1. Superstition must be shunned before spirituality dawns.
2. Creative people always maintain independence of thought. Else, personality wanes, creativity suffers.
3. So, where do we stand today regarding Netaji's disappearance? What is the inferential stand of genuine disinterested researchers?
4. We need a certain streamlining of the Sanatan Dharma along the line of fusion of the ancient Vedanta and modern science. Once that is done, future generations will be spared the roguery of charlatans and will be empowered to judiciously follow thd pristine principles of the Dharma. That for sure will strengthen the citadels of our civilisation and culture and help usher in brighter days.
কাশীপুর উদ্যানবাটিতে কর্কটক্লীষ্ট ঠাকুরের নরেনকে চাপরাশ প্রদান |
6. মানুষের অবস্থা অন্তঃসত্ত্বা নারীর গর্ভে প্রসবোন্মুখ জীবের ন্যায় | From conception to delivery is the progreesion of evolving man. Upon delivery begins free life, the rambling of the liberated soul through endless stretches of space and time, and of the frozen consciousness beyond.
7. চৈতন্যের চাপে চলে অংশচৈতন্য জীব অমাবস্যা হতে পূর্ণিমার তরে |
8. Be concentrated and creative. Learn to be creative and absolutely focussed. Concentrate with devastating power. Do not spray about your mental rays.
9. It disgusts me to see people converting to Islam when the faith has no philosophy whatsoever and is pronouncedly regressive.
10. Speaking the truth is a habit that is cultivated early in a person. If not, it never is.
11. Character indeed is a rare thing to come by. Perfect truthfulness seems to be the sine qua non for character-formation.
12. In an open philosophical debate with a learned and realised Vedantist Muslim and Christian polemicists will be blown away.
13. Love is what cures the maladies of life. And there is no limit to this love. It can cascade through all.
14. The sun sees me often but the moon hides behind clouds.
15. আত্মচৈতন্য স্থীত | আপাত মনের আপাত আন্দোলনে দেশকালের আপাত বিক্ষেপ নিমিত্তাকার ধারণ করেছে | তাই জীববুদ্ধি | তাই জগতপ্রপঞ্চচের প্রতীতি |
16. Persecution complex results from insufficient rational training.
17. বসন্তকালের বৃষ্টি আসন্ন |
18. গৃহিণীদের স্বামীজীর বই পড়া উচিত |
19. পুরুষকে অত্যাচার করার মধ্যে কোন স্ত্রী-স্বাধীনতা ?
20. সংসারে ঝড়ের এঁটো পাতা হয়ে থাকা সহজ নয় |
21. দু'হাত ছাড়া তালি বাজে না | এ কথা প্রায়ই বলা হয় এটা বোঝানোর জন্য যে দুজন মানুষের সমভাবে যোগগান না থাকলে কোনো অপ্রীতিকর পরিস্থিতি সংসারে উপস্থিত হয় না | কিন্তু একজন মানুষের দুই হাতেও তো তালি দিব্যি বাজে ও সংসার তালিবান শাসনে পরিণত হতে পারে | তাহলে ?
22. একদিকে ধূপকাঠিতে অগ্নিসংযোগে ধর্মাচারণের ক্রিয়াবিলাস আর অপরদিকে মুখাগ্নিসংযোগে সংসারকে দহন---চমৎকার চলেছে গৃহস্থাশ্রম ! এই না হলে ধর্মবোধ ?
23. It takes 'super divine' powers in me to restrain the projection and harbouring thereof of negative emotions towards those who seemingly habitually neglect me.
24. জীবনসায়াহ্নে ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর আদর্শের অবমাননা দেখে যারপরনাই পীড়িত বোধ করি | এখন নিজদুঃখমোচনে নিজদুঃখবহন করা ছাড়া উপায় দেখি না | অবশ্য, উপায় এক আছে---ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর প্রদর্শিত পথে আদর্শপালনে আত্মবলিদান | মৃত্যু যখন সুনিশ্চিত, তখন মহান ব্রতাবলম্বনে জীবন উৎসর্গ করার চেয়ে মহৎ আর কি আছে ?
25. Women cannot absolve themselves from due criticism just like men cannot do so. Both are culpable for persecuting each other.
26. Swamiji wanted us to be manly in every movement of life. Art, literature, music, diction, gait, behaviour---culture in its comprehensive wholeness, in its diverse manifestations must all exhibit a measure of manhood that strengthens the soul, lifts it upward and weans it away from the debasing features of sensuous life, careering it toward the divine destination, Self-realisation. 🕉
27. I write to myself in this body and in kindred souls.
28. Does secular democracy mean that five times a day non-Muslims must be forced to hear over the loudspeaker that the Islamic God is the greatest? That is a strange way of establishing equal rights for all?
29. Does secular democracy mean that five times a day non-Muslims must be forced to hear over the loudspeaker that the Islamic God is the greatest? That is a strange way of establishing equal rights for all? Does equality of man not presuppose the idea of equality of principle and the supreme principle for all? Then why this inequality of Godhead, this superiority of the Islamic God over the Gods and Goddesses of all other religions in the land of democratic equality of citizens? Is it not a violation of the core concept of democracy, a blatant contradiction in terms, a power-positing of a certain theological principle over all else? Can it be truly justified in philosophical terms whose lower derivative merely is all legal allowance?
30. We should learn to appreciate each other for work well done, out of good feeling and sympathy and not by way of patronisation. It requires a big heart to do so. Mutual appreciation where due kindles greater individual and national output.
31. কী চেয়েছিলেন স্বামীজী আর কী হল !
32. Words are words but they are life and light.
33. Seal the bond once and for all, never to break, never to change. Speak with passion and power, intensity and inspiration, love and longing, dream and desire, aspiration and anticipation. Thus is the Divine is realised.
34. We need a massive Hindu revival. For this the Upanishads must be our guide. Swamiji's works are our modern Upanishads.
35. 'Moderate Islam' means 'Makki Islam' whereas 'Radical Islam' means 'Madinah Islam'. Read the Qur'an for clarification.
36. What radical Islamic organisations are doing in Europe, let them try their luck in China and find out the consequence.
37. The left and the right meet at their extreme ends. Such is the structure of political space.
38. 'Left, left, left-right- left. Backward march.'
39. Fear is the first thing you should cast off. Then come to fighting for the cause of the Dharma.
40. ভয় পেয়ো না | 'লজ্জা, ঘৃণা, ভয়---এ তিন থাকতে নয় |' ঠাকুরের এই বাণীটি অক্ষরে অক্ষরে পালন করব আমরা---এই সঙ্কল্প নেবো, সিদ্ধ হব এই মন্ত্রার্থ অনুভবে | যে রামকৃষ্ণভক্ত, তার আবার ভয় কি ?
41. Cowardice is sin, cowardice misery. Cowardice kills before the appointed hour arrives.
42. Those who are brave---the Lord takes care of them.
43. The more you fear, the more fear will grip you. This fear comes from the idea that you are body which you are not. So, shed it.
44. This clinging to the photograph of Thakur is directly opposed to his fundamental teaching---bodilessness, that is, the Spirit.
45. Christopher Hitchens was such a great man. Simply nonpareil. What diction! What delivery! What devastating wit and rapier-sharp intelligence! What waltzing through the written word of the world and what a verbal and literary outpouring thereof! We shall never see the like of him again.
46. Islam spread through the sword in India and continues to do so in the subcontinent even today, the sword now having been largely replaced by its siblings, namely, Dawah, love jihad, property seizure as in Pakistan and Bangladesh, ill-treatment, atrocities, forced conversion, eviction from homeland, and the most potent force of all---higher fertility of Muslim women relative to those of the Hindus.
47. Proselytism is evil.
48. Democracy is a farce if it takes to patronising proselytism which is a pernicious evil as it destroys an existing culture.
49. Al Taqqiah is now being practised by Islamic apologists with full western academic training empowering their discourse.
50. Why do communists and Islamists condemn fascism when their methods are no less violent?
51. Brilliant speakers, utterly masculine in demeanour and diction, ought to be sent to the West to preach the Vedanta and not effeminate ones utterly opposed to Swamiji's idea of manhood defining the character of the nation whose finest representative ought to be the monk of the Order that was founded by the 'Lion of the Vedanta'. This is a pertinent point. In every movement of life strength must manifest and not effeminacy of any sort that is at best weakening and at its worst utterly enervating to the very nerves. Let Vedanta preachers roar like lions in the forest of the world and not bleat like sheep of no consequence beyond exciting nervous debilitation of sorts.
52. Let effeminate music and dance by monastics here in West Bengal give way to vigorous defence of the Dharma in the teeth of Islamic oppression now raining down upon the Hindus in anarchic Bangladesh.
53. Selfishness comes in a myriad manner camouflaging as work that is worldly. Communication failing, relations fail.
54. Sri Ramakrishna's spiritual sadhanā was to keep up constant communication with the Divine Mother. And how strange that She was waiting in Jairāmbāti all the while while Thakur wept on at Dakshineshwar to have Her vision! Such is earthly leelā.
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