The situation in Bangladesh is worsening by the day. Hindus are suffering horrendous atrocities. Chinmoy Krishna Das lies languishing in jail. And yet will you say that 'all religions are valid paths to God'¹ when patently some are persecuting proselytising cults bent upon the destruction of the Hindus and with it Hinduism? Come on, 'shake off this sterile curse'² and stand in the sunshine of light and truth. Be sincere. Appeasement of intolerant cults gives them more leeway to conduct their corrosive agenda. Tolerance of intolerance ought to be intolerable. 'Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal us reached.'³ This was Vivekananda's clarion call to the sleeping Hindus. And the call rings still in the air. Hearken! Respond to it and rise in defence of the Dharma.
Written by Sugata Bose
1. The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda dictum.
2. 'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare.
3. Swami Vivekananda's free translation of the Kathopanishad verse.
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