But I thought he was slightly devoid of substance as to content of talk and was merely harping on personalities with his subject matter adrift on a sea of affected emotions intent on impressing the audience but invariably, in the process, failing to create any lasting impression even for much more than a while. Affectation and aggrandisement inevitably diminish the power to influence which, ironically, is the whole purpose of such exercise. However, this is purely a personal opinion and is in no way an indictment on the speaker from my side but is merely a serious observation. I believe humility to be the hallmark of effective self-expression which carries the audience and in this respect the speaker was sadly, nay, badly deficient. In final analysis I wish to say that such a musical personality as Dilip Kumar Roy needs a melodic speaker who does not jar the sound with excessive dramatisation not in keeping with the sweetness of the personality of the subject. A little less ostentation in expression would have suited the occasion better and would have truly been homage rendered to both the French maestro and his Indian counterpart which sadly could not in real terms be achieved on account of the speaker's pompousness. This is my humble submission, not a diatribe against someone who I intently listened to and learnt from for nearly an absorbing hour. Jai Hind!
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