Tuesday 7 November 2023



There have been many great men born in our country in modern times dating the last two centuries but just a handful or even less that dared to speak the bare truth about proselytising Islam and Christianity without watering down their content for the purpose of political expediency. Even greatness has its limits it seems. Or can such selectively compromising ones be deemed truly great? In that case the casket of greatness will be largely emptied and this adored oligarchy will have given way to a deeper democracy where ideas will be examined and evaluated on their merit, and personalities venerated as superhuman reduced to their due human stature albeit of an exalted state wherever achievement having duly passed critical scrutiny merits such accolade. But to return to the initial observation, few, alas, few among the greats have dared to speak the whole truth about Islam and Christianity. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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