Saturday 12 November 2016


I will not work hard, yet, I will be successful for it is my birthright to be so. Pray, what sort of logic is this? Decadent aristocracy!
The Geeta's teaching of detached work will not work for me. I need results for I have hired my employees who are being paid to deliver. Shame!
I may enjoy my life as I wish but you must work your life out to provide for my indolence. Do you not receive fees from me O teacher? Shame!
I am rich, I know, at your expense. So what? I have inherited all this by my past karma. I will now only enjoy the fruits of my inheritance. Shame!
I am white, so I am superior. You are black, brown, yellow, God knows what! You be subservient to me even as a slave is to his master. Shame!
I am a liberal. I am human. I bear no hate within me. I love all without distinction for all are mine. I feel so free in doing so. What bliss!
Distinctions are superficial. Culture entwined with selfishness plays havoc. I will not fall into its pitfall. I will love all, serve all as God.
When the world goes insane, I will maintain my sanity. When culture erodes to profanity, I will be civil in my discourse. I will stand up for truth and light.

I will tread the path of the enlightened ones,
Spread the message of the soul;
I will bleed for every blade of grass,
Help all reach the goal.

Leaders of men, take heed.
Now no hour of rest for you
Nor to unfairly wrest.
The world belongs to all my friends,
You need not freedom arrest.

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