Sunday, 5 January 2025



Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : All your comments you should save for future laughing stock. Truly, they are priceless, these shares of sweet sarcasm.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Lawyer-style, you give the documentary evidence of what you quote. Hence, nobody can contradict your assertion. Grand work.

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : This is typical of the practitioners of peace who consider the Jews as the worst among the People of the Book, their worst hatred being reserved for the Mushrik Hindu, though. This sort of open racism practised by the peaceful ones of perfected perfidy does not bring in condemnation enough from the 'liberals' and the leftists of the world but they are all too accommodating for the perpetrators of such perfidy in the name of political correctness and to avoid being labelled Islamophobic and racist in turn, although Islam is a faith and not a race, the Muslims being as diverse in racial stock as there are racial stocks in the world. It is a double standard that is adopted in regard to Islam, a hypocrisy that is as abominable as the crime of collaring a human being with what adorns a pet dog's neck. Simply disgusting!

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Brilliant. 'Islamophobia' debunked.

Sugata Bose @Ox Ox : Nirākār Nirguna Brahman is the Supreme and Absolute Reality, Sachchidānanda, none else.

Sugata Bose @D K Vaidya : Because that's the only way to know Islam and knowing it is essential for our civilisational defence. Knowledge is power. Knowledge of science equips you to combat and conquer nature. Likewise, knowledge of the precepts of Islam as codified in the Qur'an equips you to combat Islam which is bent upon destroying all else, especially the mushrik kafir which we Hindus are. This is the testified truth of history. We have thus far suffered because of our ignorance of the tenets of Islam and we will do so again if we remain ignorant as before. Therefore, the way out is to read the Qur'an, to begin with, and start building up our defences against this Islamic intent. Knowing the adversary's philosophy, intent, motivations, inspiration and strength are all part of military strategy and in this civilisational war Hindus must adopt a like strategy. If we do, we live. If we do not, we perish or suffer massively till we wake up to read. It will be back to square one in the end game. Why not do so when it is middle game chess of life, for the opening game has long been lost? Awake! Read! 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Tenet of Islam. Music is harām.

Sugata Bose @Mrigendra Nath Bej : তাহলে সংশোধন কাম্য | হালালবর্জন, সাথে কোরান পাঠ ইসলামকে জানার জন্য |

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Abbas Haidar/ @Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed] : To call Bhagavan Ram Imam-e-Hind is a patronising remark wholly unbecoming of an erudite like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and thoroughly unacceptable for all Hindus who understand Shree Ram as the Lord of all. Would Abul Kalam Azad have said the same about the founder of Islam and reduce him to being a regional representative of God? Who was Abul Kalam Azad to label the Lord and Master of the universe the way he did? What were his credentials for doing so? Was he an Aadhikaarik Purush authorised to comment thus?

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Gad Saad] : Piers Morgan is being hypocritical, apparently to promote his YouTube channel. He knows full well that Islam is terribly problematic textually and in extreme practice following its jihādi tenets, and yet he pretends to defend the same like a supposedly good anchor. Gad Saad blasts his hypocrisy open and cleaves his way through with his devastating logic.

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : সমস্যা সংগীন | উপচার সহজ নয় | সন্তর্পনে এগোতে হবে | নইলে সমাধান তো দুরস্থ, বরং পরিস্থিতি আরও পরিপন্থী হবে | সুচিন্তিত পদক্ষেপ সঠিক মাত্রায় প্রয়োজন | এ কাজের জনয সিংহশাবক চাই, রাশি রাশি মেষের কর্ম নয় |

Sugata Bose @Taliban : Barbaric theology, barbaric practice.

Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : First read the Qur'an, then speak. Refusal to read perpetuates ignorance about Islam.

Sugata Bose @Dola : Sattvik detached work is worship, not rājasik passionate, desirous work.

Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : A terrible tale, real though it is.

Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : Bravo! Belligerent! Brilliant! Breathtaking!

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava Absolutely correct. Hindus in prominent positions are too commercially oriented, in plainer terms, money-minded. This is the bane of Hindus overall today, for the prominent Hindus rule the roost in truth. Even the Sanatan Dharma has become for all the biggest money-spinner, the mighty spiritual organisations cashing in as well. No exceptions almost. Vaishyavritti (the commercial attribute) has enveloped the Hindus en masse as the pecuniary poison precipitates downwards, pulled in inexorably by the gravitating principle. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : Viewed the video. Superb! What diction! His book is too costly (near INR 5,000) though and well nigh unaffordable by men of meagre means like us. I have shared the said video on my profile too. Thanks a lot for bringing this one to my notice, a 11 minute interview of remarkable clarity, crisp articulation and hammerhead focus that dispels popular Islamic delusions and bombards crafty terminology like Islamophobia. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Pradip Kumar Basu : Are you talking to your image in a plane mirror?

Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : That's the pity apparently. But social media is a powerful tool for the propagation of ideas. In the sixteenth century the printing press became such a tool for undermining oppressive Christianity. Martin Luther made full use of it. Now we are likewise making use of social media, courtesy the internet, to put across our ideas worldwide and, so, undermining the basis of current credal fanaticism. Even politicians, beginning with Obama, have used this to good effect in their election campaigning. So, why not we? It is our biggest armour and arsenal in combating fanatical creeds. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Look at the response to this post by Ramakrishna Mission devotees and disciples. Speaks volumes about their indifferent attitude to the plight of Hindus despite their pious protestations to the contrary and their pronounced passive piety exhibited in eulogies of the Holy Trinity. When an Avatar descends, he ushers in courage of conviction among his followers. But within the next few generations the spirit is lost and the very ideals he stood for are forsaken to the death of his mission which now becomes a corporate organisation aiming expansion in material terms while renouncing the original spirit, the pristine principles their prime preceptor had stood for. Such, alas, has been the case in the past as we have witnessed post the demise of the Buddha and in Christian hegemony of the Church, and such, alas, we are witnessing now as Sri Ramakrishna's and Swami Vivekananda's ideals are being flouted by his followers to suit whatever organisational material interests that may serve. That devotees galore like sheep follow suit and support such a lapse of ideals is proof enough that the Hindus have not learnt their historical lessons and are a race bent upon self-destruction, for if a Ramakrishna-Vivekananda cannot set them on the right path, who can? 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : A little unclear towards the end. Better make a draft in Bengali and clearly articulate in understandable Bengali what you wish to say.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Anand Ranganathan/Nupur J. Sharma] : What a speaker, Nupur J. Sharma! Brave, brilliant and what superb diction!

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Where are they here who are supposedly the protagonists of the movement for the protection and sustenance of the Hindus and the Sanatan Dharma? Their conspicuous absence here does prove a point, does it not? Brother, I know them full well, these clever people who selectively 'like' and 'share' posts, all the while maintaining their feet in two boats, as the old adage in Bengali goes. Sir, character is not easily forged nor courage of conviction that stands upright for truth easily come by.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Arvind Saharan @Mufti Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi] : The Mufti's intent is clear, that of classical Islam.

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