Thursday, 23 January 2025




Sugata Bose @Mahesh Mj : Can personality be ascribed to the Divine Will? And can personality be the source of the Cosmic-Supracosmic Will? Also, where does the Will begin to make its manifest mark and by what is the modus operandi? One more thing. Where does the Impersonal assume Personality, that is, where lies the critical transition zone/line where the Impersonal assumes Personality? Can enumeration be done on the Divine by human mathematical divisions? 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Arpita Sadhu [Wedding day, 24 January, 2025] : May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you two as you embark on your marital life as equal participants in the onward movement towards the Divine! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Why not? Rammohun Roy was the most modern of them all and to my mind the pioneer of modernity in India, the forerunner of Vivekananda and the father of the so-called Bengal Renaissance which then awakened the rest of India. Read his biography written by Sophia Dobson Collett and study his varied activities for the rejuvenation of inertial India so as to form your considered opinion about this seminal being, one of the premier personalities of why alone India but that of the wide world, sweeping the gamut of history.

Sugata Bose @Mohit Ranjan Das : You are rather brash, something not acceptable in civilised society. Please restrain your arrogance in communication.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Clear Cut Talks] : J. Sai Deepak ought to speak things straight and not so much in roundabout terms. That would make him more comprehensible to the commoner which is the need of the hour. Communication in simple and direct terms is necessary. Moreover, he should name the parties he speaks of rather than resorting to pronouns or indirect references. A certain boldness of diction is necessary rather than clever manipulation of words to send the message. The latter effort while safer for his professional life is certainly less effective in awakening public consciousness about the pertinent issues of the day that beset the Hindu's life and civilisational prospects. 

Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Inevitable as demographic change is rapidly happening. The Islamic ideology has to be ideologically defeated and politicians who help the proliferation of Islam in India brought to book. For this consistent and continuous campaigning must be undertaken to awaken Hindus en masse to the peril that stares them in the face. You are doing your job and so am I doing mine, and so must we through our activism and exemplary life led quicken others to do the same so that a critical mass of activism is reached whereby the looming civilisational threat may be faced head on and our body politic saved from the horrors of Islamisation. Godspeed to you in that direction and godspeed to myself! 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Not quite. Gandhi’s Khilafat Movement predated the formation of the Republic of Turkey whereupon Ataturk started his reform programmes as President of the new nation. But the essence of your message is quite correct in that Ataturk was progressive in his political programmes regarding Islam as opposed to Gandhi’s viciously regressive policies of Muslim appeasement. The former liberated Turkey from medieval Islamic shackles while the latter thrust chains of bondage on a freer nation which have permanently held it in captive bonds with a civilisational peril looming large in its horizon that ever draws nearer by the day. Ataturk was the liberator of Turkey from Islam whereas Gandhi was the broker of bondage to it. The two stand poles apart and it is strange that Gandhi is so often spoken of as the messiah of man while Ataturk remains a forgotten character although in such contemporary relevance really. Ataturk through his application of law and its due enforcement succeeded in harnessing the fanatical Islamic forces of the erstwhile Ottoman Empire then in full operation within Turkey while Gandhi through his debilitating non-violence and pretentious universal love succeeded in inadvertently bolstering the barbaric Islamic forces in India as experienced in the Moplah massacre of Hindus and in the pre and post Partition genocides of Hindus at the hands of Muslims. Ataturk is being undone by Erdogan in Turkey and Gandhi is being propped up by the Hindutva leaders hypocritically in India. Alas, it is the slow and steady victory of Islam either way much like the gravitational slide of a body down a slight slope till it acquires critical velocity to precipitate headlong into the abyss! 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Disciple : Be brave, bold, upright and firm, fearless to the marrow, intrepid warrior of the Spirit, a peerless person on phenomenal pilgrimage. Unfettered, free, abide in bliss, for bliss is thy nature that has broken bonds with Nature's fetters and forged links of divine love. This love purified, raised and deified is premā bhakti that leads to God-realisation. Arise, awake, and stop not ever, even after the goal is reached, for it is an endless journey should you wish it to be so. And should you wish it to stop, the wheel of karma will exhaust its fuel and then run on for a while to consume past momentum before it perennially comes to rest in its last refuge the stable, immobile self-conscious Brahman. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are simply too much. Wherefrom issues so much mirth in you that sets the audience alight unless of course men are by nature shorn of this simple sense of humour? Carry on, doctor, for the medication you administer is patently potent for the Antonios of the day with their longfaced pretences and affected superciliousness. But those that are intelligent will revel in the double-edged data that you deliver in your inimitable style replete with gutkā spicing of sarcasm and scorn. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shivananda Aum : For you to thoroughly go through, for a well-read person will not make such a presumptuous remark as you have made. For the past five decades Ramakrishna and Vivekananda have been my constant companions so much so that they have helped evolve me to the level where I can get beyond being a stupid apologist as you are who dares not address the questions raised, residing in far off, God knows where, perhaps Russia, and cannot even apprehend the civilisational danger faced by Hindus in the Indian subcontinent from the proselytising Abrahamic faiths, namely, Islam and Christianity. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Provided below is the online link of 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' for your thorough study, for evidently you have either not read them well enough or have failed to comprehend their massive import which includes Swamiji's warnings about the dangers faced by the Hindus in the coming days, a fate, alas, it seems the Ramakrishna Mission is oblivious of or is utterly apathetic to, despite their sad exodus from Pakistan in 1948 and utter humiliation in Bangladesh time and again where they are somehow surviving the Islamic threat. And yet they do not voice a word on behalf of the persecuted Hindus in terms leonine that would befit their being worthy successors of 'the Lion of the Vedanta', their fearless founder, that foremost among men, the intrepid Hindu, Vivekananda. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : These are affiliates to the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, hence their apologists beyond reasonable measure who cannot counter the points raised in the post but must sidetrack the issue by calling names etc. Such have ever been the faithful who have hastened the downfall of a spiritual movement by removing rational scrutiny of the observances and practices of a erstwhile spiritual order, their altered attitudes and amended stances to suit temporal conveniences that would be utterly abhorrent to their founding fathers. God bless such apologists galore who are the bane of every spiritual order en route to degeneration, decay and demise in pristine principled terms! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You should compile your comments and compose them in the form of a book. It will be a book of such rollicking humour that even the pages will laugh which though will need a tough bind to keep them from hilariously falling off the mother's arms. Indeed, your humour is beyond bounds literally.

Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit: Bodies come and bodies go. You were never born nor will you ever die. You are the eternal, the boundless being abiding in Self-consciousness, luminous, free. 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Clear Cut Talks] : J Sai Deepak must speak in simpler terms for him to be understood by one and all. He is too indirect and verbally sophisticated for essy understooinng. He fails in mass communication thus. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And we all are dharmabound to fight for it (the preservation of India whose survival is at stake in light of increasing Islamisation).

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Your erudition amazes me. Thanks a lot for bringing out these precious gems to the light of day. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Prasenjit Dass : Oh my God! This is an unbearable loss. Prasenjit, take care, brother, and live in her loving memory, making each day of your life now a song offering unto the divine departed. My heartfelt condolence at this hour of inconsolable grief. May her loving memory and living presence as yet impel you into the forging further of a perennial bond which no physical separation can sunder! 🕉 Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! Hari 🕉 Tat Sat!

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : What a supplement! Breathtaking! My goodness, wherefrom do you get such superb ideas that are then couched in such devastatingly robust language? Salutations! 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Prasenjit Dass : What a beautiful piece, befitting of heartfelt pulsations of a never-ending love!

Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : What do you think? Am I? Does my cover photograph and profile photograph look like I am that? Does my profile detail staring in the face make me appear to be so?

Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : No, not at all. The photograph is of this body of mine. So, you are being misled by your own misconception and your own inability to discern between shapes, contours, forms, lines and whatever else. And you are in effect falsely accusing me of falsification of identity when you say, "YES IT DOES MIS LESD THE PICTURE IS FOR SURE IS OF TMC MP sUGATAI BOSE!". This is abhorrent, most unwelcome from a gentleman that you otherwise are. 🕉

There's your former TMC MP. Now can you discern? Or, are you still confused? See the glaring difference between the two photographs and do not henceforth harbour such superficial, flawed notions about the photo-identity of others and in consequence unthinkingly pass on them ill-considered judgement. Alas, such carelessness has become the characteristic of the commoner! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya But 'Jayatu Swamiji Maharaj' comment while ignoring Swamiji's message which you posted? I was irked by that and wrote in response this rejoinder. And this is common 'devotion'. You call it devotion? Not I. This is low idolatry, not even exalted worship of the idol, the ideal et al. 🕉

P.S. Nobody is contesting the validity of idol-worship or the worship of God with form as a means to realising the Divine who does manifest in unnumbered forms as per the worship offered Him or Her by the devotee. The contentious point is about shallowness, this indolence, the sheer laxity of attitude, the refusal to read the content of a serious post as one from Swamiji's Complete Works while shallowly commenting on the appended photo in the typical manner, oft-repeated and by such repetition rendered sterile and stale. I have in consequence decided to write posts henceforth without adorning them with such photographs anymore to prevent such silly commenting. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Mahua Banerjee : You have to consider the import of the post yourself. Rammohan and Vivekananda were multifaceted geniuses operating both in the spiritual and social spheres in all their respective comprehensiveness. Has there been a third in this line of versatile sociospiritual greatness that is simply overwhelming in its scope and scale? Now you yourself start thinking and adequately answering without messing up response with insufficient rigour. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Bilwadal Tapadar : Vidyasagar belonged strictly to the social sphere and his activities did not include the spiritual. Hence he cannot be placed alongside Rammohun and Vivekananda. 

Sugata Bose @Bilwadal Tapadar : Posts carry their implicit meaning. Rammohan and Vivekananda both were religious reformers as well which Vidyasagar was not. Hence, your misapprehension of import of post is entirely your personal matter. Moreover, the post carries my own estimation of greatness even otherwise, and I do not consider Vidyasagar to be of the epic stature of Rammohun and Vivekananda, inestimable though his social, literary and educational contributions may have been which we are forever indebted to. Sri Ramakrishna famously said about Vidyasagar, "Vidyasagar lacked in introspective vision. Had he had it, his external activities would have diminished by far." Vidyasagar was not a spiritually illumined person which, if not Rammohun, Swami Vivekananda certainly was. Vidyasagar was a great reformer but his reforms were not founded in the Spirit of man. They were on the social plane. The trio thus cannot come together quite. Rammohan and Vivekananda simply stand peerless in the realm of great personalities, and of the two my unhesitant vote will be for Swamiji. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Sulekha Basu : Well punned as usual. A translingual treatment but a linguistic treat nonetheless. Emoji pun from my side as well, all in good humour.

Sugata Bose @Disciple : My blessings fall in the desert sand to be sucked up to sterility. Alas, minds never meet because of mundane stuff! So busy remain the children the world that they miss the very elixir of life.

Sugata Bose @Gargi Sengupta : না, কারোরই অত্যাচার করার অধিকার নেই কারোর ওপর | তবে এ ক্ষেত্রে স্ত্রীজাতির পুরুষ মানুষের ওপর গৃহমধ্যে অত্যাচারের কথা বলা হয়েছে | এবং বহু বহু ক্ষেত্রে তা ঘটে থাকে কিন্তু বিশেষ আলোচিত হয় না | তাই এ প্রসঙ্গের অবতারণা | পুরুষকর্তৃক নারী নির্যাতন তো বহুল আলোচিত, সমালোচিত, নিন্দিত, দণ্ডনীয় অপরাধ | কিন্তু গৃহে স্ত্রী দ্বারা দুর্ব্যবহারের দুঃসহ নির্যাতন সম্বন্ধে সমাজ মৌন | তাই প্রসঙ্গোত্থাপন |

P.S. 'Women, slaves to their own irritable, jealous tempers, are apt to blame their husbands, and assert their own "freedom", as they think, not knowing that thereby they only prove that they are slaves. So it is with husbands who eternally find fault with their wives.

Chastity is the first virtue in man or woman, and the man who, however he may have strayed away, cannot be brought to the right path by a gentle and loving and chaste wife is indeed very rare. The world is not yet as bad as that. We hear much about brutal husbands all over the world and about the impurity of men, but is it not true that there are quite as many brutal and impure women as men? If all women were as good and pure as their own constant assertions would lead one to believe, I am perfectly satisfied that there would not be one impure man in the world. What brutality is there which purity and chastity cannot conquer? A good, chaste wife, who thinks of every other man except her own husband as her child and has the attitude of a mother towards all men, will grow so great in the power of her purity that there cannot be a single man, however brutal, who will not breathe an atmosphere of holiness in her presence. Similarly, every husband must look upon all women, except his own wife, in the light of his own mother or daughter or sister. That man, again, who wants to be a teacher of religion must look upon every woman as his mother, and always behave towards her as such.'

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