You exist and that depth-existence is God. There is no other God. This is the highest Truth. The impersonal absolute existence is God. We call it Atman/Brahman although It has no name and defies description. The Abrahamic idea and term 'God' is alien to us. Each one of you are in essence the Supreme Impersonality of Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss which men through dualistic affirmation call the Personality of God.
The word hides the meaning, deflects and deludes. Language conceals meaning even while attempting to reveal it. The fractured mind covers consciousness, the incessant flow of thoughts veiling the depth-reality. All such surface features must be swept aside if realisation is to be arrived at. And that realisation is already there, each moment in our every perception but coloured by the dispersed beams of the Light that is Truth. Shed superstition, get hold of yourself, rid yourself of traditional trappings and look upon Truth flat in the face.
You are free, ever-free. You weren't ever bound. The idea of body binds and the analytical faculty by making you endlessly traverse the labyrinth of material manifestation holds. Break free. Realise the Truth that you truly are, here and now. No heaven, no hell, no earth save of your making to hold you. Smash it all and emerge in the sunshine of your Being, the only God you have ever worshipped, you have venerated and in little learning ever violated. Now neither venerate nor violate, simply be. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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