The surface mind is an illusion. Consciousness is deep. It is an integrated being within. It does all the work and dispenses the fruits to itself. The prism of Maya refracts the rays of the Sun of Truth along variant paths, producing the optical spectrum the phenomenal universe is. We are the trapped beams of light, dispersed into flora and fauna, the radiant hues of the Bright One that knows no dimming nor darkening like our lot is here, lost on Earth. The Ocean waveless lies beyond cognition of the faculties that the senses provide. Supersensory is the Truth percolating through sensory modes. The vast universe is the play-field of the Divine, the realm of primeval ignorance, Maya's dream. The infinite trapped in the finite --- how preposterous a proposition, how impossible the event! And yet, the impossible is made possible, and this is Maya. Souls we are but are duped into believing we are bodies. Unstructured free beings we are but find ourselves hopelessly bound in mortal coil crushed by the wheel of Fortune. Worst of all, so deep is the inebriation that few realise that they are caught in a nightmare, that they are wakeful dreamers and that life is but a passing dream of no substance whatsoever save the opportunity to break through the network of Maya and emerge mighty lions that have overcome this dreaded delusion.
Ordinary folks, let us leave them aside for a while. Even men of genius are souls trapped, however tall their creative stature, however pretentious their philosophical posturing. The whole world is in bondage. We are bond-slaves of Nature at her beck and call. Dare we say we are free citizens of the world when the world holds us in terrible bondage? Sense-bound, sense-clad, sense-duped creatures, dare we assume to dictate terms to Nature when she holds us at her mercy at will? No, such pretensions will not work. Hypocritical stances must be shed if we are to emerge into real freedom far beyond the domain of the senses, beyond this very universe which is but the shadow of the Divine. We must assert our real nature if we are to be free. The cross linkages of Maya we must break through, not by force for the very reaction of it will hold but by deft dealing with the wiles of the Enchantress Divine, by advancement through the maze of Maya along the freedom routes which are the exit paths in this intricate network of the Cosmic Web.
This world is a numeral construct delineated along coordinate axes whose intersection is the Origin of life, the focal point of phenomena, yet transcending it, for the Origin exists in principle, never in phenomena which revolve round it. It is not a hypothesis, it is the Reality, not a concept but the core, the substance behind this Ancient Poem, the dream of the One that knows not a second, the One Eternal Being, alone, alone through all eternity without hope of company from any for none else is but the One that is. And yet the multiplicity abounds but for whom? Not for the Ancient One but for the many. The many 'exist' for the many for a long but limited time, stretching across vast but limited space, a continuum that is self-manifesting and self-dissolving in cyclical order without beginning or end. To this realm of ignorance belongs the mind whose construct this all is and which is self-constructed. The Self remains beyond, ever-free, Consciousness Absolute, Existence Absolute and Bliss Absolute, ever a Unity and never the Trinity that dreams it all. Infinite is the dreamer dreaming finite dreams, to quote Vivekananda with a variance.
So, dream no more. What value do you attach to this momentary motion called terrestrial life that does not in essence derive from your infinite Self? So, smash the dream. Let bonds go and with it bondage. Let all earthly affections dissolve in the Brahman which is the source of all love. May all that you receive and all that you renounce find fulfilment in oblation to the Cosmic sacrificial fire that devours it all to light up the night sky, the screen of this dualistic delusion that hides the Radiant One! May your souls purged of all earthly dross stand revealed as the luminous beads of the Rosary Resplendent whose orbits about the Cosmic Core keep the universe in its cascading rhythms! May you all merge in your final fall into the shoreless sea of radiance whence there is no return! May all souls dissolve in the One that is the Self of all! Om Tat Sat Om!
Ordinary folks, let us leave them aside for a while. Even men of genius are souls trapped, however tall their creative stature, however pretentious their philosophical posturing. The whole world is in bondage. We are bond-slaves of Nature at her beck and call. Dare we say we are free citizens of the world when the world holds us in terrible bondage? Sense-bound, sense-clad, sense-duped creatures, dare we assume to dictate terms to Nature when she holds us at her mercy at will? No, such pretensions will not work. Hypocritical stances must be shed if we are to emerge into real freedom far beyond the domain of the senses, beyond this very universe which is but the shadow of the Divine. We must assert our real nature if we are to be free. The cross linkages of Maya we must break through, not by force for the very reaction of it will hold but by deft dealing with the wiles of the Enchantress Divine, by advancement through the maze of Maya along the freedom routes which are the exit paths in this intricate network of the Cosmic Web.
This world is a numeral construct delineated along coordinate axes whose intersection is the Origin of life, the focal point of phenomena, yet transcending it, for the Origin exists in principle, never in phenomena which revolve round it. It is not a hypothesis, it is the Reality, not a concept but the core, the substance behind this Ancient Poem, the dream of the One that knows not a second, the One Eternal Being, alone, alone through all eternity without hope of company from any for none else is but the One that is. And yet the multiplicity abounds but for whom? Not for the Ancient One but for the many. The many 'exist' for the many for a long but limited time, stretching across vast but limited space, a continuum that is self-manifesting and self-dissolving in cyclical order without beginning or end. To this realm of ignorance belongs the mind whose construct this all is and which is self-constructed. The Self remains beyond, ever-free, Consciousness Absolute, Existence Absolute and Bliss Absolute, ever a Unity and never the Trinity that dreams it all. Infinite is the dreamer dreaming finite dreams, to quote Vivekananda with a variance.
So, dream no more. What value do you attach to this momentary motion called terrestrial life that does not in essence derive from your infinite Self? So, smash the dream. Let bonds go and with it bondage. Let all earthly affections dissolve in the Brahman which is the source of all love. May all that you receive and all that you renounce find fulfilment in oblation to the Cosmic sacrificial fire that devours it all to light up the night sky, the screen of this dualistic delusion that hides the Radiant One! May your souls purged of all earthly dross stand revealed as the luminous beads of the Rosary Resplendent whose orbits about the Cosmic Core keep the universe in its cascading rhythms! May you all merge in your final fall into the shoreless sea of radiance whence there is no return! May all souls dissolve in the One that is the Self of all! Om Tat Sat Om!
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