Thursday, 23 January 2025



Read Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works daily. It will strengthen you and make you fit for serving humanity truly. This is the need of the hour, this the nation-builder, the world-saver right now. Flood the world with Vivekananda's words, undiluted, unedited, as they had flowed out of the hero's heart. This is the panacea for the world's maladies, this the doctrine of the day. 

Vivekananda was ushered into the world by the Master, the Lord Himself, to reshape humanity, redirect its lost course en route to its divine destination. These are not puerile priestly proclamations from the pulpit that are directed to increasing the flock of a particular religious denomination but are words pregnant with potent ideas that will save humanity at this critical juncture when the threat of mass annihilation looms large on many fronts. 

Vivekananda is the junction of the ancient, the medieval and the modern, their transcendent-immanent synthesis. Hence, he is of significance today as he was yesterday and as he will be in the foreseeable future, the messiah of man in the widest sense, in the deepest sense and in the loftiest sense, the ideal made real, the harmony of seeming opposites, the synthesis in a world of hopeless contradictions. 

Read Vivekananda, study him deep till he permeates your being, till every nerve current resonates to his ideas and you see yourself transformed in the light of the Divine that shines from within, shedding lustre on aught of earth. At this transitional stage of evolution when modernity is being slow-born of the womb of medievalism, let Vivekananda be the midwife for the delivery of the human babe, the new civilisation that is awaiting its first breath on earth. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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