We are not doing well as a nation. With an exploding population prospects are gloomy. There is no proper population policy in place. Growth in GDP is being nullified by burgeoning population. There will be civic unrest in the near future as medical facilities will be impossible to provide for such a large mass of people. The same goes for employment and quality education. Fissiparous forces will multiply as national integration will become the challenge of the times. With a degrading environment there will be further economic chaos.
The people are sleeping to these looming dangers as of now but soon they will wake up with a vengeance which shall precipitate problems worse. For all the hype and hoopla centring the leadership, those in power and those out of power, all the half-truths spread about rising India, it must be remembered that for a country that is growing at 18 million heads a year, it is inconceivable that it will remain socioeconomically stable over the next few decades.
We are not lacking in enemies that are watching with interest the slow slide of our vast country into possible anarchy, at least in some segments. There are forces within and without that sure are working for the subversion of our nation and its conversion into some other preferred form. But the worst enemy of our motherland are we ourselves that we choose not to act, that we prefer to sit in inertial mode waiting for better things to happen. The situation is alarming and has population spurt at its epicentre which we need to redress. If we do, we survive to see a better day. If we do not, I shudder to think what may befall us.
Written by Sugata Bose
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