Wednesday 31 July 2019



A new utterance of the Divine is necessary today, a new music of the soul soaked in the rasa of bhakti, a new rendition of the old kirtana sung by fresher voices in a manner that will captivate the modern mind, caught as it is in the mire of muddling materialism. The Divine must be made manifest afresh, the ancient syllables uttered with a fresher force tinged with the colours of the love sublime painted on the canvas of the loving mind.

It is divine love that we seek amidst the strife of the day and it is the sublimity of divine love that will remove worldliness from us. Sri Ramakrishna had promised his return to the terrestrial plane and carry on with his sport of world-regeneration. It is time that such an appearance be made and parched humanity awaits for it with soul athirst. The divine nectar must flow, and flow it must, seeking channels of devotion. The Narada bhakti sutras must come alive in this new terrestrial incarnation as humanity quickens to this novel affirmation of the song of the soul.

Written by Sugata Bose

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