Tuesday 28 November 2023



People like to hear nice things about the country. But the way to make the country nice is to frankly discuss the harsh realities that face us and to combat them head on. Living in one's mental comfort zone hardly improves things but leaving it to face the brute enhances future prospects for the nation. Let us not be cowardly nor wallow in the mire of an unrealistic self-satisfaction but let us exhibit that courage of conviction that does not shy away from truth but squares up to it to forge a brighter future for the country. This is the warrior valour, the fabled kshayriya spirit that must become core characterisic of the polity. Each one of us can and must contribute to the rise of our nation but each one of us must be sincere in facing up to truth---the raw truth that bares our polity in all its nakedness, in all its stark realities, in its weaknesses and strengths---and then act with vigour to build the edifice of this nation whose foundations have already been laid ages ago by our sages and seers of yore and reinforced in every age by countless men and women of learning and light and love. Onward then unto the structuring of the citadel! Charaiveti!

Written by Sugata Bose

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