1. 'Fear of God is' never 'the beginning of wisdom' as the history of the Abrahamic religions abiding by the principle in the affirmative proves it.
2. Most people live in eternity. So, they do not punctuate the endpoint of their sentences with the full-stop mark, be it in Facebook or in Whatsapp. It seems 'চলছে, চলবে' is borne by every line. Sentences quite often begin with the lower case, implication being, perhaps, ''How humble we are!"
3. Commercialisation is ruining the nation. Not a single field, even the spiritual, is free from this greed for gold, however camouflaged by pious pretence.
4. 'মহাকাল কথন' -- অসাধারণ ! গভীর ! অতলস্পর্শী ! পড়ছি আর বিস্মিত হচ্ছি | কী অসামান্য তীক্ষ্ণ মেধা, দিগন্তপ্রসারী চিন্তা, দিব্যদৃষ্টি, পর্যবেক্ষণ-ক্ষমতা ! যেন ইতিহাস মানসলোকে ভাসছে, অনায়াস, অবলীলায় অতীত, বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যতে গতায়াত | এমন অদ্ভূত, আশ্চর্য্য সব চিন্তা যা মনীষীদেরও প্রায় চেতনায় আসে না, সাধারণে কা কথা !
A plethora of editing errors (spelling, punctuation etc.) are there. They need rectification in the next edition. Greater perfection in presentation is expected, especially when one is working on one who was perfection personified.
Scattered notes but profound! stunning! revealing! Too great a density of thought. Historical references scattered like regal gems hither and thither, pearls of wisdom adorning every line. Mind-boggling stuff, quite unlike anything one has read, written in implicit terms. গভীর হেয়ালী |
It needs a deal of self-culture and prior reading, scholarship to penetrate the meaning of references made, although the appended notes at the base of every page are a great help in fathoming what otherwise might have been unintelligible, inscrutable stuff. Slow progress is possible through the read if one is to understand the nuances of the words spelled out effortlessly by this seeming superman, an intellectual giant doubtlessly and a personality nonpareil. Those who are surface readers devoid of 'sraddhaa' will discard the material as so much gibberish, being unable to fathom its depths. Absolutely original stuff like one has read never before. Strange saint of stranger articulation!
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