Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : Yes, very much. Proper provision of punctuation points to precision in thinking. For instance, the exclamation mark that you have provided at the end of an assertive sentence really belongs to an exclamatory one and is improper in terms of placement here. Accuracy is the key to national progress. Both Swamiji and Netaji were insistent on it as becoming part and parcel of the polity if it had to rise in its prospects.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : Soil or soul? Again inaccuracy? Capitals wrongly used and exclamation mark wrongly put as well. Yet the rejoinder thus?
Sugata Bose @Devanjan Sarkar : Not overmuch of it at any cost. That is most unspiritual. Requirement is one thing, greed another. Acquiring by honest means one thing, during to do so another.
Sugata Bose @Raisahab Nana Kunwar : I know that but 'Prajee' has gone for a vacation and his nephews have taken to the vocation of relocation of the language along the silent mode with reference to cousin 'r'.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Saujanya---Amlan Kusum Ghosh] : A good endeavour but one that would need persistent pruning to maintain cultural excellence. Background music whenever brought in must be soft so as not to hinder hearing of the spoken text. All the best for due diligence and excellence.
Sugata Bose @Partha Bose : A pilgrimage to Panditji's (Bhimsen Joshi's) place (house) you are up to. What a privilege! What an honour! What an opportunity to please the music gods that dwell in the environs! [Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav---invited by Shrinivas Joshi, Bhimsen Joshi's youngest son]
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : Well said. But the Middle Eastern oil poured into the Fire will make it blaze a bit too bright to bear, a hell too hot to hold the Hotra right. Besides, the Mushrikeen being the fuel for the Fire, there won't remain the Agnihotri to conduct the sacrificial ceremony save in self-immolation in a final bid to do it while bidding adieu to whatever of life remained.
Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : After all they are middle-class intellectuals, not high class ones. So, how can you expect high class honesty from them?
Sugata Bose @Shilpi Shilpi : Thank you. Do keep reading. A sincere appreciation is worth all the labour that at times through despondency seems an exercise in futility. Few, alas, few care to read and fewer still appreciate. Stay well in Thakur-Ma-Swamiji.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Brilliant observation, Nilanjana. Such clarity of thought you have that verily one remembers Swamiji's observation that great womanhood would rise in the coming India. Indeed, you are the precursor of such renascent womanhood of eternal India, the Aryaduhita of yore, now born to raise the banner of the Sanatan Dharma in this Age. Be not abashed at this praise heaped on you after sincere appraisal over years but rather find fulfilment in the words expressed, and live on to fulfil the promise that you present which in fullest blossom will point to all and sundry the power and potential of Streeshakti in its Vidya aspect.
Sugata Bose @Krishna Prasad Vunnava : That is because we value personality above principle and resort to blind adulation of achievers.
Sugata Bose @Arnab Ghosh : Yes, only you should comment as a hyper-expert of the game.
Sugata Bose @Bappa Ghorui : You ought to have set an example by keeping quiet instead of commenting in a supercilious manner.
Sugata Bose @Shamik Maitra : I may not be a professional cricketer but you for sure are the eternal ill-disposed troll of flawed conceptions and failed perspectives.
Sugata Bose @Shamik Maitra : I may not be a professional cricketer but you for sure are the eternal ill-disposed troll of flawed conceptions and failed perspectives. Your degree in neurobiology whereby you judge my cerebral capacity is worth examining, though.
Sugata Bose @Pradip Kumar Mukherjee I am not blaming Kohli at all. He did his very best despite his cramped state. It is cricketing culture in India and consequent team policy that I bring into question.
Sugata Bose @Baskaran Subramaniam : Right, indeed. Alas, few in the wake of the win seem to appreciate that which would have been the talk of the town were we to lose!
Sugata Bose @Siddharth Roy Life is all about appreciating it through constant criticism of its features, flaws and failings which eventually make for progress. If the cricketing brain stops functioning in the wake of victory, such victories will be short-lived. Mark my words!
Sugata Bose @Vinnu Katoch : This is a fantastic realm that you as an angelic being have dared to tread into where I, an ordinary fool, would fear to rush into.
Sugata Bose @Devdas Acharjee : You have failed to appreciate the point pertinently made in the post with its caveats with reference to Greg Chappell. Incidentally, Bertrand Russell had famously said, "Few read for information. Most read for confirmation of their biases and prejudices." To see a contrary point in the light of reason is not common fodder though and I duly understand where your reservations come from. Nobody here has taken away anything from the Ganguly-Wright combination's contribution to Indian cricket. The point having been made here though is that Greg Chappell gave the cricketing establishment the necessary shake which pulverised its personality basis and reordered it along more impersonal scientific lines. Chappell didn't spare Tendulkar either, and rightly so, but in a country of mass adulation of a sparse number of heroes, that brought about his own downfall, given that Tendulkar was still the poster-boy for sponsors minting money out of him and from cricket in consequence in general. These are issues worth pondering but only the serious thinker has the occasion to do so.
Sugata Bose @Devdas Acharjee : I appreciate your study of cricketing history and here reveal that I have likewise done the same. Godspeed to both of us!
Sugata Bose @Jitendra Abhyankar : Thanks for the feedback. But the language I use is natural to me whose level I do not feel like lowering to suit common convenience. Moreover, the use of compact concise expressions makes for greater density of input thought that would otherwise spread out over pages. Also, my use of complex sentences ensures that refutation to the points made in the post are included in the post itself, thereby immunising it against criticism of its lapses that would ensue otherwise. More like Constitutional legal writing, albeit along literary lines, becomes the feature of my posts, a necessary one at that and not unnecessary as you deem it to be. Nonetheless, your suggestion is pertinent and I will keep it in mind to ensure better reader communication.
Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : Your comments have thus far given me the impression that you love to tickle the audience but not tackle my posts seriously in terms of comprehending them. Hence, to help you understand---well, that seems to be an impossible proposition and unfailingly will be an exercise in futility.
Sugata Bose @Kakali S Bhadra : একথা তো প্রথম সুকুমার রায় ইঙ্গিত করেছিলেন---বয়স বাড়তি ৪০ পর্যন্ত, তারপর কমতি | সেক্ষেত্রে ৮০তে আয়ু শূণ্যে নিঃশেষিত ও চিতাপ্রাপ্তি অবশ্যম্ভাবী পরিণতি | অবশ্য, সোমেশ্বরানন্দজীর মন্তব্যের তাৎপর্য অন্য---চল্লিশোর্ধ মানুষের প্রায়শঃ সৃজনশীলতার অভাব ও গতানুগতিক দিনগত পাপক্ষয়বিষয়ক | ঠাকুর তাই বসতেন, "যাবৎ বাঁচি, তাবৎ শিখি |"
Sugata Bose @Santosh Sah : Keep your own counsel and do not expose your uncivil mentality thus.
Sugata Bose @Santosh Sah : Come on. Do you lack pronouncedly in common sense that would make for a devious meaning of an honest question posited in good humour? Must I be persuaded to presume in that case that you have no sense of humour or what in common parlance would be deemed the faculty of appreciation of common conversation?
Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Certainly not. That would be unhistorical. Besides, what about the Jain Mandir, the Buddhist Gumpha, the Brahmo Mandir, the Arya Samaj Mandir and a host of others that you ought to also include in your list of temple constructions at the said site at Ayodhya to integrate India in that case? The Ram Temple has historically existed and ought to be built as has the Somnath Temple been built post-indepeneence. Those who hold exclusive views about their respective religions need to view this temple construction as a 500 year old delayed historical vindication of truth and justice delayed but given to not merely the Hindus but to all Indians who have been historically plagued by barbarous invasions among which, to allude to Guru Nanak Devji's own statement, Babur's brutal invasion was party to. The Ram Temple will stand as a monument to truth, beauty and goodness, the emblem of eternal India and the site of true national integration along the lines laid down by the Rishis of eternal India. No less than a seminal sage as Swami Vivekananda has attested to the repeated vandalism of Mohammedan invaders of our temples in their bid to obliterate Sanatan culture and the resurrection of these temples again and again once the invasive thrust was for a while subsided and gone. And this he has cited to uphold the greatness of the Hindu race and its undying and justifiable thirst for the spiritual, verily, the imperishable among the perishable things of life. Read Swamiji in-depth, read Koenraad Elst, Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup and come to a more enlightened conclusion.
P.S. 'Temple alter temple was broken down by the foreign conqueror, but no sooner had the wave passed than the spire of the temple rose up again. Some of these old temples of Southern India and those like Somnâth of Gujarat will teach you volumes of wisdom, will give you a keener insight into the history of the race than any amount of books. Mark how these temples bear the marks of a hundred attacks and a hundred regenerations, continually destroyed and continually springing up out of the ruins, rejuvenated and strong as ever! That is the national mind, that is the national life-current. Follow it and it leads to glory. Give it up and you die; death will be the only result, annihilation the only effect, the moment you step beyond that life-current. I do not mean to say that other things are not necessary. I do not mean to say that political or social improvements are not necessary, but what I mean is this, and I want you to bear it in mind, that they are secondary here and that religion is primary. The Indian mind is first religious, then anything else. So this is to be strengthened...' --- THE FUTURE OF INDIA [LECTURES FROM COLOMBO TO ALMORA by SWAMI VIVEKANANDA]
Sugata Bose @Subhadev Roy : What a sense of humour you have really! Simply stupendous!
Sugata Bose @Samanjit Sengupta : My posts are here incidental. But this is the general trend. As Swami Vivekananda had put it succinctly, "The majority are fools, men of common intellect." Your very observation with its specific slant where you draw conclusions after your own fashion without bothering to delve deeper into the intent of my writings and the responses thereof is pointer to the degenerate state of our polity in terms of intellectual health.
Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : View your previous comments over months and you will come to a more seasoned conclusion about your intent and means. Which is why I never respond to irritating observations, purely puerile, coming from your end. This is the first time that I did respond and have duly suffered so. God bless you and yours!
Sugata Bose @Jaipur Dialogues (YouTube) : Sanjay Dixit should curb his supercilious mannerisms, his tendency to show off his little learning by interrupting the guest speakers and should exhibit a modicum of well-mannered humility in its place. Moreover, he shouldn't cheapen initial proceedings by begging for subscription to his channel as also for monetary subscription. Civility and culture would deem these adjustments, if at all possible, necessary. One more thing. The initial 'Namaste' is utterly lacking in refinement and plain decency. Overall, Sanjayji is too full of himself which makes a mockery of the moderator's role, a fact perhaps going unnoticed in the concerned gentleman's mind owing to paucity of classical culture. Such pedestrian exhibition, alas, has become the norm these days where the proletariat in various guises pretend to be protagonists of culture and civilisation.
Sugata Bose @Deep Mukherjee : Preferred Engineer to Dhoni with his better batting skills in all conditions, especially the wet English conditions. He was a successful opening batsman in Test matches with a very brisk scoring rate. Also he was adept in close keeping to India's fabled spin quartet.
Sugata Bose @Neeraj Kulkarni : Gupte is there who in Sir Garry's opinion was the greatest leg spinner he had faced. Plus the Mankad-Gupte duo would do fine as history testifies.
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : Muhammad Nissar was left out because he opted for Pakistan post-Partition.
Sugata Bose @Boddhisatya Tarafdar : The relativity of choice and the crime thereof.
Sugata Bose @Sudripto Khasnabis : What lovely language! Engineer serves as keeper in my team and not skipper. Vinoo Mankad is the skipper. [[[ stands for the three stumps, hence, wicket-keeper. ** stands for captain and * for vice captain.
Sugata Bose @Akash Kumar Chakrabarty : I am well aware of it. Thank you for increasing my awareness in this regard and for forewarning the cricket authorities thus online as to my aforementioned incompetence which act of yours seems to be of seminal significance for the nation as it will sure forestall any such stupid move that may install me in that select position so very undeserved by me. You have understood me so well that you must be duly commended for it which is what I have just done.
Sugata Bose @Vignesh Subramanian : Hedley Verity for Underwood. Verity was a first rate left arm orthodox spinner as well as an accomplished batsman who had even on occasions opened the English innings in Test Matches.
Sugata Bose @Agnip Mukherjee : Sarcasm? That's not cricket. Symptomatic of the times though. My knowledge or ignorance of the game will be revealed to your Highness in succeeding posts over the months, provided your munificence holds, your Majesty. Your nobility of bearing ought to grace my posts regularly to be able to access my knowledge or otherwise better.
Sugata Bose @D B Rao : Indeed. But I have always held Graeme Pollock and Viv Richards as better than Tendulkar in some respects---not all---for them to deserve the spot more.
Sugata Bose @Agnip Mukherjee : Sarcasm? That's not cricket. Symptomatic of the times though. My knowledge or ignorance of the game will be revealed to your Highness in succeeding posts over the months provided your munificence holds, your Majesty. Your nobility of bearing ought to grace my posts regularly to be able to access my knowledge or otherwise better. So far as your gift is concerned, the old adage goes, the pen is mightier than the sword, and I dare say, it is more effective than the bat and the ball both, for the writer pits his pen against the intimadatory attacks of trolls better than the batsman wields the willow to square up to the pacemen.
Sugata Bose @Shiladitya Chakraborty : Manu Gupte was the greatest leg-spinner in Sobers' esteemed estimation.
Sugata Bose @Rama Chandra Dash : Dangerous for you, not all. I do not think too many people will corroborate your view with all its slight and slant.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Das : The inability to think critically which would allow appreciation of the intent of a post in all its comprehensive sweep is symptomatic of citizens like you and is the single biggest hindrance to achieving national excellence.
Sugata Bose @Biswadeep Sinha : Neither was I. The discerning eye sees deeper into the psyche of a nation to arrive at an accurate estimation of the reasons for our failure in sports which is but one of the innumerable phases of our national life lying in tatters.
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