Saturday 29 June 2024



A country whose youth are sinking into progressive ignorance may put on the garb of Vishvaguru but has not in truth even qualified to be Vishvashishya. It is chaos all over with a spurting population, unemployed and unemployable, for mediocrity rules the roost in a scenario where from the topmost leadership to the bottommost tier ignorance abounds and pretence with it about the general state of affairs and an utter lack of character and competence in tackling things head on, far less overcome the seemingly insurmountable problems of life. The situation is grim and needs enlightened leadership whose effect will percolate to the lowest levels of society. But who will give it? Where is the man of character and competence who will spearhead this transformation? Meanwhile India sinks despite tallest pretensions about its rise coming from the tallest pretenders in the political sphere and from their ignorant mass following. Vande Mataram!

Written by Sugata Bose

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