Yesterday's episode has added one more dimension to the shameful saga of the Delhi Police over the last couple of years when it has massively bungled in its dealing with even innocuous situations. The intolerance to dissent and the refusal to be rational about contentious issues bespeaks more of a dictatorial tendency than of democratic intent. The police ought to have better work to do than to beat up innocents, unprovoked and without reason. Such hasty harshness comes from a feudal mind-set which is symptomatic of the police force today, courtesy, I dare say, official backing from higher authorities. Otherwise, who would dare touch civilians doing national duty, remembering the Press to be the fourth wing of a democracy after the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary? And it is the duty of conscientious reporters to question citizens on ground about their opinion on national issues like the one that was pertinent yesterday, the offering of honorary doctorate to the Turkish President Erdogan by the Jamia Millia Islamia University.
A vibrant democracy thrives on such questioning journalism and not boisterous sycophancy masquerading as one. It is, thus, regrettable, to say the least, that the Ministry does not take adequate cognisance of such errant behaviour on the part of the upholders of law, now repeatedly raising its ugly head to the dismay of law-abiding citizens and the horror of the kith and kin of the affected and the afflicted ones. If authority turns autocratic, then we are fast forwarding to some semblance of an anarchic State and it is high time to put up stiff public resistance to it.
The decline of culture, however, is invariably associated with corresponding authoritarianism which is the antithesis of all that democracy and civility stand for. A way out of all this mess, therefore, on a permanent national basis and in prospective terms in the future, however remote, will be to raise the level of civic consciousness and the level of civility of citizens towards each other by the spread of humanistic education built on the basis of rational, moral and spiritual values without a tinge of parochialism in it as is the wont of today's corrupt culture. Jai Hind!
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