Tuesday, 7 March 2017


It is weakness to even contemplate rising in the estimation of others when you have not sufficiently risen in your own eyes and are cowering under the weight of inferiority complex on the basis of a purely material view of things. You must understand your essential divinity if ever you wish to attain to altitudes in life and to elicit real respect from others. The principle of self-evaluation is spiritual and not material, for the self itself is, at source, a spiritual entity. Hence, no amount of material success may win you enduring reverence from others. Also, an imperfect vision of yourself in the penumbra of your being does not conduce to a high self-estimation and you have to go to the source of your being to be conscious of the glory that you are attended with.

Renunciation and service are the twin ideals for our motherland, Swami Vivekananda had famously articulated. His preceptor, Sri Ramakrishna, had lifelong taught abstinence as the way to attainment of real manhood in God. Now these are the saviours of our culture, the prophets of the age, the gods of the times. Shall we lend our ears to them and end our persisting predicament with persecution complex or shall we eternally be mournful creatures of morbid complaint against the myriad miseries of life? If we rally in the name of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, our maladies will be at an end and life will brighten up to be of good cheer and merriment for all with no room for self-debasement or embittered feelings about others.

May we seek refuge in our scriptures for guidance in the conduct of life! May we plumb the depths of our being to arrive at the source of bliss! May we see goodness in others and, above all, never negate the goodness that is in us awaiting discovery beneath the ashes of the burnt past!  Jai Ramakrishna! Jai Hind!

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