Saturday, 10 May 2014


Dear devotee, by Thakur's grace this piece has indeed been written by me as all the other pieces on this page as well. But who can lay claim to any composition of his own as his own when the Divine composes all the while through each composer ? My bliss it is to envision your happiness on reading the piece which inspires me to write further. May Thakur-Ma bless you and yours !

Dear friend, your exultation on reading the piece has buoyed up my spirits as well and adds fillip to my efforts in propagating THE WORD. Thank you for reading the post and enjoying it. I shall look forward to you reading my future posts as well. May Thakur-Ma bless you for ever and ever !

Thank you noble one for reading through my post. Few alas comprehend the very theory, fewer still get to realize the Principle enshrined therein ! So says the Geeta. Your humility is ennobling and shines brighter than the literary adornments of the piece. Thank you for your sincere appreciation and your devotion to the aesthetics involved.

How crisp your comment is, a lyrical word that defines it all ! Brevity is the soul of wit, said Shakespeare. Indeed, economy of expression is an art that communicates best, goes straight to the soul, something that I might well strive to learn to keep the interest alive in my literary pieces. Thank you dear reader, you have shot the arrow right in the eye !

Thank you my artist friend. That one word says it all. Your refined sensibility has been touched by my writing. What more can I add to what you have said than to say that I paint in words what you in colours so beautifully bring to life.

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