Sunday 4 May 2014


Seated at the centre is Swami Vijnanananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the 4th President of the Order. His household name was Hariprasanna. Swamiji used to affectionately address him as Peshon. He was a civil engineer and was it was under his supervision that the embankment of the Ganga at the Belur Math was done. Later, the new Ramakrishna Temple at Belur was also constructed under his supervision. Swami Vijnanananda spent his days at Allahabad where he remained a reclusive monk, a Self-realised soul, ' the hidden Brahmajnani '. My prostrations at the hallowed feet of this venerable incarnation of Jambvantji of the Ramachandra Play, a fact attested to by no less a personality than Sri Ramakrishna himself.

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