Tuesday 25 June 2024



Apostasy in Islam is now quite a movement across the world. There are vast millions who are joining its ranks and millions more who have quit the faith but are keeping their counsel for fear of persecution as apostasy in Islam is punishable by death in a Sharia-ruled state and in general as well the Ummah deems it right to ostracise and persecute apostates by all possible means. But the movement is gathering momentum each passing day. 

In Iran the recent nationwide anti-Hijab protest almost became a revolution but was thwarted through brutal repression. Masah Amini's death still sounds in the desert-silence, sending a thrill through the nerves of revolutionary youths and a chill through the hearts of the ultra-conservative ruling dispensation. 

In North America 24% of the Muslim youth have confirmed rejection of their faith and the numbers are swelling. 

In Saudi Arabia the Crown Prince is being politically expedient in making concessions to the people in lifting repressive religiosocial bans on certain activities and allowing the people greater liberty in the public space. 

Western liberalism is influencing conservative Islamic societies through the internet and it seems this is an irreversible trend that will eventually loosen the stranglehold of Islam on its adherents. 

The ex-Muslims are playing a seminal role in this humanising process, in this rationalising of the social discourse of Muslims worldwide. 

Ironically, western political self-seeking is as yet a hindrance in this liberalising process as the Anglo-Americans continue to mischievously interfere in the governance of Muslim-majority countries as they have historically done, and in so doing often continue to thwart the chances of democracy and peace in these radically religious countries. American Arms Industry continues to thrive by selling ammunition for which the world has to be kept in a state of perpetual warfare. The Middle East is no exception to this influence and suffers a stifling fate, courtesy the bullying big brother from across the Atlantic. 

Through all this and much more---for there is so much that has been left unsaid---the apostates are swelling in number and continuing to undermine the hegemony of Islam over its submitted, nay, suppressed, subjects. Glory unto these young revolutionaries who to my mind are truly spiritual for they have cast fear to the winds to come out into the open and declare, "We are ex-Muslims!"

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday 24 June 2024



1. Islamic apologists should demand democracy elsewhere only after they have made the entire Islamic world democratic.

2. Islam and Christianity having been overwhelmingly spread through the sword prove the hollowness of their theological principles.

3. ফুলের ফল হল সৌরভ |

4. It is strange that subcontinental Muslims who were mostly converted to Islam by force should so forget their Hindu roots.

5. 712 CE was the worst year in Indian history. That year India's fate was sealed. Or is it the other way round that is yet to unfold?

6. Wishful thinking cannot restore our civilisational purity. We have to work for it. Much toil and thought needed to clear the virus.

























Thursday 20 June 2024



To be free is the goal of all life, from the atom to the cosmos. Life is this grand impulse towards liberation. But we are hopelessly bound to man and Nature and to God of our own imagination. Life's singular drive, though  remains this pursuit of freedom. All conflict, all resolution, all war and all peace are so many attempts to seek this freedom and so many failures to do so. A few succeed, have succeeded, and we venerate them as gods. But the quest to free oneself never stops. With every pulsation of life it goes on, with every breath is chanted the mantra, 'Freedom'. No wonder Swamiji said, "Freedom, freedom---this is the song of the Soul."

Written by Sugata Bose



Do not judge Swamiji by his 'Complete Works' or by his chronicled life. He was far greater than that. Not even a semblance of his real self has been captured in these recordings nor has any since he represented him well. He shines a solitary star in a realm unreachable where only Sri Ramakrishna had access to. His personality and consciousness were too lofty, his conception of reality, absolute and relative, unfathomably deep, and his ideas so subtle that they defied expression. His gaze into the future of humanity, to its evolutionary depths, so penetrative that, leave alone mere mortals, even extraordinary souls have been baffled in their bid to comprehend how Swamiji's mind worked. No wonder Sister Christine has placed Swamiji way above the greatest geniuses of the world in a plane all his own. He is simply nonpareil.

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday 18 June 2024



Undivided India had and now the quadrifurcated subcontinent has the largest number of Muslims in the world which proves that she suffered historically the worst Islamic atrocity of conquest, plunder, destruction of temples and universities, genocide, rape, slave trade of Hindus in Arab markers and forced conversion. The crowning crime was Partition with all its subsequent horrors, persecution of Hindus, genocide, exile, forced conversion et al. Even yoday the 1300 plus years of hatred of the kaffir-mushrik Hindu with all its concomitant evils continues in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and within India, making cultural integration of the subcontinent, especially India, extremely difficult, even hazardous. National integration is still a far cry with so much of social tension ever building up with progressive demographic change. Sindh, the first Hindu principality to fall to Islamic conquest continues to suffer. What more shall I say but that despite the horrors of hundreds of years it is saddening to see superficial liberals talking nonsense about unity in diversity when it is the Hindu alone who believes in it while the Abrahamic adherents dream of converting the Hindus to their fold, a task to which they are committed and with hypocritical liberals helping, they are succeeding at it quite well? May Mother protect us by making men out of us so that we resist this proliferating evil!

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: RSS second Sarsanghachālak Madhav Sadashivrao Golwalkar

Monday 17 June 2024



1. Cowards cannot be devotees. Most are. We have failed the fundamental principle of Thakur: 'লজ্জা, ধৃণা, ভয়---এ তিন থাকতে নয় |'

2. গাছ লাগাও, দেশ বাঁচাও |

3. We are a civilised race.The world is barely emerging from savagery. It is thus incumbent upon us to spread civilisation on a war footing, if that does not sound too savage after all. The world looks to India for hope. The West is destroying human hopes with its greed for gain, gold and power. Colonialism is gone but it has been replaced by neocolonialism. We must resist it with all our might and usher in a new Vedantic civilisation that is humane and practical, not merely pompously theoretical whose high-sounding principles are passively preached from the safe security of pulpits in affluent countries. Let India's spirituality---not superstition or fraud, I caution---go out into the world and bring home the message of humanity to human beings now lost to roguish ideology---religious, nationalistic, commercial or of any shade and colour. India is the future of the world for she alone has the harmonising healing touch in her sublime spiritual culture that can bring peace, prosperity and amity in our fractured world. As Swamiji said, "https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/epistles_first_series/004_alasinga.htm

A hundred thousand men and women, fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to lion's courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of salvation, the gospel of help, the gospel of social raising-up — the gospel of equality."

May this prophecy of Swamiji fulfil in real terms across the world!

4. Continuous work is necessary. The country has to be saved.

5. Free speech must not be curtailed.

6. Europe is gearing up to the challenges of changing demography. We in India are facing a like challenge as Hindu population relatively declines. The solution is to know the scriptures that cause social tension, conflict, chaos and undesirable revolutionary change.

7. Let's question the roots of intolerant religions instead of merely criticising the behaviour of their adherents.

8. The Christ of yogic vision is not the Christ of the Gospels. The latter is followed by the Church, the former by the RKM.

9. How can you love and fear God at the same time? Love must kill fear. If fear is there, love isn't.

10. The irrational principles of Abrahamic religions make for a strong case for atheism. Vedantism is then just a step away.

11. What do you do when doubt afflicts your soul, doubts about God and His commandments? Follow reason and reject faith if irrational.

12. Everywhere am I but every doctrine I do not subscribe to. Advaita Vedanta supports my affirmation as the Self within all.

13. A few individual decisions can alter the course of history and yet there is a subterranean historical flow governing things.

14. The freer the society, the more scientific it is.

15. চুরিচামারি করতে করতে দেশটার আজ এই হাল | জ্ঞানবিজ্ঞানের চর্চা নেই, যত সব মূর্খের রাজত্ব |

16. Do not frighten people with the deadly idea of burning eternally in Hell for the sin of disbelief in your God. This is stupid.

17. As people evolve to become more rational, they will reject faith-based religions and accept experience-based Vedanta.

18. Do Christianity and Islam both not condemn us, Hindus, to Hell?

19. Greedy people preaching religion without leading continent lives. Big business flourishes thus that sees never a recession.

20. Do not fear. It restricts you, stunts your growth. Declare your independence. Freedom of thinking and speech are paramount.

21. We in India are as yet far removed from genuine free speech. We are not quite mature enough to take criticism of ideas in the right spirit.

22. Barbarism is not spirituality. It needs much more evolution before it may be deemed so.

23. If you are offended by criticism of ideology, you have every right to be so. But you do not possess the right to resort to violence to give vent to your offence.

24. Freedom of speech must in truth be protected in India. Otherwise, rational discourse will never gain ground.

25. Women's liberation will come with enlightened women. But enlightenment is necessary.

26. Tyranny and torture cannot be deemed love.

27. We are Hindus. We bear and bear and bear till we become polar bear.

28. Who gives people the right to disturb our work by loudspeaker Azaan?

29. Simple formula: outpopulate the Hindus overtime and convert Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-Islam. The weapon of the womb!

30. There are so many Hindus working against Hindu interests. These are the internal enemies who will destroy us.

31. If you don't wake up now and act, there will no morrow for you. Forget not 712 CE Sindh nor 1922, 1946, 1947, 1971, 1991. Act now!

32. Do not fear. Face the brute.

33. Be strong. Be fearless. Be aware. But be without ill-feeling for any.

34. From amongst the Sanatanis will as yet arise warriors of the Ādyāshakti who will resurrect the ancient life of this holy land.

35. You can fool the whole world with misrepresentations of your holy book but you cannot fool those who have read it.

36. As yet the omniscient man has not been born nor in all likelihood will ever be. Even the greatest of men have their shortcomings.

37. If this is what God decrees, then Heaven is Hell and Hell is Hell and Earth is Hell as well.

38. Cover-up and deflection are the two tactics employed by Islamic apologists to hide intent, goal and method of Islamic ideology.

39. Break free of all fetters. Do not be under the domination of a God who holds your freedom to ransom simply because He wills it so.

40. Doctrine can destroy innocence and make monsters out of men.

41. Do not be seduced by divine doctrine that impels you to kill unbelievers. Such doctrine is best discarded as undivine.

42. Would China tolerate toxic Islamic propaganda that India does, that the West does?

43. Imān vs kufr --- this is the war.

44. How can you prevent anti-Semiticism, anti-polytheism, anti-atheism et al if these are scripturally mandated on believers?

45. Freedom consists not in being a hypocrite or an apologist but in living up to truth. Deception and pretension are to be shunned.

46. সবাই আমার লেখা পড়বে আর আমি কারোর লেখা পড়ব না---এই ভাবটা ভাল নয় |

47. Superficial thinkers are hardly thinkers. Pakistan was created when Muslims were 24% of the population of undivided India. Hence.

48. Pass your comment after due consideration of your own research into the depth of things.Jihād needs study of theology and history.

49. Spain recovered from Islamic conquest after 700 years. India did not, has not after 1300 years. And she is going down again.

50. Do not forget---Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan were all Bharatvarsha.

51. Hindu apology on behalf of Islam is despicable. This is cowardice, weakness and hypocrisy at its worst.

52. What we say must be what we mean.

53. Hindu gullibility has invited its enemies historically and continues to do so. Added to this is the modern Hindu Marxism.

54. The Jews said, "Never again," after the Holocaust. When will the Hindus say so after what they have endured for 1300 years?

55. Those who malign the RSS do not have the guts, though, to do so to a single radical Islamic organisation. Bravo bravery!

56. Yet again loudspeaker Azaan is disturbing me in my work.

57. বিপদের দিনে selfie তুলে লাভ নেই | বিপদ ঘনিয়ে আসছে | এখনও সময় আছে | সজাগ হও | নইলে নিশ্চিহ্ন হবে |

58. Nearly two billion Muslims are horrified by the prospect of burning in Hell should they fail to pass their earthly test. Sad!

59. Befriend God. Do not fear Him. He is all love and you are all love, and in love you meet. Then the river flows bothways.

60. Happily Hindus are respected everywhere in the world as creative contributing people and not deemed terrorists. We are proud 🕉.

61. The very fact that divine law cannot be altered makes it undivine, an archaic tribal hangover of the past unsuited to modernity.

62. What we need today is humanity about divisive religious ideology, science and spirituality above archaic tribal superstition.

63. Where is Heaven? Where is Hell?

64. Christopher Hitchens and now Douglas Murray.

65. I cannot quite accept Christian and Muslim conversion of Hindus. Conversion to me seems so violent, a destruction of identity.

66. All Muslims and Christians need to study Swami Vivekananda thoroughly to understand better what religion and spirituality truly are.

67. The Upanishads are the best scriptures for they do not divide the world into believers and non-believers but declare that all are divine. There is no selective love in the Upanishads but total acceptance of sentience as divinity incarnate.

68. প্রার্থনা অহংকারের প্রাচীর হতে প্রতিহত হয় |

69. স্বল্পাহার, বৃহদ্পাঠ---এ দুইয়ের সংযোগে সনাতন সভ্যতার সূর্যোদয় পুনর্বার হোক !

70. ঢাকা একদিন তত ঢাকা ছিল না | আজ অনেক বেশী ঢাকা |

71. Vanity hath no friend in Facebook. All online conversation and telephonic will be blocked if discourtesy and deceit be exhibited.

72. I was shocked to behold an abjectly cowardly devotee of Swamiji today prattling typical cowardly pseudoreligious stuff. Shameful!

73. শাস্ত্র উল্লেখ করে কাপুরুষতা ? তাও স্বামীজীর নামে ? অবাক করলে, বন্ধু ! ধিক্কার দিতেও লজ্জা বোধ করি |

74. Why humour someone with hollowness?

75. The West in trying to be politically correct has lost its power to speak directly 'offensive' truths about Islam.

76. Negative growth rate for Europeans and hyper-positive growth rate for immigrant and resident Muslims will overwhelm Europe soon. Alarming!

77. সত্যের ভিত্তিতে সম্প্রীতি সম্ভব | কিন্তু সত্য এই যে হিন্দু ইসলামের বিচারে ধর্মান্তরণ অথবা নিধনযোগ্য | তবে সম্প্রীতি কিরূপে সম্ভব?

78. Multiplying in numbers to overwhelm non-Muslim populations may suit Islamic intent but ushers in civilisational darkness.

79. A religion cannot be great if it's based on blind belief. Where is the rationale for such belief? Arbitrary assertion isn't truth.

80. The God of fury and fire could not have created the universe for He is so capricious, malicious and partial. Not much reason there.

81. We never threaten our children as much as the God of Heaven and Hell threatens us, non-believers. After all we are fuel for fire.

82. Childhood religious indoctrination, archaic, absolute and irrational, impairs the individual's evolution.

83. You can never understand Islam unless you read the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira. But I cry in the wilderness. None will listen.

84. The world is in a churn. Barbarism masquerading as religion has to be weeded out. It needs awareness and right action.

85. Christopher Hitchens was a great guy. Erudite beyond imagination, devastatingly witty and charming, he was simply nonpareil.

86. The West has won its freedom of speech after centuries of struggle against a tyrannical Church and must now not submit it to Islam.

87. অধর্মকে ধর্ম আখ্যা দিয়ে সম্মানপ্রদর্শন ঘোরতর অধর্ম |

88. অবতার অধর্মকে নাশ করতে আসেন | এবার তা পরিপূর্ণরূপে করলেন না কেন ? কেন ক্ষেত্রবিশেষে অধর্মকেও ধর্মের মর্যাদা দিলেন ?

89. Trained in Western universities, Islamic apologists are using refined logic to confuse westerners about their true intent.

90. একটা জীবন শুধু লোভের বশবর্তী হয়ে কাটাতে হবে ? এ কেমন জীবন তবে ?

91. শুধু অসন্তোষসহায়ে কোন্ বড় কাজ সম্ভব ? কোন্ সামান্য কাজই বা সম্ভব চীরক্ষুব্ধতায় ?

92. Little minds are fanatic. So are little religions, perverse political ideologies. Liberal is the large heart that encompasses all.

93. Indiscriminate killing of cows in the name of religious sacrifice must stop in India at least. This is a civilisational issue.

94. Barbarism cannot be allowed to proliferate in India in the name of religion. This is adharma.

95. A virus has long back entered our bloodstream and must be expelled from our system if fatality is not our civilisational aspiration.

96. Religions being different in content and intent, they ought not to be equated, neither the respective places of worship.

97. The conquest of Persia and its subsequent Islamisation, and now its second wave of Islamisation post 1979, has destroyed her hopes.

98. Anglo-American advocacy of democracy and human rights is a hoax. Historically they have undermined these wherever it has suited their geopolitical and economic interests to do so. Netaji and Rash Behari Bose were both right in identification of the imperialistic enemies.

99. If self-loathing is affecting the West, it is but karmic reaction after what the West has done to the world. History avenges.

100. The Jews are so brilliant. They have produced the greatest intellectuals of the world, the greatest thinkers and scientists. They are simply nonpareil. 

Saturday 15 June 2024

যখন ঘূণ ধরে সমাজে

যখন ঘূণ ধরে সমাজে


ধেই ধেই করে নাচলে দেশ তৈরি হবে না | এখন ক্ষাত্রবীর্য চাই | ত্যাগের নামে তপস্যা চাই, চাই পৌরুষপ্রদর্শন, মেয়েলি নৃত্য নয়, তাও অসংস্কৃত হেলানোদোলানো অতিস্থূলকায় শরীর | জাতির মেরুদণ্ড আজও তৈরি হল না | যদি সন্ন্যাসীরা সর্বোচ্চ গুরুর সহযোগে দেশের দুর্দিনে নেচে গেয়ে ভিডিও করেন ও মেয়েলি ভক্তকুল তা বহুল প্রচার করেন, তো পচা দেশের মরণকাল উপস্থিত হতে আর দেরি নেই | স্বামীজী ব্যর্থ তাঁর অনুগামীদের মধ্যে পৌরুষ জাগাতে | শুধু তাঁর অনুগামীরাই নয়, গোটা জাতির মধ্যে আজ এই মেয়েলি হাবভাব বেড়ে চলেছে যা ইন্দ্রিয়পরায়ণতারই নামান্তর | এটি বোধের বিষয়, চৈতন্যের সূক্ষ্ম আলোকে এর তাৎপর্য পরিষ্ফুট, নচেৎ নয় | 

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

"My mission is not Ramakrishna's nor Vedanta's nor anything but simply to bring MANHOOD to this people," said Swamiji to Nivedita.

"খোল-করতাল বাজিয়ে লম্ফঝম্প করে দেশটা উৎসন্নে গেল। একে তো এই dyspeptic (অজীর্ণ) রোগীর দল, তাতে আবার লাফালে ঝাঁপালে সইবে কেন? কামগন্ধহীন উচ্চ সাধনার অনুকরণ করতে গিয়ে দেশটা ঘোর তমসাচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়েছে। দেশে দেশে, গাঁয়ে গাঁয়ে যেখানে যাবি, দেখবি খোল-করতালই বাজছে! ঢাকঢোল দেশে তৈরি হয় না? তুরীভেরী কি ভারতে মেলে না ? ঐ-সব গুরুগম্ভীর আওয়াজ ছেলেদের শোনা। ছেলেবেলা থেকে মেয়েমানষি বাজনা শুনে শুনে, কীর্তন শুনে শুনে দেশটা যে মেয়েদের দেশ হয়ে গেল! এর চেয়ে আর কি অধঃপাতে যাবে ? কবিকল্পনাও এ ছবি আঁকতে হার মেনে যায়! ডমরু শিঙা বাজাতে হবে, ঢাকে ব্রহ্মরুদ্রতালের দুন্দুভিনাদ তুলতে হবে, 'মহাবীর, মহাবীর' ধ্বনিতে এবং 'হর হর ব্যোম্ ব্যোম্' শব্দে দিগ্দেশ কম্পিত করতে হবে। যে-সব music-এ (গীতবাদ্যে) মানুষের soft feelings (হৃদয়ের কোমল ভাবসমূহ) উদ্দীপিত করে, সে-সব কিছুদিনের জন্য এখন বন্ধ রাখতে হবে। খেয়াল-টপ্পা বন্ধ করে ধ্রুপদ গান শুনতে লোককে অভ্যাস করাতে হবে। বৈদিক ছন্দের মেঘমন্দ্রে দেশটার প্রাণসঞ্চার করতে হবে। সকল বিষয়ে বীরত্বের কঠোর মহাপ্রাণতা আনতে হবে। এইরূপ ideal follow (আদর্শ অনুসরণ) করলে তবে এখন জীবের কল্যাণ, দেশের কল্যাণ। তুই যদি একা এভাবে চরিত্র গঠন করতে পারিস, তা হলে তোর দেখাদেখি হাজার লোক ঐরূপ করতে শিখবে। কিন্তু দেখিস, ideal (আদর্শ) থেকে কখনও যেন এক পা-ও হটিসনি। কখনও সাহসহীন হবিনি। খেতে শুতে পরতে, গাইতে বাজাতে, ভোগে রোগে কেবলই সৎসাহসের পরিচয় দিবি। তবে তো মহাশক্তির কৃপা হবে।"

~ স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ

Friday 14 June 2024



'Mahatmaism'---nice new word coined. It could be the name of a future religion in Gandhiji's name. 

Sarcastic to a flagrant fault! Lovely exposure of a well-draped cover-up. Indeed, this was his singular successful Satyagraha full of malicious intent, mischievous manoeuvring and Mahatma-like machinations that led to India's eventual Partition, for in evicting Subhas Chandra Bose he had severed the Indian freedom struggle of its right arm of revolution. That Subhas Chandra Bose along with Rash Behari Bose yet achieved so much from alien soil that precipitated freedom is proof of the duo's revolutionary fervour and seemingly superhuman strength. But with the singular success of Gandhi at Tripuri he managed to maim the revolutionary movement at home largely which with British Machiavellian policy armed Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the teeth to carry out the carnage of Hindus that led to Partition post the patriarch's (Gandhi's) precipitation despite solemn vows and pious protestations to the contrary. The rest is history.

And history, indeed, with fabrications and hyper-emphasis on Gandhian non-violence as being the sole cause of freedom, a lie propagated to perfection to a people precipitated with poverty and ignorance that took in whatever was dished out to them. Now the hour of lies is up and history is avenging the injustice that has been heaped on it, albeit slowly but surely. The nation is awaking to the long-suppressed truth of armed revolution as being equally complementary to passive resistance as the cause of the country's freedom. The martyrs to the motherland are being resurrected one by one even as the mockery of calling the assassination day of Gandhiji 'Martyrs' Day' continues, for Gandhiji had been sadly felled by a fellow Indian and not by the alien oppressor, and, so, cannot be hailed as a martyr in strictest terms.

Anyhow, a lighthearted, heavy-themed presentation which has successfully highlighted Gandhiji's seminal singular contribution to the motherland independence. And kudos to you for presenting it in mock-Mahatma terms!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

বেশ কথা

বেশ কথা


আমাদের দেশে অধিকাংশই দরিদ্র | তাঁরা দুমুঠো অন্নের জন্য আজও হাড়ভাঙা পরিশ্রম করেন, তবু দিনগুজরান যথাযথ হয় না | তাঁদের বেশভূষা মলিন, ছিন্নপ্রায়, অনাড়ম্বর | দেশের নেতা এই দরিদ্র জনসমূহ হতেই উঠে এসেছেন | একদিন তিনি ট্রেনে চা বেচতেন | পরে বিবাহপশ্চাৎ গৃহত্যাগ করে বছর দুয়েক হিমালয়ে পরিভ্রমণ করেন আধ্যাত্মিক অভীপ্সায় | রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনে যোগদান করার প্রয়াসে ব্যর্থ হন ও রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বয়ংসেবক সংঘে যোগদান করেন | সেখানকার আদর্শ, নিয়মানুবর্তিতা ও জীবনধারণের সারল্য তথা কৃচ্ছে অভ্যস্ত হন | স্ত্রীসঙ্গবিবর্জিত সংঘপ্রচারক হন ও সংঘের নানা কাজে কয়েক দশক কাটিয়ে দেন | পরে গুজরাতের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ও পরিশেষে ভারতবর্ষের প্রধানমন্ত্রীরূপে নিজেকে চিহ্নিত করেন, জনমানসে মুদ্রিত হন ও দেশে বিদেশে খ্যাতি লাভ করেন | 

কৈশোর হতেই বেশভূষার প্রতি সৌখিন নরেন্দ্র দামোদরদাস মোদি | তখন অর্থানুকূল্য ছিল না, এখন হয়েছে | তখন প্রতিপত্তিহীন ব্যক্তিটি ধোয়া, ইস্তিরি করা, পরিষ্কার জামা কাপড় পরতেন আর আজ প্রবল প্রতিপত্তিশালী প্রধানমন্ত্রী নিজ অপূর্ণ বাসনা পূর্ণ করার অভিলাশে নিত্য নতুন নানা বর্ণের বিবিধ বেশে নিজেকে ভূষিত করে চলেছেন | এই গেল গত দশ বছরের হিসেব | 

এখন এই নিয়ে সমালোচনা হচ্ছে মোদিজীর যে তিনি কেমন করে এরকম বেশভূষার বৈভব পছন্দ করেন যেখানে কোটি কোটি দেশবাসীর গায়ে দেবার কাপড় পর্যন্ত পর্যাপ্ত নেই | ইংরেজি প্রবাদবাক্য শুনেছি আজন্ম : Simple living, high thinking. স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ, যিনি কিনা নরেন্দ্র মোদির আদর্শপুরুষ, তিনিও বলেছিলেন যে তিনি dandy, অর্থাৎ, অতিশয় শরীরী বেশবিন্যাসে যত্নবান, পছন্দ করতেন না | স্বামীজী স্বাদেশিকতার চূড়ান্ত আজ্ঞায় বলেছিলেন, "তুমিও কটিমাত্র বস্ত্রাবৃত হইয়া সদর্পে ডাকিয়া বল ... |" গান্ধীজী সেই বেশভূষার জ্বলন্ত প্রতীক | অবশ্য, অবস্থা বদলেছে, পরিস্থিতি স্বতন্ত্র এখন, পদ ভিন্ন, তাই সেই বেশই যে পরতে হবে এমন নয় | কিন্তু দেশের সাধারণ মানুষ যা পরেন না, ক্রয় করতে সমর্থ নন, সেই মহার্ঘ্য বস্ত্র পরা কতটা সমীচীন তা বিবেকবান মানুষমাত্রেই উপলব্ধি করবেন | এ নিয়ে তর্ক চলে না | এ রুচির ব্যাপার, হৃদয়বত্তার বিষয়, সহানুভূতির বস্তু |

প্রশ্ন উঠতে পারে, নেহরু, ইন্দিরা গান্ধী, রাজীব গান্ধী প্রমুখও তো সুবেশিত, সুবিন্যস্ত থাকতেন | তাহলে মোদির বেশভূষায় আপত্তি কোথায় ? আর বেশভূষাই দেখছেন, কাজ দেখছেন না ? কিন্তু RSSএর প্রাক্তন প্রচারকের এই পরিবর্তন ? এটাই বোধ হয় অনেকের বিসদৃশ লাগছে | তবে রজোগুণী প্রধানমন্ত্রীর বেশভূষা রজোগুণীরই মত হবে, এতে আর আশ্চর্য কি ? এখন তো আর তিনি পরিব্রাজক হিমালয়যাত্রী নন যে দরিদ্রের বেশ পরবেন | এখন তিনি বিকাশের বার্তাবহ, বিকাশের অধিকর্তা, বিকশিত ভারতের প্রতিভূ | তাই বিকশিত বেশবাস |

মোদিজীর কাজ কি কোনভাবে ব্যাহত হয়েছে এযাবৎ তাঁর বেশভূষার পারিপাট্ট, এমনকি বিলাসের দ্বারাও ? নাকি তা বিন্দুমাত্র হয়নি | অবশ্য, বুঝব কি করে আমরা ? কিভাবে মাপব কাজের সময় কতটা দিলেন, মনের শক্তি কতটা ব্যয় করলেন শারীরীক পারিপাট্ট বজায় রাখতে | রাজা তো রাজবেশই ধারণ করেন | তাতে তো কোনও কথা ওঠে না তাঁর কর্মে অবহেলাবিষয়ক | সামরিক বাহিনীতেও তো পোশাক পরিচ্ছদ সব টিপটপ | তাতে তো কর্মেও পরিচ্ছন্নতা আসে ও কর্ম আরও সুচারুরূপে সম্পাদিত হয় | হয়ত ওই রকমই মোদিজীরও বেলায় প্রযোজ্য | তাঁর হয়ত সুন্দর বেশভূষায় পরিহিত হলে কর্মক্ষমতা বাড়ে | এটা হয়ত তাঁর comfort zone. ঠাকুরের ভাষায়, "যার যা পেটে সয় |" তাহলে আমাদের সইছে না কেন ? এর কারণ কি এই যে আমাদেরও সুপ্ত বাসনা মোদির মত পরিধান পরি ? কিন্তু অর্থে কুলোয় না, তাই রাগ |

বিভিন্ন মানুষের বিভিন্ন রুচি | বস্ত্রাবরণও সেই রুচির অন্তর্গত | মোদিজীর ভাল লাগে সাজগোজ করতে | অনেকেরই হয়ত তা ততটা ভাল লাগে না | তাঁদের হয়ত ভাব এই যে দরিদ্র দেশের দরিদ্র জনসাধারণের প্রধান প্রতিভূ তাঁর দেশবাসীর প্রতি সহমর্মিতায় তাঁদেরই মত সাধারণভাবে আহারবিহার করবেন | এটা সংগত চিন্তা বটেই কিন্তু এমনটা মোদিজীর ক্ষেত্রে হয়নি | সেইখানেই তাঁদের ক্ষোভ | তা আর কি করা যাবে ? মোদিজীর জনপ্রিয়তা এই হেতু হয়ত অল্পবিস্তর কমবে | তা নিয়ে কি তিনি ভাবিত ? মনে হয় না | অতএব, ওই কথাই বজায় রইল --- "যার যেমন ভাব, তার তেমন লাভ |" এখন লাভক্ষতির হিসেব বসে বসে করুন আপনারা কারণ মোদির তো মন বেশ মজেছে বেশে | এর শেষ কোথায় ? বিচার আপনাদের |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

আলোকচিত্র : সৌজন্যে The Sunday Guardian

Monday 10 June 2024



Some of the scriptures of the world are archaic absolutist imposition on modern man. Their monstrous medieval deeds are done and yet they carry on unabated with their inertial evil. How can you have religious harmony and social cohesion when such divine divisiveness continues unabated in a world as yet vitiated by low self-interest, forest forces and primeval dark, when even the God masses of men worship across the world fumes and frets over unbelief, casting infidels into horrific hellfire and believers into pleasurable paradise, when by His commandment children are groomed to becoming martyrs by killing infidels, being dangled the 'pie in the sky when you die'? Impossible. Puerile propositions by grown-up babies of no consequence. 

Swami Vivekananda in his 1900 San Francisco lecture, 'IS VEDANTA THE FUTURE RELIGION' succinctly said it, "A prophet arises, promises all kinds of rewards to those who will follow him and eternal doom to those who will not. Thus he makes his ideas spread. All existent religions that are spreading are tremendously fanatic. The more a sect hates other sects, the greater is its success and the more people it draws into its fold. My conclusion, after travelling over a good part of the world and living with many races, and in view of the conditions prevailing in the world, is that the present state of things is going to continue, in spite of much talk of universal brotherhood." 

Hence, you see, so long as a very large section of humanity is held captive to a divisive, malevolent God, and so long as greed, vice and self-interest vitiate human dealings even otherwise, it is but routine childish prattle, this call to unite and harmonise humanity overriding religious differences without addressing these key scriptural issues with clear understanding, bold articulation and firm execution, a trinity of endeavour which, I dare say, puerile preachers of liberalism are as yet far off from, given their shallowness, self-seeking and utter absence of courage of conviction that would compel them to give up their personal safety-first attitude.

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday 9 June 2024



The payment of workers is rather poor in India relative to the developed countries of the world. This must change if we wish to emerge as a developed nation. Mere sloganeering will not do as the recent Parliamentary electoon mandate has amply indicated.

Religious institutions are very exploitative in their payment of those providing them service. This is hardly religious and must change. If we wish to make the nation strong, we must pay our people well for labour lent and service rendered. Exploitation of people in the name of high morality that expects free service from people or service provided at an abysmally low remuneration must be deemed most unspiritual. Unfortunately, such economic exploitation is rampant in our society. 

Business houses that mint billions are however most careful in dispensing with the proverbial dollar and are shamelessly stingy in the way they pay their labourers and service personnel. All these must go and wages and salaries paid to make decent living possible. Right now human beings in large numbers live lives of abject poverty that in any developed country would have triggered unrest. Let us no more pretend spirituality but let us activate in in real terms in every phase of national life.

Written by Sugata Bose

Wednesday 5 June 2024



When the NDA was originally forged, it was on the basis of cooperative understanding and sympathy and the collective need to resist the Congress-led coalition by way of ideological necessity as also practical need. In a Parliamentary democracy coalition governments are the norm and if BJP could on its own win the absolute majority in two successive Lok Sabha Elections, it was out of the ordinary run of things. That the BJP has emerged with a massive mandate in its favour a third time despite not managing absolute majority on its own takes nothing away from its performance as it was sharing seats with its allies and not contesting all of the 543 Parliamentary seats itself. As such it is but natural that it should as a coalition only form the government. So, what is so wrong about it or shameful as the Opposition is making it out to be?

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday 4 June 2024



1. Arrogance still on despite reversal.

2. Politicians speak a lot, mean little.

3. To develop India democracy is needed, not dictatorship, not megalomania, not sloganeering, not talking before delivery.

4. Modi repeats a Nehru 62 years on. Strongman of Indian politics largely weakened though.

5. Manifestation to be effective must be optimal.

6. More is not always more. More is often less.


অপরাহ্ন প্রণাম | কৃতজ্ঞচিত্তে শ্রদ্ধাবনতশিরে স্মরণ শ্রীযুক্ত গোপালচন্দ্র মুখোপাধ্যায়কে (গোপাল পাঁঠা) |

8. For the Hindu Heaven has collapsed and Hell has risen and the twain have mingled to be one with the Earth.

9. A virus must be eliminated at source. Else, it takes over the world in due course. Then it is virus-rāj, vice and venom all over.

10. The virus takes control of the polity and vitiates everything.

11. Diluting doctrine in translation into European languages is a device for deception of the West as to the real theological intent.

12. Islam has nothing against the West as such. It has everything against everything that it perceives as unIslamic.

13. Demography is permanently altering the political landscape of West Bengal like it has done in other Muslim-dominated regions.

14. Politicians who woo the Muslims for electoral advantage are destroying the Sanatan civilisation. Hindus, unite! Consolidate votes.

15. Jihad is an essential, integral and indispensable feature of Islam. Every Muslim is mandated by the Divine to perform jihad.

16. খাওয়া দাওয়ার খাওয়া ভাল, দাওয়া ভাল নয় | ওটা ইসলামে নাম লেখানোর ডাক | হিন্দু, সাবধান !

17. Infiltration is not merely through porous borders. Infiltration is as much institutional where representatives are sent to influence opinion and affect policy decisions till the tipping point has been reached when the system itself may be overhauled. That is the Islamic agenda of jihad in the modern democratic world. 

18. Indian civilisation means Sanatan Dharmic civilisation.

19. Act now lest it be too late. Hindu girls, marry early and look forward to having more children.

20. Hindu population declining, Muslim population rising, demography radically shifting, cause for alarm.

21. Hindu children should be taught to be brave from childhood with martial training of sorts gradually imparted to them.

22. We are still overwhelmingly a Hindu-majority country because our forefathers were prolific in procreation. Else, we would have been wiped out by now.

23. যখন মরে যাব, তখন বুঝবে | আজ বোঝার সময় আসে নি |

24. বিষ ঢালে মানুষ | বিষ পান করেন শিব | অথচ, যারা বিষ ঢালে তারা শিবেরই ভক্ত | বাহবা খেলা মহামায়ার, অত্যাচারের লীলা !

25. Modi did not call the Muslims infiltrators but asked if the hard-eaned money of citizens was to be given to infiltrators. World media distorting discourse and maliciously so.

26. You can never rest on your laurels. The world is ever in a flux. The least bit of ego can destroy hopes and there was a lot of it.


সঙ্কটকালে যিনি কাছে থাকেন, তিনি ভগবান |

28. We have to learn to be less loud in social conversation, in interviewing people and in background narration in documentary films.

29. Marxism is cruel and murderous cruelty cannot be justified as political necessity for the progress of mankind.

30. It is the life that speaks, not words, which is why simple people suffering hardship are convincing while pompous preachers are not.

31. Hatred is not spirituality. Love is.

32. মানুষের মধ্যে সহিষ্ণুতা কমে যাচ্ছে দিনে দিনে | ঘরে ঘরে ঘোর কলহ নিত্যদিন লেগেই আছে | একেই বলে সংস্কৃতির অধঃপতন |

33. সাদা কাপড়ে কালো বিন্দুটি ঠিক দেখা চাই | নইলে যে ভালবাসাটা ঠিক মত দেখানোই যায় না | এই তো নিত্যদিনের অভিজ্ঞতা | একেই বলে প্রেম ?

34. এই না হলে প্রেম ?


সাদা কাপড়ে ঠিক কালো বিন্দুটি খোঁজা চাই, দেখা চাই, দেখানো চাই | নইলে যে ভালবাসাটা ঠিক মত দেখানোই যায় না | কি করি ? আমি তো বাপু কত্তার ভুল না শুধরিয়ে পারি না | ওঁকে যদি আমি না বলি, তো ও দাঁড়ায় কোথা ?

35. By converting Hindu girls to Islam they reduce the number of Hindu wombs and increase that of Muslims. Thus the demographic change is effected.

36. To thrust upon the world Islam as the only true religion and preaching that other religions are in error is presumptuous and false.

37. Love jihad is a reality. The term is new but the practice is as old as Islam. Conquest, capture of women, their conversion to Islam and marriage to Muslim men are integral to the practice of jihad. The clandestine character of love jihad is new, though, in altered modern conditions where direct assault is often not feasible.

38. Conversion, forced or willing, is nefarious, and its widespread prevalence in a religion proof of the latter's toxicity.

39. Religious conversion is a violence perpetrated by political man in the name of God to lend divine sanction to his evil deeds.

40. যে ভগবান মানুষের মধ্যে ধর্মী-বিধর্মীর বিভেদ সৃষ্টি করেন, তিনি কি আদপে ভগবান?

41. We are a Hindu nation and we must remain so.

42. 1) I am separate from the one who holds me separate. 2) I am one with the one who holds me separate. Which of these would you opt for?

43. যে দেশে দুর্নীতি বেশি, সে দেশে অবিদ্যারূপ মানুষের আধিক্য, অর্থাৎ, ধার্মিক জনের অভাব |

44. ভয়ানক দুর্নীতি বাংলায় !


So many of my friends have wished me on my birthday and thereafter that I feel so full of their warmth and love. My greetings to all of them. Due to difficulty in scrolling down the timeline I have not been able to acknowledge each and every one of your birthday felicitations but am deeply grateful to all of you nonetheless, and sincerely so. May all of you stay in peace and prosperity and in abounding health and happiness is my earnest prayer to Mother!

46. Many Hindus voted against Modi for not doing enough for the Hindus who have been denied justice for 7 decades on multiple fronts.

47. Ex-Muslims are the bravest and sincerest souls speaking the truth about Islam unlike hypocrites and crooks speaking falsity about it.

48. Europe is being run over by Islam. Dark days ahead. Declining native fertility, high Muslim fertility and ceaseless immigration creating dangerous demographic imbalance.

49. It is pointless speaking of 'unity in diversity' so long as you do not address the exclusive ideologies of Islam, Christianity and Communism.

50. We must be conscious nationalists. Our civilisation has been under Abrahamic threat since 1300 years and continuing.

51. First understand Islam. Read the Qur'an. Then talk of 'unity in diversity' and all such superficial stuff.

52. লাল গেল, সবুজ এল | গেরুয়া কবে ?

53. বিশ্বজনীনতা করতে গিয়ে হিন্দু শেষ | বলি, আগে নিজের ঘর সামলাও, পরে জগত উদ্ধার কোরো |

54. Fortunately there are so many unbelievers in prophetic religions which is why science has progressed so much.

55. Physics has progressed over the corpse of coarse belief. Science has triumphed over religious superstition.


Read to understand Islam. Then speak about (a) harmony of religions (b) all religions lead to God (c) unity in diversity (d) secularism (e) liberalism (f) Hindutva as a fascist ideology et al. But, brother, first read this holy book and become wise. Won't you in all sincerity so that you are dispelled of your current delusions?


একটু পড়ে নেওয়া যাক তাহলে ইসলাম সম্বন্ধে | তারপর না হয় লম্বা লম্বা 'বক্তিমা' দেওয়া যাবে, যথা (১) সর্বধর্মসমন্বয় (২) সব ধর্ম দিয়েই ঈশ্বরলাভ করা যায় (৩) সর্বধর্মসহিষ্ণুতা (৪) রাষ্ট্রীয় পন্থানিরপেক্ষতা (৫) বহুত্বের মধ্যে একতা (৬) মানবতাবাদ ও সামাজিক সৌভ্রাত্র (৭) হিন্দুত্ব হল একটি ফ্যাশিবাদি মতাদর্শ ইত্যাদি |

58. ঠাকুরের কাঞ্চন ত্যাগের বাণী না শুনলে হিন্দু শেষ হয়ে যাবে | এভাবে অর্থের দাসত্ব করলে ধর্মরক্ষা অসম্ভব |

59. America has introduced AI (Artificial Intelligence) of late but India introduced BI (Brāhmic Intelligence) ages ago.

60. Break the 'break-India forces'. No tolerance ought to be there for them. National sovereignty comes first and foremost.

61. ঘরে ঘরে চিত্র দেখে দেশের সম্বন্ধে খুব একটা আশাবাদী নই | অবশ্য আমার অভিজ্ঞতা সীমিত ও যুব সম্প্রদায় ভিন্নমার্গী | সেইখানে আশা |

62. ভগবানের কৃপায় বেঁচে আছি, অথচ বিনয়টুকু নেই | কেবল হাম্বা হাম্বা |

63. Pakistan's priority is jihad against Hindu India, not peace with secular India.

64. Never tolerate the intolerant. Resistance of evil is righteousness.

65. Love is the panacea for all evils. But who will love in a world vitiated by hate? Ramakrishna-Vivekananda is the way.

66. But love to be effective in combating evil must be strong, and not weak sentimentality, sensuous and self-seeking.

67. Let my near and dear ones read Vivekananda. Let my far-off friends study him as well. Let the world come together in Vivekananda.

68. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda can unite India. It is the government's utmost duty to propagate their message unto the masses.

69. As a Hindu I am a universalist but with an uncompromising stance on certain essential features that define fanatical faiths.

70. If the flood of Ramakrishna waters can cool the world, then be it so.

71. Dishonest liberalism will not work. A head-on facing the brute can drive away evil to its dark dungeons where let it rot.

72. Conflicting ideologies can never be harmonised but must accept their limitations on the broader universal basis of the Vedanta.

73. The 'fast unto death' insistence of Gandhiji to pay Pakistan the agreed Rs 55 crore when the latter had invaded Kashmir was ruinous.

74. Whether a Hindutva party comes to power or goes out of it, demographic change steadily undermines Hindu's future security.

75. Watering down Islamic aggression that has cost 80 million Hindu lives over 1300 years does not alter the hard facts of history.

76. Bleeding animals to death can hardly be deemed a virtuous act, much less a spiritual one.

77. If the mass suffering of animals does not move the human heart but inspires men to wanton killing, how can peace be on earth?

78. Ex-Muslims are brave warriors of the Spirit. The service they are rendering by revealing real Islam is revolutionary.

79. Western free speech must be protected. That is critical to modern western civilisation and must not be compromised in any way.

80. Brainwashing in the name of divine decree is detrimental to human development.

81. Liberals who talk about Islam know nothing about Islam. They should first study Islam and then pompously preach pretentious stuff.

82. Freedom to criticise ideas is critical to critical thinking and must be protected as in the West. No blasphemy law must be allowed to thwart it.

83. A vile doctrine fed in from infancy leads to proliferating vice in society. Chasten your souls with the message of the Vedanta.

84. Give an inch to the enemy and he takes a foot from you. Be not a lamb led to slaughter of its own volition. Resist evil.

85. A knowledgeable person will admit the truth about intolerant religions and will not be a foolish liberal imagining goodness in them.

86. Gandhiji was one of the freedom fighters of India.

87. Gandhiji was one of the freedom fighters of India. What a grave injustice it has been that he has not yet been awarded the Bharat Ratna!

88. "If India has to rise, it will have to rally round his name."--Swamiji

P.S. 'His' here means Sri Ramakrishna's.

We are yet to do it. India has as yet to wholly rally round Sri Ramakrishna's name. No wonder we have not yet risen to the promised heights as a nation.

89. Ex-Muslims speak the truth about Islam, not the apologists. The latter do deception.

90. The madrassa network is global. More or less all ex-Muslims across the world testify to having attended them. Schooling?

91. Ex-Muslims are a vibrant lot and at the forefront of the counter-revolution sweeping across the Islamic world.

92. To stand up against tyranny is spiritual, not preaching pious principles passively from the pulpit.

93. There is a tsunami of ex-Muslims in North America. Approximately 24.5% of North American Muslim youth have apostasised.

94. There is a tsunami of ex-Muslims in North America. Approximately 24% (Pew Research 2017 survey) of North American Muslim youth have apostasised.

95. Fear not Hell. Your reason will liberate you and raise you higher than the highest Heaven. Be fearless, brave one!

96. No man must dare dictate terms to woman. She is omnipotent, the mother of God. Which divine doctrine shall bind her?

97. A stranger lends you love, then goes his way leaving you with lingering memories. Such are the dewdrops that freshen you with life and hope.

98. It is difficult to believe in a God who burns you in Hell if you doubt His existence or happen to be a polytheist.

99. Being unfettered by dogma is so liberating.

100. Billions of people fearing hellfire even in this modern world? Are we civilised? When will we cast away these arrant superstitions?

Sunday 2 June 2024



Our single focus wuthout deflection in any direction on any pretext ought to be the defence of the Hindus. Our civilisation is under imminent threat of destruction at the hands of Islam. Evangelical Christianity is making matters worse at that with its pernicious proselytism.

Hindu numbers are fast declining relative to growing Muslim population in India such that in several decades Hindus will be in all likelihood a minority in some provinces like West Bengal, Kerala and Assam. Then several Kashmirs will be there in India. Even a sizeable minority Muslim population will cause enormous problems for the existence of the Hindus which is already evident in places like Murshidabad, Malda and Sandeshkhali in West Bengal and in Mallapuram in Kerala. This demographic change from a Christian majority population to a Muslim majority one has destroyed Lebanon where Christians have had to flee the country post the demographic transition. A similar occurrence took place in 1990 in Kashmir where 500,000 Hindus were overnight driven out by fanatical Muslims with a murderous mob chanting 'raliv, galiv ya chaliv' ('convert, leave or die'). This tragic episode, the seventh exodus of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits from the Valley has been typically downplayed by the Muslims there and by politicians everywhere as a political issue triggered by Pakistan and as such not as much a religious one as right-wing Hindus make it out to be. But nothing can be further from the truth. The 1990 Kashmiri Pandit exodus was the latest mass manifestation in India of traditional Islamic intent in consonance with Islamic theology and history. This is what awaits other regions within India where Muslim population is rapidly on the rise and Hindu population falling. 

Written by Sugata Bose

কে কোথায় সংখ্যাগুরু? কে কোথায় সংখ্যালঘু ?

কে কোথায় সংখ্যাগুরু? কে কোথায় সংখ্যালঘু ?


মুর্শিদাবাদে কিন্তু মুসলমান সংখ্যাগুরু, সংখ্যালঘু নয় | ওখানে হিন্দু সংখ্যালঘু | বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে সংখ্যালঘু, সংখ্যাগুরু ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ধর্মাবলম্বী | গোটা দেশের সামগ্রিক চিত্র ধরে আঞ্চলিক পরিসংখ্যানগত আখ্যা দেওয়া ঠিক নয় | কাশ্মীরে হিন্দুরা ভয়ঙ্করভাবে সংখ্যালঘু হওয়া সত্ত্বেও কোন রকম সুযোগ সুবিধা পাননি | তার ফল আমরা দেখেছি, দেখছি | এটি সাংবিধানিক অবিচার বলে বোধ করি | এর সাংবিধানিক প্রতিকার প্রয়োজন |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)



If you have to preach the Vedanta, preach it dauntlessly like a man. Mere erudition is not enough but a boldness of expression,

fearlessness in visiting hell itself on earth with the gospel of the Advaita and forthrightness in articulation bereft of all sweet compromise. Give up all association with money and organisational trappings and like a formless power enliven the masses. It is not easy to become Vivekananda's protégé and few have been found thus far. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose