Thursday, 20 February 2025



Sugata Bose @Supriti Datta : Oh, I thought you meant Deen-e-Islam.

Sugata Bose @Supriti Datta : 'Sifting'? You mean society is selectively picking up what is beneficial to it while discarding what is deems regressive? Or, is it that you mean 'shifting', that is, society is shifting stance, moving away from traditional trappings and opening itself up to democratic human rights, liberty, equality et al which are the hallmarks of modernity and progressiveness?

Sugata Bose @Supriti Datta : True enough. The present progressiveness is very often a convenient cover for age-old exploitation of the masses, apologies for the sustenance of medieval regressive practices and a blind pursuit of ideological utopia whose career course is unknown, uncharted as its path of future progression is. Society like a river meanders along, often draining its resources in the desert sand of infertility, having lost its moorings in time-honoured traditions which despite accretion deserving weeding yet carry the seeds of perpetual renewal along wholesome lines as opposed to present-day wokism which threatens to uproot society and plant it in the vacuousness of social absurdities.

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : This book will be the beacon in your life that is now being tossed on the tempestuous ocean of limitless fanatical faith-based ignorance. Swamiji is at his conversational best here as he sweeps through the gamut of ideas and issues that face man in his temporal and transcendental struggle for life and light. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Parivrajika Shantihridaya : āĻ†āĻ° āĻŽāĻ¨ āĻ•িāĻ¸েāĻ° āĻŽāĻ§্āĻ¯ে ?

Sugata Bose @Mitali Brahma : āĻ¸াāĻšāĻ¸িāĻ•āĻ¤াāĻ° āĻĻ্āĻŦাāĻ°া | āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻŽীāĻœীāĻ° āĻŦāĻ‡ āĻĒāĻĄ়ুāĻ¨ āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤্āĻ¯āĻš | āĻŦীāĻ°াāĻ™্āĻ—āĻ¨া āĻšোāĻ¨ |

Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : One has to be valorous. Cowardice and compromise are killing the very spirit of the movement that was initiated to galvanise the country and the world unto indomitable life-giving action. The spirit has long ebbed and the movement is now a shadow of the past, largely owing to the spineless nature of the ordinary citizen from amongst whose collection called society are drawn the members of the monastic and the lay devotees. It is upto individuals like us to shed hypocrisy and cowardice, pompous unlived preaching and tall talk, and to galvanise ourselves unto bold words and bolder deeds that are the dire necessity of this ventilating hour when society is precipitating into its nadir. And the first thing we ought to learn is to appreciate each other's work, to cheer each other en route to driving to the destination divine. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Monalisa Paul : Don't even grieve for the Buddha, for the Buddha is not a person but a realisation, said the Buddha on his death-bed to his beloved and grieving disciple, Ānanda. 

Grieve that you are still grieving, and then grieve not. 

The Geeta says, 'Ashochyan anvashochastvam prajnā vādamscha bhāshasey/ Gatāsungshcha na agatāsungshcha nānushochanti panditā.' ('You are lamenting for those who you ought not to lament for and yet you utter words of wisdom. But the wise ones do not grieve for the dead or for the living.') This is Krishna's admonition of Arjuna in his mood of abject surrender to fear masquerading as love for his kinsmen in the field of war.

Everything is ephemeral, in a continuous flux, in the ever-changing cycle of momentary existence with no permanent basis in an enduring essence called the Atman/Brahman. So say the Buddhists. The Advaitists, on the other hand, hold that to the impermanent appearance of phenomena there is a permanent unchanging basis in the Atman/Brahman. 

Both schools of realisation and thought (the Buddhist and the Advaitist), however, uphold the impermanence of this world of name and form, and both agree on the point that one should not grieve for phenomenal things. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Why do Muslms shave off their moustache while donning the beard?

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Sad fate that befalls the civilised at the hands of barbarians. Golden Egypt became regressive Arabic post Islamisation. 

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Even worse are the apologies on behalf of Islam. They must defend the cult using Greek philosophy or convoluted logic, twisting text and sectionally quoting, and using all sorts of deception and deflection, Al Taqqiah at every step.

Sugata Bose @Avinash Garg : But you will need a lot of pluck to pull this one out. Can you generate that much floral love in your heart to do the job? That will be weeding, sorry, gardening indeed.

Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : 

Love is in the air

Eating phuchkā with great care.

Sitting on the chair

And in secret making bare

The mouth in vanity fair

For a piece of 'love' to share.

If in spite of covered hair

And face and figure, thou dare

To rise in rebellious stare,

Thou truly art the rare

In this lovers' phuchka fare.

Sugata Bose @Disciple : Not responding to my messages promptly is tantamount to irreverence. I have resolved to distance myself from those who use me only as a springboard to diving in delight or to rise from the sea of sadness and not as a means of healthy correspondence that keeps a human relation vigorous and strong. Excuses of work or busyness otherwise notwithstanding, this shall be my stated stance henceforth unless sincere changes to attitude are made.

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : And this crime is consciously being allowed in democracies where these proselytising cults are bent upon subverting and obliterating those very democracies. Where are the Egyptian, the Babylonian, the Persian and the Indian subcontinental civilisations as of yore? They have all been destroyed and supplanted by desert culture largely. Fertility of soil has now become the sterility of sand. And this is 'Operation Desert Storm'. And the saga still continues in the name of democratic freedom being offered them who wish to impose the Sharia and throttle that very freedom which is now nurturing it. If sanity has its limits, certainly insanity has none such. Medieval monstrosity is being actively nourished unto becoming the Frankenstein that will destroy its maker. Democrats denounce fascism but nurture Islamofascism without turning a hair. This is the insect walking into the spider's web unknowingly. The result will be catastrophic. This war has to be ideologically won and the defences must be built up in the head, the common consciousness of the citizens who are the potential preys. The predatorial ideology will have to be identified and eliminated from the human discourse and all protagonists of its absolutist violent political imposition identified, isolated and, need be, incarcerated as well till this toxicity infecting billions of minds be weeded out for good. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Superb! Cactus : lotus -- what a study in contrast!

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