Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Oppression of woman in Islamic societies has retarded the growth of such societies. Woman gives birth to man. Let no man cover a woman up nor tell her what to do. Freed of her fetters she is more capable than man for she is the mother of man. Which is why the motherhood of God is celebrated in the Sanatan Dharma. Unfortunately, even among Sanatanis patriarchal high-handedness is rampant but it is much less today than in Islamic societies which literally observe scripturally sanctions to the letter so often. "Where women are worshipped, there the gods rejoice," says Manu. This has been forgotten by Sanatanis. But modernity has ushered women's liberation in the West and that is spreading all over the world. But Islamic societies continue to lag behind with oppression of women maximum wherever the Sharia rules. In Iran the hijab ruling is so draconian that women there are in open revolt which is being ruthlessly repressed. Scriptural sanction of beating wives when perceived to be on the verge of disobedience has compounded matters worse. Women are of intelligence half as much as men, need male escort for travel, are contractually wedded, divorced at will by their husbands, have to undergo halālā before remarriage to the same divorced husband, have inferior inheritance rights, are endowed a paltry sum by way of alimony and for merely a three month period

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