Monday 22 July 2019



A vast hypnosis has come upon whereby the Real seems the apparent. Conjuror's trick working wonders as the Self seems the soul, mind, matter. The One hides in the many as shadow conceals substance, thoughts streaming up cover consciousness and dream provides the playfield for puerile pastimes in life and death.

The essence is lodged within whose bubble-form the cosmos is. It is in the scheme of things that the search will begin when progression in desire has reached its limit. Then the mind reverts to seeking its source and the cycle reverses in the renunciation-phase. Experience of the manifold over, the mind recoils from sensory impressions and broods on its inner significance. Layers are peeled off as the core consciousness progressively shines brighter through the thinning screen of matter. Till, eventually, in a climactic moment of supreme discovery, the Self, shorn of material foliage, shines resplendent in golden glory, the sun of absolute consciousness whose lustre never dims with time, the transcendent being, the One that has no second, the peerless, the perennial principle whose retrograde refracted preserve is the pool of countless heavens, earths and hells. But the dream having ended, all such are swept away in a final cleansing act of all duality. Then man stands free of manhood, godhead and all concomitant consequence that dualism is heir to. It is freedom at last.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : courtesy, a Facebook friend.

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