The barbarous British mutilated the dead bodies of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, packed them in sacks, then broke the rear wall of the jail, carried the cut corpses several kilometres away before semi-burning them and casting them into the Sutlej river. Such was their fear of the possible public uprising on the morrow (24 March, 1931) when the trio were scheduled to be hanged that they preponed the execution by several hours to the previous evening, 7.33 p.m., 23 March, 1931, so that their dastardly act would be over before anyone got an inkling of it. But the fire spread still and eventually evicted the British from Indian soil when the INA led by Netaji avenged the death of all the martyrs and destroyed the fabric of the British Empire, first in India, and then, as a sequel, in the rest of the British-colonised world. The contribution of revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh must be seen in this larger light and it must be understood that these immortal soldiers of the soul were liberators of the whole of shackled mankind suffering the yoke of colonial rule, the worst form of human oppression.
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