Wednesday 24 July 2019


It is useless telling the ones immersed in worldliness, in the vanity of learning or name and fame or money, that Vivekananda must be read diligently for manifestation of the divinity within. How impervious callous humanity is, how negligent the ones mired in materialism of a myriad kind ! And to talk of those 'enlightened' ones for whom Vivekananda supplies scant intellectual resource to spare any time for his 'Complete Works' ! Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Woe unto learning of such a preposterous kind that casually dumps Vivekananda in the waste-bin of intellectual neglect ! PhD, wake up ! American graduates from India, wake up ! Destruction is at hand if the Guru's instructions are neglected. Degeneration is certain if the Vivekananda Guru be not heeded even in terms of serious reading, much less than the following of his teachings which must follow in its wake.
Written by Sugata Bose

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