Friday, 11 November 2016


Declining decorum in public life is an alarming trend across the world and Trump typifies it to gain popular ground. Culture plummets sadly.
The wounds of the past are being reopened as sleeping demons awake in America to wreck the reform done. Racism on the rise yet again.
How far will America advance if every step taken is with direction reversed? Will exclusion of ethnic minorities work to her advantage?
Donald Trump trumps up charges against adversaries on flimsy basis that fail to stand the test of scrutiny. His spontaneity is so vicious.
How far will a businessman who has profited by the billions so far go on to look after the welfare of the ones he profited from? Hope not.
Trump and Putin---trump it up, then put it in and you will get your mix of future disaster. Citizens have started speaking. Arise, awake.
Where does India stand in the mess of current world politics? Will she remain largely indifferent even as she clamours for her rights?

How hopeless seems the fate of man as he parades his senseless idiocy despite donning the outer garb of civilisation! So deeply rooted is brutality.

When good sense takes to flight in the winds and darkening clouds gather, it is time to heed the philosopher's word and strike anchor in one's roots.

When sanity departs and chaos prevails, when the heart heeds not the voice within, it's time to quell the thoughts galore and seek peace for all.

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