The inability to resist the baneful influences of the surroundings, the incapacity to see through the murky atmosphere enveloping one, the tendency to succumb to the ephemeral delights of life, the perishable commodities of desire, is a sure sign of the debility of the brain, the enervation of the system that needs immediate attention for restoration of vitality. Weakness is the seed of all wickedness and needs to be overcome if virtue is to be made dominant in life. Consequently, the practice of strength is the one way out of the debilitating influences of life and is the basis of all wholesome action. Purity of thought detaches the mind from all contracting modes and releases the mind in the limpid spaces of the being where the infinitude of freedom is felt and strength gained thereof for character to be formed. The limitless expanse of consciousness lends the mind virility and clarity of conception whereby narrowness is lost and trivialities fail to reach the altitude of the contemplative mind intent on higher realisation. As the mind soars in the heavenly reaches of higher thinking, it undergoes integration and concentrates progressively till it dissolves in the absolute consciousness.Then multiplicity vanishes and oneness is revealed as the real Self. It is the being without a vestige of matter, it is the pure spirit devoid of the dust of desire, luminous, transcendent. All earthly contamination remains far beneath its supernal realm as the soul soars free in blissful detachment of bodily bonds. There peace reigns supreme, love wells up as a natural spring from the depths of the being and the heart, cleansed of all fleshly contagion, responds in universal sympathy to all human suffering irrespective of differences of identity or preference. When very many people exhibit such enlightenment in their thoughts and actions, society takes an upward curve and life becomes a blessing on earth. But such a day is far off at present, hidden as it is in the womb of futurity. Right now we have to battle with more mundane forces callous to the call of humanity. But every ounce of labour spent in a righteous cause sees the light of day in the fullness of time and so will our effort to ease the lot of suffering humanity gain ground as time rolls on. Till then let us bid each other godspeed and let us labour on in love for all.
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