Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Susanta Mullick, this is the asymmetric nature of historical unfolding that events are dated in a manner that makes comparisons odious except when compatriots lock horns over the same issue at the same time. Thus, Gandhi, predating Bose, gets a head-start in history which gives him the earlier edge but Bose rallies fine to outwit the Mahatma later at every turn to win his way into our hearts. In hindsight though, the only way we may compare them successfully, that is objectively and in a scientific manner, is to weigh their legacy for India and in this Bose hammers home in the consciousness of his country ahead of the hero of the homespun as independent India rejects Gandhian policy for good reason and accepts the Bose Way as the only pragmatic course worth adopting, be it in home affairs (ref. The Planning Commission), defence (ref. the building up of the armed forces, the nuclear armament and the successful waging of four wars against Pakistan) or in foreign affairs (ref. the seeking of alliance with the Soviet Union, especially, the secret pact with the Soviets signed by Indira Gandhi ensuring Soviet help in times of aggression by a foreign power against the Republic of India, a pact that came of aid at the time of the Indo-Pak War of 1971 when the Soviet Fleet warded off threats by the Anglo-Americans in the Indian Ocean). Hence, Bose wins my vote against Gandhi as being the higher hero, the more prominent patriot and the one that battled for freedom from the heights of the Himalayas to the depths of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.

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