalists propounding preposterous propositions centring Netaji, for credulity abounds in the average mass of humanity who lap up conspiracy theories wherever there is an element of mystery and in our hero's case there is no dearth of such shrouded stretch where imagination runs wild in pious pursuit of preferred propositions irrespective of scientific rigour in approach casting deliberated doubts on the plausibility of such presumptions. All things said and done, however, truth cannot be discerned amidst the murkiness of misapprehension where the essential element of scientific enquiry, objective and dispassionate, without a tinge of malice, self-aggrandisement or verbal aspersion cast on a seeming adversary to one's proposition, is lost. The prime requirement of the hour is, thus, an intensive search for truth uncluttered by histrionics, hyperboles and heresies founded on fabrications and falsities. The solidarity of a movement demands that all participants must exhibit adequate civility towards one another in their individual pursuit of truth and that access to information on the basis of research or reading on Netaji ought not to arrogate for oneself the divine right to insinuate and insult whosoever one chooses in one's 'superior wisdom' to vent one's venom upon.

Netaji was a supremely human person, compassionate to the core, with a heart 'as broad as the sky' and a soul 'as deep as the ocean'. He was such a catholic personality that his staunchest adversaries, antagonists in ideology and execution of his Presidential programmes at Tripuri, received his warmest regards nonetheless and he sacrificed self-interest to prevent partitioning of the movement that had been geared to win freedom for the motherland. Knowing this to be our heritage, we ought to, out of mutual respect, guard against the vice of over-zealousness for the cause to the point of being insensitive to others' feelings of honour and dignity. Moreover, if we are patriots worth the salt, we shall avoid casting aspersions on his immediate family out of a natural sense of love and sympathy and a kindred feeling for them, for such is the law of love that it refrains from slandering those who are dear to the one we adore as our nation's cherished leader. Let us in real intent be worthy of Netaji and his cause even unto the resurrection of the truth of his disappearance. Let us debate the issues in a healthful manner, agreeing to disagree if necessary on every count but forever casting aside divisive tendencies that tend to weaken the movement. Netaji is our leader in this search for truth and may his spirit animate us into becoming loving adherents of his cause and not enemies spitting venom ceaselessly resolving to nought our aspirations and efforts! May Netaji bless us all with a tinge of the virtues that had raised him to the pinnacle of glory and humanity above all! Jai Hind!

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