Monday, 24 June 2024



1. Islamic apologists should demand democracy elsewhere only after they have made the entire Islamic world democratic.

2. Islam and Christianity having been overwhelmingly spread through the sword prove the hollowness of their theological principles.

3. ফুলের ফল হল সৌরভ |

4. It is strange that subcontinental Muslims who were mostly converted to Islam by force should so forget their Hindu roots.

5. 712 CE was the worst year in Indian history. That year India's fate was sealed. Or is it the other way round that is yet to unfold?

6. Wishful thinking cannot restore our civilisational purity. We have to work for it. Much toil and thought needed to clear the virus.

7. Islam is a political movement that aims to impose Sharia on the world. Europe is on the verge of falling to proliferating Islam.

8. It is not good enough to point out surface phenomena but we must diagnose the underlying deeper causes for their occurrence.

9. Apostasy in Islam is punishable by death. So, millions of apostates are maintaining silence, although they have quit the faith.

10. If you love civilisation, read the Qur'an. The defence of civilisation calls for it.

11. If doctrine is evil, deeds are evil. The pliable human brain is subject to indoctrination and in consequence diabolical deeds.

12. Europe is in peril. Islam is threatening to overrun it. A great civilisational crisis is looming large in the Continent.

13. Europe, cradle of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, is in imminent danger of losing its civilisation as Islam overruns it.

14. Islam sadly suffers from a supremacist attitude that is utterly not in keeping with a pluralistic society.

15. সব জিনিসের এত দাম, শুধু মানুষের দাম নেই |

16. রামকৃষ্ণভক্তদের সত্যানুরাগ দেখে মুগ্ধ হই | ঠাকুরের প্রতি এই আনুগত্যে সত্য স্বয়ং মুগ্ধ, আমি কোন ছাড় !

17. ভক্তের ভয়হীনতাও মুগ্ধ করে | সত্যিই আশার আলো পাই যখন দেখি এই অপূর্ব ক্ষাত্র অভ্যূত্থান !

18. স্বামীজীর সব বীর পুত্র কন্যা !

19. ঠাকুর বলেছিলেন, "যে গরু কাঁটা বেছে খায়, সে গরু ছিড়িক ছিড়িক দুধ দেয় |" তাহলে কি সত্য গ্রহণ ও স্বীকার ওই কাঁটা বেছে খাওয়া গরুর মত করব যাতে মনের ভাবের সাথে বেশ মিলিয়ে মিলিয়ে সত্য বাবাজীবনকে নিজের মানসিক আয়তনের মাপে tailor করে নেওয়া যায় ? নাকি কাঁটা সমেত সবটাই খাব যাতে সত্যরূপ দুধ গরু যেমন হুড় হুড় করে দেয়, সেই রকম সত্যদুগ্ধ আমরাও পান করব সকল সত্য তথ্যের উদ্ঘাটনের নিরিখে ? মুখে বলব ঠাকুর সত্যস্বরূপ আর কাজের বেলায় তাঁর কোন বাণী যদি তাঁর তথ্যজ্ঞানের অভাবে ভ্রান্ত বলে প্রমাণিত হয়, তাকে তবুও সত্য বলে চালানোর পূর্ণ প্রয়াস পাব, এ কেমন দ্বিচারিতা ?

20. ইয়োরোপ তো ইসলামের কবলে পড়ল বলে, ভারতের খবর কি ? শ্যামাপ্রসাদের সাধের বঙ্গ কি উম্মার অঙ্গ হতে চলল ?

21. ইসলামের ভ্রাতৃত্ববোধ বিশ্বভ্রাতৃত্ববোধ নয় | তা একান্তই সংকীর্ণ ইসলামপন্থীদের সাম্প্রদায়িক ভ্রাতৃত্ব যা কাফিরের নিধনকল্পে সংগঠিত |

22. Remember it is 'Muslim Brotherhood', not 'Universal Brotherhood'.

23. আজ লিখে যাচ্ছি | কাল পাঠ হবে | কালে কাজে আসবে |

24. It will be to our shame if it happens this way: What Bengal thinks today, India has thought yesterday! What a 'grand' reversal!

25. মনগড়া ইসলাম ছেড়ে সত্য ইসলামকে জেনে নিন না কুরান, হাদীস, সিরাহ্ পড়ে |

26. মুয়াম্মার গাদ্দাফি সঠিক ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করেছিলেন যে আম্মারাই উম্মা আনবে পশ্চিমে | ইয়োরোপ শেষ, এবার আমেরিকার পালা |

27. Islamophobia একটি চতুর আখ্যা ইসলামের সমালোচনা বন্ধ করার উদ্দেশ্যে নিয়োজিত | এটি একটি সুপরিকল্পিত অতি সফল রাজনৈতিক চাল |

28. হিন্দুরা পয়সা বানাতেই জীবন অতিবাহিত করুন | ওদিকে যে ঘরে আগুন লাগল, সেদিকে খেয়ালই নেই | বিনাশকালে বিপরীত বুদ্ধি !

29. Humanity's past karma is playing out with catastrophic consequences. Swamiji had peeped into the future of humanity and lamented, "The world will rise but oh, at what a cost, at what a cost, at what a cost!"


It's not too foul

To be an owl

So long you can thwart

Being a ghoul.

31. Where there is ambition, there is no love. Love is dispassion for the things of the world and passion for union with the beloved.

32. This world is a market place. Where will you find love here in this busy bazaar of transaction?

33. Islam is opposed to democracy as its supreme legislator and governor is Allah. Man-made laws are unacceptable in Islam.

34. Democracy has never faced a greater challenge than demography poses today. A totalitarian religiopolitical system threatens it.

35. When 'God' commands the destruction of infidels, civilisations are laid to ruins. Such has been India's fate at Islamic hands.


Hindu resistance to Abrahamic religions will come about only through the active practice of the Dharma. Courage comes from conviction, and conviction from concentration on one's Chosen Deity, the Ishta Dev/Devi. Sectarian divisiveness must cease and a broad unity forged which will have the Upanishads as its philosophical basis. 🕉, the universal Hindu symbol, Swamiji said, must unite Hindus of all sects and denominations.

37. India was wounded indeed by Islamic invasion. Naipaul was right. We are yet to recover. Will we?

38. পরিবারগুলো সংস্কৃতির অভাবে মুখ থুবড়ে পড়ছে | সমাজও তাই ভূতলে নিপতিত | দেশের ভবিষ্যৎ ভাল নয় |

39. A good sense of humour is not only a sign of intelligence but is also a sine qua non for good social behaviour.

40. Tidiness and order are as much a part of social discipline as of the sense of beauty. Our 'sundaram' principle enjoins us to observe it.

41. The internet is the nemesis of Islam like the printing press was for Christianity.

42. Hindu society, not religion, needs reform, that is, growth in the human direction where man is valued more. This itself is Dharma.

43. Liberal voices need to be honest about Islamic extremism without diluting matters by setting up the false moral equivalence of all religions. 

44. If you disallow criticism of the fundamental precepts of a faith, you engender fanaticism with all its illegitimate offspring.

45. This pseudo apolitical stance, a cowardly cover for inaction against evil, will kill us. Evil must be combated and conquered.

46. সমাজমাধ্যমের দাক্ষিণ্যে আজ সবাই সাংবাদিক |

47. জনসংখ্যার অভূতপূর্ব বৃদ্ধির সাথে সাথে বর্বর যুগে প্রত্যাবর্তন করছে জগত | তাই মৌলবাদের প্রভাব বেড়েই চলেছে | এর জন্য অবশ্য ধনতন্ত্র অনেকটাই দায়ী | বিজ্ঞান, বানিজ্য, স্বার্থ, রাজনীতি ও ধর্ম বড় ভয়ঙ্কর মিশ্রণ !

48. Why do they convert Hindus to Islam and Christianity? It is not ethical at all. It is plain religiocultural violence to do so.

49. As population increases, ignorance increases and fanatical faiths in proportion proliferate.

50. আজ সময় আছে, কাল থাকবে না | রুখে দাঁড়ান | দেশের, জগতের সভ্যতাকে রক্ষা করুন |

51. Passive piety will not do. Swamiji wanted aggressive propagation of the Sanatan Dharma. Do it. Fight off aggressors who wish us harm.

52. Fight the war on fanaticism ideologically and that requires knowledge of such scriptures that sanction it.

53. 'Islamophobia' was coined to ward off criticism of Islam. Now ward off this term totally and prevent its enactment into law.

54. Kings have gone and they have left behind unruly subjects who are yet to mature into responsible citizens.

55. Sycophancy and servitude as yet affect even the highly literate who grovel before descendants of great men. Servility knoweth no limit.

56. Where is the heart of Islam today? India.

57. History should be stated without cherrypicking isolated events to bolster your case. Else it reduces to hypocrisy. To try to fool the audience by clever narration of events may suit taqiyya but not truth.

58. Europe is fast Islamising with rapid demographic change in that direction. Will she be able to retain her cultural identity hence?

59. Looking at the quality of the average student these days one despairs about the future of the country. India is not progressing.

60. Is Anglo-American foreign policy driving Islamic terrorism or is it something intrinsic to Islam?

61. Barbaric medieval practices occurring in the 21st century in the name of fanatical faith cannot be condoned. Neither can capitalism at its brutal worst perpetrating war worldwide be forgiven. For humanity to prevail common resistance to overt and covert evil must be built up. 🕉

62. So long commoners rationalise on life, manipulators will convert them to crude faiths through rubbish reasoning.

63. If you can't understand God, can't see Him, can't even imagine Him, how do you know He exists? Simply scriptural assertion?

64. Islam is making a goodly number of westerners into Muslims by seemingly filling up the hollowness of their fractured social lives.

65. It is stupid to assume that those who are not Muslims are living in jahiliyyah. Such jahiliyyah is indeed wisdom.

66. Build in your children defence against conversion to Islam and Christianity. Give them knowledge. Remove their vulnerability.

67. A Muslim man cannot marry a Hindu woman without converting her nor a Muslim woman marry a Hindu man without converting him.

68. A strong Hindu political movement is necessary to safeguard Hindu interests. But it must not compromise itself with monetary gain.

69. Allah and Ishwar are not identical. The two are poles apart. Ramakrishna's and Gandhi's equivalence of the two were incorrect.

70. Can anyone formally practise Islam under a spiritual teacher without first converting to it?

71. The idea of God the world entertains is rather primitive and unevolved. It needs modernisation in the light of the Vedanta. 🕉

72. Islam does not recognise Hindu-Muslim marriage which is why Hindus are made to convert to Islam before such marriage.

73. Sitting in Hindu heartland Muslims and Christians keep converting Hindus and yet they clamour that they are being persecuted.

74. Hindus must place Dharma above money-making. Business houses must stop cheating the commoner through legitimate means.

75. A true leader is one who leads by example, not one who basks in others' glory and steals the limelight wherever possible.

76. If a leader loves flattery, his days are numbered.

77. Instead of showering undeserved adoration on our 'leaders' let us build in ourselves a semblance of character. 🕉

78. "Principle, not personality," said Swamiji. Let us therefore shed this slavishness to authority that has come to characterise us as a people.

79. Believers are hypnotised. Ritual repetition of doctrine since early childhood has brainwashed them. They are now helplessly trapped.

80. It is our duty to rationalise the world. That will be the spread of civilisation.

81. India is World Champion in population and spearing ahead. Poor China has been beaten to second place.

82. Curiously enough, monotheist Muslims are polygamous whereas 'polytheist' Hindus are monogamous.

83. Book-reading is better than online surfing. That is the one way of developing national intellectual wealth.

84. Our leaders are as we are, fools leading fools.

85. A great culture war is brewing in Europe between the native Euro-Christians and a multitude of immigrant Muslims.

86. Where medicine fails, meditation works. Where meditation fails, abuse (foul-mouthing) works. This truly is the ‘fair and lovely’ treatment for it is a lovely, fair and square rejoinder that one gives for repeated indiscriminate irritation caused unto one by another.

87. Thakur was supremely rich because he did not need riches.

88.  The world is steeped in superstition which goes by the name 'religion'. It is a curious mixture of knowledge and ignorance. 

All scripture is man-written, whether revealed or composed. And revelation is also an outflow of the nervous organisation, anything coming from outside of it through it implying the presence of self-consciousness there as well which in turn points to the omnipresence of sorts of the self, now dubbed the Self. Hence, the idea of the external God falls flat and the Vedanta is vindicated, proving the insufficiency of the Abrahamic God-concept with all its paraphernalia of Heaven and Hell. 

90. Language clarifies, conveys, communicates but language blurs as well. Ambiguity, as in scriptural poetry, often deliberate, creates confusion and a pretence of wisdom where wisdom there is not. Man and his reason, his sensory perception, may be limited but quite vast at that. He needn't hang on to intellectual interpretation of scripture to seek knowledge where ignorance originally abounded. Modern man is far more knowledgeable and rightly, reasonably, rationally so, although the bounds of reason and enlightenment thereof are also woefully short of the real truth about Life, Nature and Existence. Here the passages of scripture may be insufficient guide, gleams in the dark which need not be cast away outright, neither held on to dogmatically, but must be explored scientifically and intuitively to hunt for the deeper essence of things but always with more than a pinch of salt safeguarding the search. A superstitious cultural clinging to archaic pronouncement must not be the seeking-mode but a rational, sincere search for truth must be. That is the way of advancement. Inertia must not hold us back but conservation of past principles in an enlightened understanding of historical context and current connotation would be worthwhile from the perspective of civilisational advance.

91. Value love if ever you get it. Never lose it. Not all are so lucky to get it. Cherish it and grow it. Grow in it.


I am free 

But you are bound 

To me, to me, to me.


For love to be 

Love bound and free 

In love's merry tide.


I live to love.

So, I love to live.

What more could there be?


93. We've historically had in our tradition many spiritual figures greater than Christ. Christian conversion is thus needless for us.

94. The Islamic Dawah and the Christian 'saving of souls' are both aimed at converting us, Hindus. So, beware!

95. Would you support silver [1-5 lakh], gold [5-10 lakh], diamond [10-20 lakh] and platinum [>20 lakh] categorization and honouring of donor?

96. Ritual repetition of violent verses night and day through the year throughout the world can be deadlier than a detonating bomb. Dangerous doctrine can spell humanity its doom if politicised beyond critical limit.

97. To sell a spiritual mission to money is a perfidious proposition in these times of pernicious proselytising by inimical cults.

98. "Harm not but hiss to ward off enemies," said Sri Ramakrishna. Have we forgotten the message?

99. Reading is a must for citizens of this highly civilised country. But it is at a low ebb. Unless reading becomes more commonplace, we shall not rise as a nation.

100. They say he is a woke. But he sleeps. Or does 'he' or 'she'?

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