Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Bhaskar, your love for Netaji spills in your every word and fills our hearts with its ardour too. Also, the pertinent facts interspersing your narrative rendered in fluid English makes for a feast of a reading in every sense of the term. It is martial music all the way, a Beethoven symphony marking the march of the Grande Armee of Napoleon. And so it was, the triumphant march of the Indian National army through the Burmese jungles to the high hills of the Himalayas on the North-East where they liberated the motherland from the British and set the flag of freedom flying high over the citadels of the city of liberation. That they were repulsed thereafter when fortunes changed, hardly diminishes the pride of the hour which would be the precursor to the plummeting fortunes of the British as well when the ghost of the hero would cast his looming shadows on the ramparts of the Red Fort to set ablaze the nation into self-consciousness and freedom. The Trials at the Red Fort in effect proved to be the public trial of the British Raj and their inevitable condemnation of its century long perfidy of the people of this great land. The Royal Indian Navy, the Air Force and the Army reacted in unison to evict thereafter their satanic masters from the soil long-despoiled by their evil hands and India became free amidst treachery, turmoil and a truncating unparalleled in history. History will avenge itself and the dues are to be paid by the perfidious parties of the day. Britain beware!

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