Sunday, 12 March 2017


Who are these arbiters of the 'modern school' who have so well succeeded in separating the body, mind and the soul when they themselves are heavily enmeshed in the grossest garb? It is easy to proselytise what others ought to do but infinitely harder to put an ounce of the principles preached into practice. Hence, spiritual counsel becomes effective when they are delivered with love for all and without malice towards any. The object must be to share one's realisations freely out of one's bounty and not to impose one's personal beliefs or convictions on one and sundry under the spell of the superstition that what is good for one must necessarily be good for all. Also, preaching the word must be selfless and not vitiated by selfish desire, gross or subtle, for it then defeats its very purpose. Few have analytical powers sharp enough to appreciate how foolishly they are led by perverse personal motivations as they surge ahead in their 'welfare activity' of 'saving' the world. The result is the proliferation of pseudo-philosophers who are hollow in content, egotistical in intent, however camouflaged, and in purity of living well-nigh a spent-force. It augurs not too well for the future of the world when so many of mediocre mettle should so get the mantle of the high and the mighty in the realm of the spirit and of the mind for it is portentous of an inevitable decline in civilisation. Easy access to information is not tantamount to transformation of such data into real knowledge for the sources of data these days are galore and their assimilation quite in the reverse order of their access. And therein lies the fundamental problem these days of separating the grain from the chaff as pretentious people with their fabricated output attempt to steal the show but falter terribly at the doorstep of creativity thereby lowering the general culture and the standard of artistic attainment. Against this spiralling downward trend must spring a resistance to save culture and in it lies our well-being for it is culture that preserves a people, being the mainspring of its life. Jai Hind!

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