Tuesday 18 June 2024



Undivided India had and now the quadrifurcated subcontinent has the largest number of Muslims in the world which proves that she suffered historically the worst Islamic atrocity of conquest, plunder, destruction of temples and universities, genocide, rape, slave trade of Hindus in Arab markers and forced conversion. The crowning crime was Partition with all its subsequent horrors, persecution of Hindus, genocide, exile, forced conversion et al. Even yoday the 1300 plus years of hatred of the kaffir-mushrik Hindu with all its concomitant evils continues in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and within India, making cultural integration of the subcontinent, especially India, extremely difficult, even hazardous. National integration is still a far cry with so much of social tension ever building up with progressive demographic change. Sindh, the first Hindu principality to fall to Islamic conquest continues to suffer. What more shall I say but that despite the horrors of hundreds of years it is saddening to see superficial liberals talking nonsense about unity in diversity when it is the Hindu alone who believes in it while the Abrahamic adherents dream of converting the Hindus to their fold, a task to which they are committed and with hypocritical liberals helping, they are succeeding at it quite well? May Mother protect us by making men out of us so that we resist this proliferating evil!

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: RSS second Sarsanghachālak Madhav Sadashivrao Golwalkar

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