Friday, 19 May 2017


How beautifully you write @Ruma Chaudhuri, a veritable feast for the literary sensibilities, a treat for the mind! How may I adequately thank you for these pithy pieces except to say that each one has been a classic representation of your consummate literary skill? Carry on with your grand endeavour to present these heroines of our nation's struggle for freedom before the citizenry at large. Our best wishes go with you to strengthen your purpose, your resolve to disseminate the facts of the lives of these forgotten heroines of our motherland among the masses and you shall eminently succeed in this venture because of your simple and direct style aimed straight at presentation of factual details without undue meandering or emotional imposition that detracts attention from essential details, points pertinent to the apprehension of these seminal personalities. The movement of the passages is so fast-paced and the metre so measured that the vigour of these beings is made amply manifest through your robust writing. Let no misgivings be there in you that you are culling facts for these essays from diverse sources for that is the accepted norm in these days of the worldwide web. You may, however, be gracious enough to add a footnote to your essays by way of collective acknowledgement of your diverse debt and that will make your eminently original compositions free of any blemish whatsoever, not that they at any rate exist even now in the absence of the adoption of any such measure.

We read each piece with a pulsating heart and eagerly await the next one, wondering all the while as to who the subject for the next essay will be but no sooner does it appear in print than we are swept into its current and become living witnesses to a history long dead but brought alive through the magic touch of your pen, and herein lies our gratitude to you @Ruma Chaudhuri for allowing us access into our forgotten past and helping us live it as we would have, had we been alive then.

Thank you then for all that you are doing for the cause of the revival of culture, for the resuscitation of a dying breed, the firebrand revolutionaries of our dependent nation in struggle against empire, and for the pure pursuit of the historical narrative of the nation as it ought to be and not as it is for diverse reasons of a dubious order. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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