Friday, 31 March 2017


Let everybody understand this very clearly that I never write to contradict any but only do what I do to keep the discussion and the debate alive so that amnesia does not set in concerning these seminal issues of our national life, our culture and our heritage. I am too insignificant a person to even contemplate combat in any forum, much less this one where my friends and well-wishers abound, for I believe in the union of wills as being beneficial to the evolution of our national life and not undue carping criticism of compatriots and colleagues, pilgrims in the same journey unto the selfsame ocean of bliss and consciousness and existence absolute. If at times, on account of my writing of various essays pertinent to a point under debate and discussion in our particular forum, I appear to be on the aggressive front, in a supposedly combative mood and in confrontation to expressed opinions of others, know it for certain that I have no malefic intent towards any nor the desire to dominate a discussion or even stifle it by ill-worded arguments against the propositions under scrutiny. My only desire is to see my country flower in every possible way and intellectual intersections are no exception to this general aspiration I hold to be dear for my motherland. All of you are dear to me as the children of our common mother and so are we siblings in fraternal bond, ever vigorous in individual difference, never so profane as to viciously diverge. Let our lineage unite us, let our aspirations hold us in close company and let our resolves integrate us into a gigantic storehouse of power whose expending shall see the nation rise from her befallen state to the zenith of her future glory. Come ye sisters, come ye brothers, let us march on to the vanguard of this, the advancing tide of national life. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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