Thursday, 17 November 2016


This body will pass. Why feed it in folly with the fuel of desire? This mind ever changes. Why think of it in vain as thyself? Thou art That.

Silence has its own way of communicating if the intent be right. Else, a sullen silence is boorish and incompatible with civilised living.

A high-quality scientific education for the masses ought to be the top priority for the Government, which alone can root out corruption in the long run.

The leader arises from the midst of the masses, thrown up by the swirling current of the times to fashion the times in turn. Then comes mass awakening.

Levity seems to be the order of the day, a loss of seriousness when contentious issues are driving us to the edge of extinction. Fruitless frivolity is holding its barren toast as sterile runs the course of life. Ominous looks the future.

He who serves man, loves God best, for man is the highest incarnation of God, the only incarnation within our easy reach.

Christianity and Islam can never bring peace to the world so long as they hold on to their thesis that theirs is the only way to God.

Dogmatism in Christianity and Islam stems from their fundamental philosophical hollowness. Hence, the imposition of faith in these systems.

Rationality will ring the death-knell of Christianity and Islam unless they seek refuge in the philosophy of the Vedanta to survive.

The spread of scientific education coupled with the universal principles of the Vedanta alone can overcome the evil of extreme religion and set humanity on the path of a flourishing future.

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