1. By Sri Ramakrishna's grace Hinduism will be re-established in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Remember Nag Mahashay and Hirananda.
That which has been given,
Receive it wholly
And keep it in care.
3. Rally behind Vivekananda and build India.
4. Hyper-commercialisation is ruining India.
5. Be not under pressure to be like someone else. You cannot be. Be yourself. Go along the radial route of your spiritual evolution unto realisation of your existential truth.
6. Be original. Cultivate creativity. Do not be like just the other man. Be yourself. Have self-dignity. Respect yourself before reverencing the greats. Above all see things from your unique vantage point of vision, your personal perspective untainted by mediocre mass culture.
What today is history was then the current of the day. Rammohan Roy lives on in shining memory.
8. We must be rooted in the past and not dated in the past. Our heritage call is 'Charaiveti', to advance.
9. Never forget your country, your culture, your lineage, your heritage, your Sanatan Dharma and your debt to the motherland.
10. বেঘোরে স্বামীজী মারা গেলেন | তাতে কোন তাপ উত্তাপ নেই কারো | এক পয়সা সাহায্য করলেন না কেউ যে তাঁর চিকিৎসা হয় একটু | এখন সব মহাপুরুষ হয়ে বসেছেন তাঁরা |
11. সংগীত পরিবেশনায় বীর্য থাকা আবশ্যক | এই যে হীনবীর্য ইন্দ্রিয়াসক্তের ন্যায় সংগীত পরিবেশন, এরই সম্বন্ধে স্বামীজী বারংবার সাবধান করে গেছেন আমাদের | সাহিত্যে, সংগীতে, কলায়, কৃষ্টিতে, লোকব্যবহারে, ভাষায়, চলাফেরায়, সর্বকিছুতে পৌরষদৃপ্ত হতে আহ্বান করেছেন কিনি | এই যে দুর্বল বীর্যহীনের ন্যায় আচরণ, এ ত্যাগ না করলে স্বামীজীর যথার্থ অনুগামী হওয়া অসম্ভব | মানুষ হওয়ার সাধনায় প্রথম পদক্ষেপ হতে হবে সকল ব্যবহারিক দুর্বলতা পরিত্যাগ করা |
12. সময়ের মূল্য যে দেয়, ভাগ্যদেবী প্রসন্না হন তার প্রতি |
13. Self-respect comes from knowing oneself to be the embodiment of God and not merely an evolutionary descent from the anthropoid ape.
অভাবের তাড়নায় স্বভাব নষ্ট হয়
আর স্বভাবের তাড়নায় অভাব বৃদ্ধি পায় |
15. যাঁদের আমরা মহাপুরুষ বলে মান দিই, তাঁরা অধিকাংশই কীর্তিমান বটে কিন্তু প্রকৃতপক্ষে মহাপুরুষ নন |
16. সন্ন্যাসী কে জানেন? যিনি মর্মে মর্মে অনুভব করেন এই ত্রিসংসারে তাঁর কেউ নেই ।
সন্ন্যাসী কে জানেন? যাঁর সরল উদার স্বচ্ছ ভালোবাসা সকলকে গ্রহণ করে, কোন কারণেই বর্জন করে না ।
এই পরস্পরবিরোধী অবস্থানের সমন্বয়ের নাম সন্ন্যাস । সন্ন্যাসী তিনি যাঁর মধ্যে এই সমন্বয় সংসাধিত হয়েছে ।
17. It is a world of ignorance. Here life is being lived in pursuit of building dreams and smashing dreams. The trauma of experience leaves one drained of vitality till one is cast on the seashore of immortality yet awaiting another chance to revitalise oneself and build up the charge for the final plunge into the ocean whence return to earth is no more. Each time the baby is born, it carries with it the promise of freedom but at the bitter end of experience it leaves life's earthly habitat jaded and rent asunder. Thus the cycle of unending births goes on till one dawn the primrose promises find fulfilment to release the soul into the limpid spaces of infinite freedom. No more is misery, no more desire, life and its shadow, death. Who knows what remains?
18. The difference between man and man is in the degree of heart he manifests -- heart and not cheap sentimentality.
19. রজোগুণে অহংকার হবেই | কিন্তু এ স্বার্থপরতার ভাব রজোগুণের তো? নাকি তমোগুণের আচ্ছাদিত রূপ? দেশের সর্বনাশের দিনেও যারা নিজস্বার্থ রক্ষার্থে অতি তৎপর তাদের আর কি, দেশ রক্ষা পাক আর নাই পাক?
অগণিত মানুষের অশ্রুতে গুটিকতক মানুষের ভোগ সম্পন্ন হয় | তারা আর কি দেবে দেশকে ? এরা নিতেই এসেছে, দেবে কেন? এদের আছে শুধু চাওয়া আর পাওয়া | না পেলেই দেশ খারাপ এদের চোখে | তখন এই ভাব -- "চলো বিদেশ যাই | দেশ ডুবুক | আমি তো সুখে থাকি দেশের সর্ব সুযোগ, সুবিধা ও সেবা গ্রহণ করে পরিশেষে তাকে পরিত্যাগ করে বিদেশে নতুন জীবন খুঁজে নিয়ে |" এই না হলে স্বদেশপ্রেমী! এরাই শিক্ষিত, সংস্কৃত, বুদ্ধিতে পক্ক, ব্যবসাবুদ্ধিতে আরো বেশী |
পোস্টার ছিঁড়ে বাধা দেওয়ার ব্যর্থ প্রচেষ্টা | যাঁরা এই ছবির বিরুদ্ধে ষড়যন্ত্রে লিপ্ত, তাঁরাই আবার বড় গলায় নেতাজীর ভাবমূর্তির রক্ষক হওয়ার ভান করায় সিদ্ধকাম |
The Spirit animates the body for a while. Then music flows. The Spirit then recedes into its sanctum sanctorum and music dies with it, leaving its distant strain a faint echo of a forgotten past. Such is the play of harmony as it displays its spectral band and disappears into the nightly shadow. Such is the alternating alliance of light and shade that keeps the world in its penumbral-umbral oscillating interface while the Sun hides behind clouds that cover, puny bodies that obscure the vast vision.
22. Rise above the level of conflict. When someone hits, spring high. Live in the rarefied heights of sublimity and peace. It is the no-conglict zone.
The liberator of India and colonised humanity the world over by consequential effect, the stellar splendour of resurgent Asia, the greatest of the modern world leaders, the emblem of patriotism, the soul of self-sacrifice, the prophet of nationalism and international understanding bereft of colluding compromise reeking of petty parochialism or lofty unpracticable idealism, the architect of our nationhood, the unblemished politician of matchless personal purity, the visionary, the seer, the master strategist, the revolutionary par excellence, a titan among petty, puerile, political party-men of perfidious intent and perfect pretension, the leader by divine right, the man of the moment and of ages to come, the iconic inspiration of suppressed humanity, the pathfinder amidst a cyclonic blur, the Netaji of our hearts with his officers, comrades-in-arms at the height of the World War II enroute to Indian shores.
24. 
Night draws on its veil and covers consciousness. But the children of the Lord are wide awake when the children of the senses sleep. So, in alternate bands of light and shade this interference pattern stretches across the world of men, undulating life with its rise and fall. Most men sleep to God who is ever-awake, though, awaiting the ripe hour of the slumbering soul's waking. Meanwhile, the drama continues with its blossoming and withering following seasonal changes through life after life till one crystal morn the dream breaks, releasing the soul unto the limpid spaces of pure freedom. The sun shines unhindered, its radiant darts piercing through the dispersed clouds of desire that had thus far obscured vision. The seer, seen and sight have unified in a flash of dissolving oneness, the Self manifesting to reveal its self-brooding for eternity. The dream has been smashed but returns with altered character to place the perceiver within the ambit of space-time once more without being able to bind it anymore with the tentacles of Maya. Such is the saga of the seer's life.
25. I am unrelated to Netaji's family. Once more I am making this clear. So, stop these unfounded assertions about me being someone else simply because I happen to bear the name Sugata Bose as graciously given me by my mother.
Learn to respect people because they are human beings in their own right and not because they have been born in such and such a family. Reverence individuals for their intrinsic worth as human beings possessed with the organic capacity for realising God and not because they belong to this or that family of illustrious lineage. Do not insult the human personality thus by respecting it for its familial connections to great men but rather honour man for his essential and intrinsic divinity, his heart being the seat of God Himself.
27. এই জগতরূপ সমস্যার কোনো সমাধানই হয় না | বৈরাগ্যে বিবর্জনই এর একমাত্র সমাধান |
How many bodies have gone by, how many more yet to come. This body is but a picture postcard, a flattened piece in relativistic space-time featuring out its tale in drifts of colour and form while the shoreless sea of radiance beams its light to enliven proceedings in the dark chambers of this mansion of man.
মানুষকে চিন্তা করতে শিখতে হবে | শুধু ছবির পূজো ভাল নয় | মানুষ হয়েছেন যখন, তখন মস্তিষ্কসঞ্চালন একান্ত কর্তব্য | নইলে বৃথা মনুষ্যজন্ম | বুদ্ধি ও বিবেক, হৃদয় ও ভাব -- এই সবের সমন্বয়ে একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ মানুষ তৈরি হয় | তাই বুদ্ধিকে বন্ধক রেখে কোন লেখা না পড়ে শুধু ছবির মহিমাকীর্তন ভাল লক্ষণ নয় | এই প্রবণতা হতে বিরত হ'ন | কথাটা হৃদয়ঙ্গম করুন | এবার আমার লেখাগুলো মন দিয়ে পড়ুন ও যথাযথ সুচিন্তিত মন্তব্য করে তাদের সার্থক করে তুলতে সহায়তা করুন |
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
নেতাজী রহস্যের সমাধান কি কোনদিনও হবে?
শুধু ছবির পূজোয় দেশ দাঁড়াবে না | চাই বুদ্ধিমত্তা, সৃজনশীলতা, চিন্তাশক্তি ও উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা | পাঠ প্রয়োজন, নিছক চিত্রবন্দনা নয় |
32. Love lubricates life.
সূক্ষ্ম জগতের সংবাদ কে রাখে ভাই?
সূক্ষ্মে সংঘটিত, স্থূলে তারই আভাস পাই |
34. Was not Bhagavanji Netaji in monastic metamorphosis post-disappearance?
35. Most people live in eternity. So, they do not punctuate the endpoint of their sentences with the full-stop mark, be it in Facebook or in Whatsapp. It seems 'চলছে, চলবে' is borne by every line. Sentences quite often begin with the lower case, implication being, perhaps, ''How humble we are!"
36. যাঁরা থাকার, তাঁরা থাকবেন; যাঁরা যাবার, তাঁরা যাবেন | যিনি ছিলেন, তিনি আছেন, তিনি রইবেন; যিনি ছিলেন না, তিনি নেই, তিনি কেমন করে হবেন? প্রবহমান স্রোতের এই নিয়ম, অনুত্থিত স্রোতেরও তাই, সৃষ্টির অমোঘ বিধান |
37. ভগবানের ছবি নেই | তার মানে কি ভগবান নেই? অবতারের তো ছবি আছে | তাহলেই ঢের | ছবি থাকলেই তো তিনি অবতার হলেন, অবশ্য অন্যান্য অতিমানবিক দৈব গুণাবলী থাকা চাই, দেবমানব কিনা |
38. লোভের বশবর্তী হবেন না -- ওতে চরিত্র নষ্ট হয় |
39. Those who are still propagating the air crash theory of Netaji's 'death' need to read up Suresh Chandra Bose's Dissentient Report and come to terms with the problematic facts.
40. সম্পদে যাঁকে স্মরণ করা হয় না, বিপদের দিনে স্মরণ করলেও তাঁর সন্ধান মিলবে না |
41. Much of the mystery surrounding Netaji has been dispelled by patient and persistent research of sincere scholars and it needs only diligent study of their findings in books written by them to arrive at a decent understanding of what had happened to India's premier patriot post-disappearance. I urge people to take an active interest in the discovery of facts rather than remaining passively curious about the Netaji-mystery based on hearsay. Vande Mataram!
42. আমার দেশকে প্রয়োজন, দেশের আমাকে প্রয়োজন নেই - এই বোধ থেকে স্বদেশসেবার শুরু |
43. ব্যবহারিক বৈশ্যবৃত্তি দেশের সংস্কৃতির সর্বনাশ করছে | যুগাবতারের 'টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা'র সম্পূর্ণ পরিপন্থী এই পথ |
44. ব্যক্তিগত ক্ষুদ্র স্বার্থকে বলি না দিলে আদর্শকে রক্ষা করা যায় না | নেতাজী অন্তর্ধান বিষয়ক গবেষণা ও জনসমক্ষে তথ্য পরিবেষণার ক্ষেত্রে এটি প্রণিধানযোগ্য |
Hail to thee, betrayed one, betrayed by one and all but for a handful of devoted disciples who live in patient expectation of your arrival or the message of your departure for a more fruitful return!
However much you may try
To kill Netaji by air crash,
Your theory will crash to earth.
For lies that are still-born
Can barely survive in womb
But can scarce last beyond birth.
No plane takes off. Yet, the plane crashes. And Netaji dies following the crash. No photograph of the dying Netaji or the dead Netaji is available. The cremation certificate records the death of one Ichiro Okura and not Subhas Chandra Bose. Contradictory death certificates issued further complicate matters. And yet we are told to believe that on 18 August, 1945 at Taihoku airfield Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had died.
Photo : Netaji disemplaning at Saigon airport on 17 August, 1945, the last photograph available of the leader.
48. ভক্তদের ভবিষ্যৎ ভগবানই জানেন | যাই লিখি না কেন, ওই ছবিতেই বদ্ধ সব | চিন্তাশক্তি ও অভিব্যক্তি কি লুপ্তপ্রায় ?
49. ধনতন্ত্রের কদর্য জয় যদি হয় তবে যুগাবতারের হবে প্রবল পরাজয় | একদিন 'টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা' -- এই মন্ত্রে ভারত ভগবানের প্রাণশক্তিতে দীক্ষিত হয়েছিল | আর আজ তার পরিপূর্ণ বিপরীত | 'টাকা খাঁটি, খাঁটি টাকা' -- এই মন্ত্র জনমানস নবদীক্ষা গ্রহণ করে চলেছে | এর থেকে বড় অপমান আর অবতারের হয় না |
50. Watch 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' at Nandan. You owe it to Netaji. This will be your humble tribute to the hero.
51. A tussle of forces is going on between the protagonists of the aircrash theory and the monk in disguise theory centring Netaji. Who is right?
52. I would like to see men and women who are courageous enough to stand behind the intrepid filmmaker Amlan Kusum Ghosh when he is under attack for filming 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'. Cowardice and patriotism are incompatible attributes. So, show up your strength and fight for a cause when the hour is at hand and your support is solicited.
53. যাঁরা এত নেতাজী-ভক্ত, তাঁরা আসুন, Amlan Kusum Ghosh মহাশয়ের পাশে দাঁড়ান যখন তাঁর তৈরী চলচ্চিত্র 'সন্ন্যাসী দেশনায়ক' আক্রান্ত হচ্ছে নানা ভাবে, এমনকি শুনছি নাকি আইনি ভাবেও | আদালতে জনস্বার্থ মামলা দায়েরের সংবাদটির যাথার্থ অবশ্য জানা নেই, শুধু ইন্টারনেট সংবাদসূত্রে জানা গেল |
54. অগণিত সুসন্তান এই ভারতের । তাঁদের সেবায় জীবন অতিবাহিত করব -- মাতৃভূমির প্রতি এই অঙ্গিকার । ভারতবর্ষ আমার ইষ্টদেবী, আমার মা, আমার সর্বস্ব ।
55. So long there is shame, there is no love. Where there is love, there is no shame. Shamelessness, a loss of bashfulness, though, is not love. Love frees the soul and removes all barriers to union, to fulfilment in oneness.
56. The forces are at work again. Netaji being maligned or Netaji being defended by his genuine devotees? Who are the truer followers - those that have dedicated a lifetime selflessly to resurrect his memory from the oblivion inflicted on him or those who have capitalised by connection when the issue became big in the public domain thanks to the seminal services of these selfless souls?
বলছে কবি,
"হুহু করে দেখবে এবার ছবি !"
যত দিবে বাধা,
তত হবে সাধা
নেতাজী-সংগীত |
বাকি -- বলবে ভবিষ্যৎ ;
লাগবে ঠেলা,
দেখবে খেলা,
কেমন খেলেন ভবি |
58. যাঁরা নেতাজীকে সম্মান করার ভান করে তাঁর যথার্থ ভক্তদের অসম্মান, হেনস্থা ও ক্ষতি করছেন, তাঁরা নেতাজীর কেমন অনুরাগী ? এ যে দেখছি, "তুমি মহারাজ, সাধু হলে আজ, আমি আজ চোর বটে!" -- রবীন্দ্রনাথের অমোঘ বাণীর বাস্তব রূপায়ণ !
59. Who benefits by the aircrash theory?
The purple robes are perplexing people with petitions about the patriot. Problematic times ahead. Perfidies galore. Pictorial portrayal being punched power-thrusts by parties bearing umbilical links. Patriot once more privatised despite pious protestations to the contrary.
61. Hilarious stuff here! Excitable duo's mutual mudslinging giving much desired rating points to the channel of the mild moderator. Sumeru Roy Chaudhury and Joydeep Mukherjee at each other's throats while settling dispute over Netaji's disappearance. Roy Chaudhury is well-armed with data but Mukherjee is found fumbling. The moderator gives up on both of them and watches proceedings while each interrupts the other, seamlessly intruding upon each other's speech till it becomes, sorry to say, hilarious! Fertile presentation with solid entertainment! The moderator gradually catches on and tries to wrest control of the conversation, by now a combative audiovisual show! Watch on to find how things carry on till the end. As the programme proceeds, order is restored by muting one of the participants and requesting the other one to maintain silence while his adversary spoke. This brings out a plethora of information, now possible to hear and learn from. Sumeru Roy Chaudhury seems very well-informed and Joydeep Mukherjee also breaks in with valuable inputs. Overall a delightful discussion in the end, illuminating and igniting interest for further research in the matter of Netaji's disappearance.
[Ref. 'Sange Tanmoy' YouTube programme]
P.S. The moderator is evidently biased and not too well-informed too. Sumeru Roy Chaudhury is erudite, his knowledge and rationality far exceeding both his opponent Joydeep Mukherjee and the moderator Tanmoy Dattagupta. The moderator has made good capital out of the cacophony while constantly pretending innocence and supposed civility. Hypocrisy is hardly civil.
62. 'সন্ন্যাসী দেশনায়ক' দেখেছি, আবার দেখব, বার বার দেখব | কেন ? Amlan Kusum Ghosh মহাশয়ের দীর্ঘ সাধনার জনস্বীকৃতিরূপে সকল নেতাজীপ্রেমীরই তা করা উচিত বলে মনে করি |
63. Victor Banerjee has excelled in enacting the role of Mahakaal in Amlan Kusum Ghosh's 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'. The entry of the sage into India, his crossing the Himalayas, fording the Gomti river in the dark of night - all these are unforgettable scenes which will make your viewing the film worthwhile. So, why wait?
64. 'জাঁহাপনা, চোখ রাঙাচ্ছেন কাকে? যশোবন্ত সিংহ আপনার রক্তবর্ণ চক্ষু আর অগ্নিময় গোলাকে সমানে তুচ্ছজ্ঞান করে |'
[ দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল রায় বিরচিত 'শাহজাহান' নাটক থেকে ঔরঙ্গজীবের উদ্দেশ্যে রাজপুতরাজ যশোবন্ত সিংহের উক্তির উদ্ধৃতি | -- Reference being made to the PIL registered at the Calcutta High Court by Chandra Kumar Bose against Amlan Kusum Ghosh's film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'.]
64. We need to be a little more magnanimous towards each other as we go about the business of building our nation. Let us encourage each other in our respective endeavours instead of putting each other down by using might, slight, sleight and fight. Let us unite. [Reference being made to the PIL registered at the Calcutta High Court by Chandra Kumar Bose against Amlan Kusum Ghosh's film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'.]
65. Vivekananda, Romain Rolland said, 'was energy personified and action was his message to men.' The same applies to Vivekananda's protégé, Subhas Chandra Bose. And the energy and action of the divine duo like an unceasing current flows even unto this day. Swamiji and Netaji are, as if, an integrated, regenerative personality, a divine dynamo of deliverance for degenerate humanity. And both were lifelong celibates, sacrificial souls offered by the Mother at the altar of the Universal Church of Human Evolution.
66. Much of our emotion is selfish sentimentality, much of our frothy enthusiasm so much superficiality, much of our devotion unwitting indolence. We must work out our destiny through intense activity, selfless service to the nation, creative endeavour of a contributing kind, not mere song and dance and poetry but works of wisdom discovered fresh from Nature and delivered unto humanity for the benefit of all. In this lies our individual good, our collective welfare, the 'Shivam' principle, and our progressive evolution as a people. 🕉
67. স্বাধীনতার পূর্বে ছিল আত্মবলিদানের গুপ্তগাথা আর আজ আত্মপ্রচারের নির্লজ্জ স্বার্থান্বেষণ |
68. There are many faces in the film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' like Saraswati Maiya, nicknamed Jagadambe by Bhagavanji, who would have forever remained behind the screen of domesticity and would have eluded the notice of the public were it not for Amlan Kusum Ghosh's portrayal of their characters in his film.
69. I exhort all to visit 'Nandan' and view the film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' as a citizen's tribute to Netaji in his post-disappearance phase of life incognito.
70. Can we not unite and 'build up a formidable force' [quoted words, those of writer-director Amlan Kusum Ghosh], so that the true story of Netaji post-disappearance may massively reach the masses? My friends, my countrymen, my sisters and brothers, unite to bring forth justice to the much maligned, much marginalised, much misrepresented messianic leader of our nation. Netaji zindabad! Jai Hind!
P.S. See the film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' and do your bit in this regard.
71. The life of a nation is in its masses and the spirit of a nation is in its core cultural content. Spirituality plays the keynote in the Indian melody. And in keeping with it Netaji came through a full circle to renounce earthly identity and don the renunciate's robe, the ochre of dead passions and eternal life, and live on a 'dead ghost' in the world of the living-dead to reignite the dying embers of the life of the mutilated motherland. Behold Netaji post-disappearance come alive in 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'! Gratitude to its maker, Amlan Kusum Ghosh.
প্রচারবিমুখ যিনি,
চরিত্রবান তিনি |
73. Inspired intelligence is at work to uphold Netaji's reputation against supposed calumny caused by filmmaker Amlan Kusum Ghosh. The film-maker should triumph, though, because genuine devotion ever wins over affected affection whose private gains can scarce prevent its perishing. The people are with the filmmaker, and rightly so, as 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' runs to near packed house at Nandan. Ticket price INR 30 only. Go and see the film at once. Jai Hind! 🕉
74. Post JMCI Report it is a settled fact that Netaji did not die in the purported plane crash at Taihoku on 18 Aug, 1945. Certain records indicate that he eluded the Allied forces and entered the Soviet Union. Thereafter records go blank or are inconsistent, although it is conjectured that he lived incognito as a monk in Uttar Pradesh from the 1950s to 1985. Thereafter, on 16 September, 1985 the man vanishes again. To seek an insight into Netaji's post-disappearance life watch Amlan Kusum Ghosh's 'Sannyasi Deshonayak'.
75. There is a difference between infatuation and love. Infatuation is temporary, love is permanent. Now show me one such instance of enduring love, that unchanging, entrancing mutual attachment which never dies even after the earthly form perishes but incarnates afresh in fresher forms forever or, transcending the barrier of the body, attains to spiritual permanence. Such a divine duo we worship as emblematic of love, Radha-Krishna, the inseparable dual entity of unthinkable slightest separation to savour each other's love ❤️. Such is the ideal of love as painted by our poets, our seers who poured out sublime poetry that carried mystical import. Such has been the life of the rarest of souls who have crossed fleshly barriers, subtle mental bars to arrive at the realm of the Real whence on return to relativity they maintained perfect equipoise to live out the love supreme. Theirs was a spontaneous outflow of divine emotion for their beloved and never a laboured one. Only in perfect freedom is such love attainable and sustainable. Most cannot even conceive it, leave aside ever approaching of attaining it. In fact it sounds profane to use the word 'attain' in this regard, the path and the goal being so sublime as to make even attainment seem gross. No, no, it is a state that just happens when the spiritual-mental-aesthetic conditions are right, when beauty in loveliest form flows and that flow is this love ❤️. How to explain what it is than to ask you to reflect on those moments in your life when the mundane had as it were ceased to be and you were lifted to a higher plane where all was bliss, bliss beyond aught of the ordered and disordered prose of life? That harmony, that fleeting melody, that seamless wholeness of beauteous bliss this love is but not fleeting like you experienced, rather a sustained sweetness which never wanes, never leaves, which endures and perpetually entrances the lover in his/her memory of the beloved. Such memory instantly manifests the beloved in the aspired form and makes union complete. And this memory, constantly pulsating within the divine mind of the lover is parabhakti or raagbhakti that does not admit thd least bit of forgetfulness. Memory perfected thus is vision. This memory, throbbing, pulsating, running through every pore of the being, transforming man unto God is love ❤️, madhurbhava or the sublimely sweet mode. Only thd highest souls are privy to it. They experience mahabhava and remain perpetually intoxicated by it.
76. To break through the limitations of life is the goal of life itself and this is what yoga proposes to help man attain. The body is the necessary vehicle for this spiritual journey but the body itself is the bar when it holds thd mind in the clutches of the senses that cover consciousness. The object is to transcend the senses, a feat seemingly impossible of attainment but attainable nonetheless when purified practice of the yogic path is conducted. The game plan of Maya is this -- to hold the soul under the thraldom of the senses by magically attaching it to the mind when the soul is inherently free of all such bondage. This is the inexplicable feature that is dubbed Maya, the magical seeming transformation of the eternally free soul -- more correctly the Self (Atman) -- into the bound mind whereby it apparently forgets its true ever-free identity and finds itself hopelessly bound as the sensing, thinking mind. The integrated unitary consciousness is as if gone and the soul finds itself helplessly being carried on by the current of ceaseless karma, the consequence of seeming analysis of the indivisible transcendental consciousness.
77. Love that is undying liberates the soul from the shackles of time.
78. 'Paraa vidya' is the intuitive apprehension, the immediate perception of transcendental truth. 'Aparaa vidya' is the rationalisation of the absolute principle in analytical thought terms, in linguistic form thereof. It is the refracted representation of transcendent reality in the realm of relativity. All other forms of relative knowledge form the body of 'aparaa vidya' as well. Thus, while Brahmajnan/Atmajnan is 'paraa vidya', the mantras of the Vedas as such are 'aparaa vidya'.
79. Give up greed. This is ruining the nation.
80. Thieves are ruining our country. Yourself be honest and do not resort to profitmaking thus from your own brothers and sisters who your countrymen are. The revolutionaries did not bleed to breed rogues like you who would destroy the fruits of freedom.
81. 15th August must be declared 'Dominion Day of Partitioned India' and 21st October 'Independence Day of Undivided India'.
82. There is a deep, deep mystery centring Netaji's disappearance and life thereafter. It is an almost inconceivable, unbelievable tale but replete with witness accounts that make for credible reading into the whole affair. Overall an epic account.
83. চরিত্রগঠন করতে চান ? স্বামীজী-নেতাজী পড়ুন |
ভাষার অসংযম ও সংযম -- এই অভিব্যক্তির অতিপ্রকাশ ও অভিব্যক্তির অপূর্ণ প্রকাশকে পরিহার করিলে যে নির্যাসটুকু নিঃসৃত হয়, তাহাই সাহিত্য | অস্তি ও নাস্তির মাঝে ভাবমুখে যে ললিতবিচ্ছুরণ, তাহাই শিল্প, তাহাই প্রেম, তাহাই ভাবস্রোতস্বিনীর উৎসমুখ, তাহাই লীলার কেন্দ্রস্থল, ভগবতীর মাতৃদুগ্ধের অনন্ত প্রস্রবণ -- তাহাই দেবভাষায় বিকশিত ছন্দেবর্ণে বেদ, তাহাই সাহিত্য |
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
85. Suresh Chandra Bose's 'Dissentient Report' ought to be published again. This will crush the 'Crash Theory'.
86. Those who are ever so-called busy will never attain to God for they are too busy with their own interest and have no time for either man or God.
87. Those who are ever so-called busy will never attain to God for they are too busy with their own interest and have no time for either man or God.
88. Why advertise charity?
89. India is not just a geographical landmass nor a habitat of mere material culture. It is the home of the Vedas, the womb of human civilisation, spirituality's highest habitat on earth, the veritable abode of the gods, the land where every soul, according to Swami Vivekananda, must come to make its final home en route to liberation. The Sanatan Dharma is the head and heart of India and its hands too.
Chant his holy name and be free.
91. ভোগের পিয়াসী ভিখারী |
সুখসম্পদের জন্য নেতার সম্মান বিক্রয়? চিরকুমারের চরিত্রহনন? জাতির বিশ্বাসঘাতক কে বা কারা? পুস্তকপ্রণেতারা? চিত্রপরিচালকেরা? নাকি আর কেউ? ভেবে দেখুন |
93. সাধের অন্তে সাধনা |
94. Leave the Commonwealth if you are sincere followers of Netaji. Else, stop pretending.
Mahatma Gandhi denounced the violence perpetrated by Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki in their bid to assassinate the notorious British Magistrate Douglas Kingsford. He regretted the deaths of the two ladies, Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Kennedy, that took place in such a bid. He stated, "The Indian people will not win their freedom through these methods." A point to reflect on when one evaluates the patriotism of the revolutionaries relative to that of the pacifists led by Gandhi. What is your view?
96. ব্রাহ্মণত্ব আর কি? গুণগত উৎকর্ষ |
97. Not surface sentimentality but depth emotion holds the great man.
98. The great man dances on the waves. No firm basis to stand on save the foundation of the Self. Therein the dance proceeds to perfect rhythm.
99. বিজ্ঞাপন আজ তমোগুণের সর্বনিকৃষ্ট নিদর্শন |
100. 'Mohandas Gandhi' ought to replace 'Mahatma Gandhi' in addressing the apostle of compromising peace.
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