Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Is it possible for man to rise above religious distinctions and affirm his humanity? If so, the world has a future, else, disaster will follow.

The Nobel Prize is being devalued by the day and it augurs not well for the culture of the world which is evidently in sharp decline. Cause for alarm.

If there is any God in the universe at all, it is you. Do you realise who you are? None to worship, none to be worshipped by, just blissfully, consciously, fearlessly exist. Om!

Superstition breeds in fear --- fear of death, fear of the unknown, and fear breeds in ignorance of who you are. Just shed all superstition, all superimposition and be free. Know yourself to be the one God you worship in fear, by way of duty, by cultural imposition and out of love that knows no logic. Boundless you are, infinite you are, not merely as servants of the Lord but as the Lord Himself.

If to be human is great, to be divine is greater. But, that you are already, only its conscious affirmation waits, its assertion is pending.

Which God can save thee, O mighty Lord of all universes, O Supreme Being who the gods worship as Man? No wonder the Avatar is human and all gods and goddesses adorn human form as well. Man, thou art the end-point of divinity and thou art its source as well. God is thy projection, thyself made manifest, thy highest superstition, and beyond that lie thee in thy spiritual majesty. This is the essence of all of philosophy, all of religion or science.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


In the long line of illumined souls that the Ramakrishna Order has given to the world, Swami Gahanananda stands out as the unique exemplar of little talk and much service. He had great clarity of conception about work and its secrets and was a perfect karma yogi.

After taking over from Swami Dayananda as Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan, then Shishu Mangal, Swami Gahanananda laboriously and with great foresight converted it from a 32-bed maternity and child-care medical unit to a 550-bed full-fledged general hospital.

Firm in his views, resolute in mind and indefatigable in work, Naresh Maharaj, as he was popularly known to devotees, never lost his poise or balance of mind despite steering Seva Pratishthan through the most trying of circumstances in turbulent times in West Bengal when politics of a perverse kind tore life in the metropolis apart. A delightful combination he was of head and heart, a rare fruition of personality harmony, what Swami Vivekananda used to refer to as one having 'immense idealism with immense practicality', and a character to back it up, built on the granite foundation of implicit faith in Sri Ramakrishna and surrender to his ideals.

Swami Gahanananda belonged to that rare breed of humanity whose fidelity to the force it hails from, loyalty to the cause it represents was unimpeachable and, thus, he was a pivotal power of the organisation (Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission) when things went awry in those calamitous days of perfidious politics in West Bengal that threatened to seal the fate of the academic activities of the Mission. The monk in him stood still amidst a raging political typhoon that dragged the Mission to Court, and like a deft helmsman he steered the ship of the Sangha safely home unto calmer waters. The threat to the Mission that day was on all sides and was weathered by Swami Gahanananda and his monastic brothers conjointly but all concerned admit that the steely resolve and unruffled calm of Naresh Maharaj carried many a day when a less determined stance would have played the Mission's interests into the hands of the political masterminds of the day debilitating the Order for good. These are contentious issues and need not be dwelt on in this essay at length but suffice it to say that the Mission in all its glory still stands supreme thanks to the labour of love of monks like Swami Gahanananda whose hearts ever bled to secure the well-being of the Mission.

Such are the children of the Lord, such are the sages and saints of the Ramakrishna Order who behold the Master embodied in the organisation and serve it with their hearts' ardour to to do justice to their spiritual vocation. Swami Gahanananda stands at par with the luminaries of the Order and it was our privilege to have beheld him and to have been blessed by him for the life eternal. Jai Gurudev!

Monday, 28 November 2016


The spiritual power of this towering personality is evident full-scale with the passage of a decade when it is discovered by the disciple that his subconscious drives have been transformed unknown to him and the spirit within has begun blossoming without any conscious attempt on his part. Such is the grace of this divine personage who disciples call their Guru or the spiritual preceptor. Swami Gahanananda remains with us as our inexhaustible source of strength and succour as we wend through the labyrinth of life. His glorious life of service and renunciation is the beacon that guides us through the turbulence of the times, his supreme sanity serving as the ideal which we may hold on to as the nucleus of our efflorescent spirituality. He is our anchor, our repose in this storm-tossed life. He enfolds us in his arms even as a mother does her infant one, securely drawing us to our eventual end in union with the divine beloved. Our prostrations at Gurudev's lotus feet. Jai Guru!

Saturday, 26 November 2016


There is such a deal of disguised unemployment of talented people who could be of yeoman service to the nation that it feels frustrating at times. Mediocrity rules the roost in this age of falsity and fabrication when the connoisseur's eye to detect talent and the patron's support to nurture it are a thing of the past. Now the genius is a vanishing tribe and the pedestrian performer by common consent is ascribed the selfsame title. Culture is plummeting by the day as retrograde cultural democracy by force of popular mandate dictates tastes to the groundling. Values are being devalued and sophistication of art and artistry attributes of a bygone era. In such a dismal scenario it is meet that we attempt at least to take stock of the situation and redress, if possible, the cultural mess we find ourselves in. At the outset we must identify talent and make fullest use of such in national interest. Men of merit must be made available their proper work-sphere and a congenial environment for their highest fruition. Overall literacy levels must be improved and for this massive governmental funding and infrastructure-building are necessary. Priority must be given to higher education in India and the training of teachers to equip them to train students who are the future of our country. Instead of blind westernisation of the academic system, emphasis must be on nationalisation of education along its brightest grain. A community of well-educated students can in due course of time set in a cultural revolution whence will emerge New India with the vision for the future.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


The average culture of a nation must rise through education before it is able to protect its interests in an evolving world. Education must, therefore, be the top priority of our government and the children of Kashmir must not be allowed to fall victim to the jihadist agenda of indoctrination in madrasas. Schools must be quickly built for them and, that too, in an integrated way and not in any haphazard manner as they now obtain. There must be integrated school campuses where thousands of children will be able to study together without fear of terrorist attack or vandalization, such must be the security cover of these premier academic institutions. A generation of well-educated citizenry will change the intellectual landscape of Kashmir and take power away from the perfidious wielders of such at present to build a Kashmir which will be well-integrated in the body politic of the nation and will serve to strengthen the motherland rather than weaken it through mindless militancy.
The Indian Government has a huge task at hand to look after the education of the children of Kashmir so that they flower into the most beautiful blossoms of the motherland rather than into misguided militants who murder their essential humanity under madrasa indoctrination. 'Send the children to schools, not merely to madrasas' must be the clarion call of the government and it should back it up by building effective academic infrastructure for the benighted province. The children of Kashmir are our fairest flowers in bud and need this support to blossom from the bud-state into the springtime of fragrant efflorescence.
Imagine a Kashmir without militancy, peaceful and tranquil, full of the ethereal beauty that surrounds it whose parallel may not be found on this earth, about which has been said, ''Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast" which translates to "If there be a heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here." Will such a day come? Sure, it will and we shall celebrate together the resurrection of this paradise on planet earth, the whole of humanity will. Kashmir, the defence of India from foreign forces across the Himalayas, Kashmir, the seat of Lord Amarnath, Kashmir, our kith and kin, in blood-bond with the rest of India, may Kashmir awake to its sense of belonging to the nation and seek its rightful place in it, never an alien but ever in the sanctum sanctorum of its being! Jai Hind!  

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Rabindra Sangeet must be sung with greater vigour, greater virility and with a finer fidelity to the ragas they are based on for the sake of rendering justice to their great composer who was a veritable genius in the musical form he invented. Tagore was not well-rehearsed in the refinements of Indian classical music through rigorous training under a Guru but such was his spontaneous enlightenment in whatever art-form he graced that he ended up evolving that discipline in his own inimitable way. Such was the case with his music, a singular structural form of four phases which he evolved as opposed to the prevalent dual phase of the Hindustani classical bandish (a song in which the essence of a raga is manifest). His compositions were highly original although the bulk of them perhaps owe their tunes to sources other than Tagore's creative mind which were then remoulded by the poet into the form he finally gave them. The final products bore the distinctive mark of the master and, thus, they are called Rabindra Sangeet nonetheless. The songs are varied in mood and character, soft and sensitive often, solemn and grand often as well, worshipful and romantic by turns, patriotic and devotional too, but never quite specimens of degenerate weakness as they are manifestly being made by untrained voices masquerading as artistes who have no claim to classical training whatsoever and hence make a mockery of the beautiful songs set in tune by the poet whose likeness in talent we may find in our history perhaps only in Kalidas, I dare say. This must change. So long as Visva-Bharati controlled proceedings related to Rabindra Sangeet, we had the problem of over-monitoring music and curbing its free flow. But when post 1991 all such restrictions by law remained no more, there sprang the reverse problem of licence with Tagore's songs. The result was a certain dilution of the spirit of Rabindra Sangeet, a certain blatant commercialisation of the genre and, worst of all, a complete deflection of the intent of the songs by ever-weakening performance by ill-equipped artistes motivated by acquisition of cheap popularity rather than a pure rendition that may do justice to the spirit of the songs. When Tagore sings the songs, how spiritual they sound full of throbbing feeling of a higher order, an unearthly beauty enveloping every phrase rolling out in his high-treble sublime voice. But when the same songs are sung by the popular artistes of the day, how profane they sound, how, shorn of all sublimity and grandeur, they are invitations to the mundane elements within man in a most debasing way, for Tagore gone wrong can do great damage simply by the perversion of power. It is, thus, of utmost moment that artistes of Rabindra Sangeet seriously consider purifying their motivations and intents in life before attempting to scale the high peaks of rendering Tagore songs. For they are the ambassadors of the poet to the world at large and are right now doing a great disservice to the poet by misrepresenting him as anything short of the stupendous spirit that he was, mystic, musician rolled into one, profound in his utterance, which found music in his songs, and sublime in his intent despite the vain protestations from the lowly critics of the poet being naughtily otherwise. We look forward to a brighter day, a day of resurrection of the essential Tagore in his songs. We exhort the artistes to spare a thought on this issue and fulfil our hopes and aspirations around the brightest gem in the cultural domain of our country. Jai Hind!


India must adopt the toughest possible stance in her bilateral relations with Pakistan and should eschew all cultural contact with it till Pakistan learns to respect the sovereignty of India and stops indulging in perfidious activity across the border. It is a tribute to India's tolerance as a nation that she first allowed her partition to give birth to this rogue son of hers who quickly disowned the mother and set about doing the vilest acts of sacrilege against her to restructure the subcontinent. That it failed miserably in its malicious manoeuvrings despite causing significant damage to its enemies through its self-destructive designs, history provides ample testimony of. The State of Bangladesh carved out of this country of criminal intent and the humiliating defeat to India in four successive wars have not, it seems, driven home the message to it that everyone else reads as clear as daylight that Pakistan has entered its death throes and it is but a matter of years before it seeks burial in the oblivion of time as an infamous chapter enacted in the history of Hindustan and India is reunited to regain her former glory which it is her destiny to fulfil. Pakistan will disintegrate and die and the splinters will seek refuge in the motherland, whence they had been separated, to atone for their misdeeds and, thus, being absorbed in the motherland once more, will attain to the common glory which is the heritage and the destiny of Akhanda Bharat (Undivided India). Despite Pakistan's malefic intent and activity, such a day is not far off. We eagerly look forward to the reunification of India and the erasing of artificial borders brought into being by the barbarous elements that mutilated the motherland. Jai Hind! Jai Akhand Bharat!


The waste of womanhood in servility to man ought to be of immediate human concern if humanity is to advance in civilisation and culture.
When enlightened womanhood asserts its rights everywhere, then will humanity progress towards peace and prosperity. But this entails pure motivations, not merely the tendency to equalise man in every respect but to go beyond to manifesting what is best in being a woman.
Ignorance and egotism go together and unless the former is resolved to nothingness, the latter cannot be dissolved altogether. Then what reigns is knowledge, the perception of the Self.
Who cares for the children? Who cares for their future as adults unthinkingly indoctrinate them in the culture of hate, violence and death? Death-cults thrive on such indoctrination, the baton of fanaticism is passed on from one generation to another through the relay of invidious information which fans up the flames of hatred afresh every time it is the blossom of spring in the lives of these youths freshly grown into the hopes and aspirations of adulthood. Woe unto them as the blossoming buds are consumed soon in the conflagration of communal feelings gone putrid with the perfidies of the sin at source!


There is a huge difference between work and service. The former so often caters to self-interest while the latter is full of feelings of charity.
Everyone can love one's own ones selfishly but glory unto the one who can love all. Not the superficial show of universal love but love in truth, genuine, sincere love.
It is so easy to side with the high and mighty but he alone is the man of might who can side with the underdog and carry on his crusade for rights and justice.
The world has yet to awake to the threat of nuclear annihilation facing the sub-continent of India. Pakistan should be disarmed to secure the region. You cannot arm an immature kid just because he throws up tantrums for possessing a gun. The world must mature to understand the gravity of the situation. History will not allow the Partition of India to be a settled fact once and for all. Nothing in this phenomenal world is permanent, neither is partition. With the passage of time Pakistan will disintegrate and the fragments, each a part of India for ages, will be re-absorbed in the motherland. Till then let them while away in their brief sojourn outside of home before sanity returns and the birds fly back to nest.
We, of our own volition, choose to take up the labour of life and then quite conveniently forget to comply with its rules. Ought we to complain? Think.
When the poor suffer the daily death of life, we turn a blind eye to it but when the privileged suffer a wee bit, there is such a hue and cry over it. Justice indeed in a perfect world of democracy and freedom!
Where is there a man today in the wide world who can take up the cause of the poor and the powerless in a genuine way with a feeling heart and redress the ills that plague their lives?
Must we be meek and suffer in silence the daily rigour of imposed hardship of man by man or shall we revolve to take charge of our fate and change for good the human condition? Is there a God who dispenses justice as millions believe or is it just another fancy bred in folly, in foolish fantasy of our childhood dreams which must melt before the scorch of labour and life's erosion? Citizens, awake and take up the tools that can reshape your destiny divine for no God lives but the God within which is your Self and none but you can save yourself. So, up to the task of dismantling the lot of this exploitative system that has kept you in servitude for ages, up to the work of shaking off the yoke that has debased you in your own eyes till you have lost faith in your self and move on in this world a beast of burden to be used now, cast off next moment. This must change. So, take up your own cause for your own survival depends on it.

Monday, 21 November 2016


India ought to assume a tough stance towards Pakistan which will not soften overtime if she is to make any credible impact on this perfidious State.
China is waiting for the international situation to be favourable when it may with impunity integrate Taiwan into its political landscape.
India has to patiently wait to absorb Pakistan and Bangladesh as integral parts of her being. Our motherland must become one for one indeed we are ethnically and historically too.
India must strengthen her armed forces immensely if she is to legitimately lay claim to a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
When we fight among ourselves like famished slaves, what is the chance that the international community will look upon us with respect? Politicians, beware! The ire of the masses none can resist, neither will you when their hour comes.
Indians must cultivate a sense of nationalism which alone can safeguard our territorial sovereignty and protect our national interests. Mere pretence of debilitating humanism devoid of national pride is a malaise that must be rooted out if as a nation we are to play our rightful role to serve humanity the way we ought to and ourselves evolve into a premier power full of the potency of our pristine spiritual culture. But for all this, we must first stand up united as a nation. Jai Hind!
Is not Pakistan an assemblage of Indian provinces and Bangladesh a fragment of erstwhile Bengal? Ought not they to unite with India some day? Should India not move in that direction from now on, towards undoing the partition enforced on her?
Hinduism is the only religion that declares the validity of all faiths as pathways to the divine. Does Islam or Christianity do the same?
Pakistan's fate was sealed the day it was born out of the treachery of Jinnah and it is but a matter of time before it is absorbed in India.
Will the environmental crisis facing the human species finally unite humanity for all divergences disappear in the equalising act of death?

Sunday, 20 November 2016


When it comes to dogmatic religion, renounce it to become atheist of sorts, but when it comes to the spirituality glowing within, become a theist by all means. Irrational beliefs are to be shunned but to wholesale reject all that is good in spiritual culture simply because you do not have the patience or purity to persist in its practice for a while in all earnestness is proof of a superficial attitude towards pursuit of truth and is not conducive to the discovery of the underlying reality of nature and life. Such an approach to the deeper issues of knowledge can hardly be called scientific or rational in the right sense although such scepticism always finds superior solace in denunciation of all it finds abhorrent in arbitrary religious culture without itself sounding in any way the depths of truth, be they material or spiritual. Atheism of such a tenor is necessarily an extreme reaction to the other extreme of blind and imposed faith in arbitrary assumptions of an archaic kind bred in primitive minds and in medieval mind-sets. This is all too arbitrary a reaction itself and suffers from the same pitfalls of human thinking, that of limited reasoning, as its counterpart does in its failure to apprehend the advantages of rational anchoring. Neither of these is the right approach to truth for each one is flawed in its partial interpretation of life, its exclusiveness and its dogmatic adherence to only its own peculiar mode of investigation into the fact of life and nature. A better, a higher, a more inclusive method was devised ages ago in India whereby these two systems, edited and revised, were harmonised and integrated to form a comprehensive system of observation, analysis and inference along with contemplation, introspection and realisation within whereby truth could be apprehended in its catholicity. There has thus developed in India a rational system of philosophy to expound the subtle truths of spiritual perception in so far reason and logic, words and images can go to explain them. Faith or blind belief in myths and unique arbitrary prophetic pronouncements have never found favour with the spiritual seeker of India who has soared in the highest heavens of spiritual contemplation while remaining rooted to the rigour of rational validation of his insights into the nature of things. There has never been a collision of courses between science and spirituality thus and each has seamlessly progressed unto its respective end. The people of India have embraced even such non-Vedic religious systems as Jainism, Buddhism and that horrible degeneration of materialism, the Charvaak philosophy which carried on its blatant tirade against the Vedic Dharma. Prior to the Islamic invasion of India, never has there been persecution in the name of spiritual disputation save for the one blemished occasion of Shankaracharya's persecution of his Buddhist victims in debate who entered fire after being worsted in philosophical disputation. Barring this singular jarring note, the symphony of Indian spiritual civilisation has been beautifully orchestrated by the central philosophy of the Vedas which stands for unity in diversity, unity of the being amidst the myriad diversities of nature. What followed the Isalmic invasion of the land of Aryavarta can hardly be called Indian in essence for it was a foreign dogma thrust upon India by barbarous hordes who had hardly any humanity in them but were hell-bent on destruction of the beautiful Bharatbhumi and its pristine perennial philosophy, the Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism. That even Islam was absorbed and assimilated in the vast body of the motherland to give rise to a syncretic Indo-Islamic culture whose best fruition was the Indian version of Sufism is proof of the catholicity of the Indian mind born and bred in Vedic culture which only knows inclusion and universalism and never exclusion which is the seed of all intolerance and persecution in then name of faith or ideology. Thus, atheism in the Western sense has never been a dominant mood in the Indian psyche and science has never been in conflict with religion. Investigation, enquiry and inference have been the way both in science and religion in India and there has been a harmonious development of both the disciplines in this country from which the world may yet learn the loftiest principles of liberalism. Rank atheism which merely rants against all forms of theistic deliberations without having sufficient knowledge about the intricacies of the inner life of the spirit, falls into the crude error of misjudgement of a discipline to which it has no clue. While much of the criticism levelled by the modern atheists against the malpractices, superstitions and indoctrination of religion is valid, much more valuable heritage of human thinking and higher living in the domain of the supra-mundane which it discards is damaging to the cause of overall human culture. Atheists ought to study the Vedanta in depth before they pass sweeping judgements over the gamut of religious experience that is the hallmark of civilisation along with the grand achievements of science. Ignorance of the workings of the inner mind beyond the realm of the Freudian subconscious and mere intellectual conceptualisation of human thought processes from the study of the brain infuses a sense of physicality in the comprehension of things, thereby missing the spiritual mark by miles. It is with a sense of becoming humility then that modern atheists ought to become conversant with the Hindu scriptures that deal with the high flights of the Vedanta, then take a plunge into the ocean of self-consciousness before sitting in final judgement over the fate of religion and all its glorious traditions. May humility ignite wisdom even as wisdom conquers egotism and lends sanity to the soul! Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!          

Saturday, 19 November 2016


Gender equality is an imperative for human progress and must on all counts be striven for despite unjust scriptural injunctions hindering the progress towards its attainment. The basic dignity of a human being is to be restored in this age of truth and light by casting aside this age-old discrimination against women and the lower castes. No religion is greater than the human being and no religion any more ought to reserve the right to rule over him without his consent. Arbitrary assertions and prophetic pronouncements notwithstanding, the time has come to shed age-old inhibitions and overthrow all constraints that lie in the evolutionary path of man. Distinctions are natural and need not be socially driven to bring home the point. That they still persist in today's liberalising world is proof of the vested interests embedded in the exploitative system that has lasted for ages, drawing nourishment from the life-blood of the masses and the womenfolk. Sociological changes are often slow but sure and the liberation of women and the masses throughout the globe is evidence of this fact of life. Social imperatives are now resolving their way unto inevitable fruition and the process set in is irreversible. Equality of the sexes, of the classes and the castes is being spelt out in no uncertain terms and it is but a matter of time before disparities melt like mist before the morning sun. The sooner iniquities disappear, the brighter shines the fate of humankind and the more adorable becomes life on earth. Such a wealth of human resource kept at bay by age-old divisive distinctions have harmed human society immeasurably in the past and, if wisdom prevails now, it may only be expected that humanity will fast recover from past deficiencies of appreciation of human worth and potential to set the balance right at last. Then will the whole of humanity be born into freedom and light, ushering in a golden age of peace, happiness and prosperity for all. Then and then alone will human life be worth living for one and all. Till then it is all a sham, this so-called democracy, equality of opportunity, human rights and freedom. Knowing this to be our present predicament, each one of us must pledge to our own honest selves that we will lend in our labour of love towards fast bringing about such a wonderful freedom for one and all when disparities will cease on all counts and each one will respect the other as the very embodiment of his highest ideal, his own highest Self. May all unholy alliances cease that tend to keep humanity down! May distinctions that debar the growth of man, disparities that thwart the free flow of life in all, iniquities that throttle the fundamental conditions of living disappear before the might of our collective will, our united self-conscious corrective action! Jai Hind! Hail humanity!      

Thursday, 17 November 2016


This body will pass. Why feed it in folly with the fuel of desire? This mind ever changes. Why think of it in vain as thyself? Thou art That.

Silence has its own way of communicating if the intent be right. Else, a sullen silence is boorish and incompatible with civilised living.

A high-quality scientific education for the masses ought to be the top priority for the Government, which alone can root out corruption in the long run.

The leader arises from the midst of the masses, thrown up by the swirling current of the times to fashion the times in turn. Then comes mass awakening.

Levity seems to be the order of the day, a loss of seriousness when contentious issues are driving us to the edge of extinction. Fruitless frivolity is holding its barren toast as sterile runs the course of life. Ominous looks the future.

He who serves man, loves God best, for man is the highest incarnation of God, the only incarnation within our easy reach.

Christianity and Islam can never bring peace to the world so long as they hold on to their thesis that theirs is the only way to God.

Dogmatism in Christianity and Islam stems from their fundamental philosophical hollowness. Hence, the imposition of faith in these systems.

Rationality will ring the death-knell of Christianity and Islam unless they seek refuge in the philosophy of the Vedanta to survive.

The spread of scientific education coupled with the universal principles of the Vedanta alone can overcome the evil of extreme religion and set humanity on the path of a flourishing future.

Monday, 14 November 2016


China ought not to be trusted as a friend ever after the way they betrayed us in '62. A working relation will suffice with infinite caution.
Chinese non-communication is a part of their international strategy for national dominance. Communism is a farce there now and so is liberty.
China has a long-term plan to gobble up parts of the Indian landmass which it considers to be legitimately its. India beware! Trust not China.
Gandhi's impractical idealism, Nehru's half-hearted defence-preparedness and China's characteristic perfidy set the seal on the Indo-China War. How can India ever forgive such Chinese betrayal? Would the Chinese do so?
China speaks less, speaks lies and speaks on behalf of liars like Pakistan as well. Such a neighbour must be kept at length and cannot be trusted.
Pakistan and Bangladesh are both historically parts of India and in the short or in the long run will seek reunion with the mother-country.
Pakistan hurts herself when she hurts India. It is time for Pakistan to reject Islamic jihadist ideology and absorb the pristine Vedanta philosophy.
China threatens diplomatic disruption when India refuses it Diwali trade but dares not likewise with Trumped-up USA. Might is right after all.
India should befriend USA, Israel and Japan if she wishes to surge ahead in the comity of nations. She must be forthright in her foreign relations.
China is encircling India with her String of Pearls programme and India is hopeless getting caught in its web. Whither national security? Befriend USA well before disaster strikes and militarise yourself, India.


How grossly in the name of Krishna men violate his Karma Principle, that of retaining the right to work but renouncing the right to its fruit!

Is there any end to the misery of the one that has made his God, his final arbiter, outside of himself and has only heaped attributes on Him?

Renunciation of lust and lucre is symptomatic of spirituality; abstinence from carnality is the sure sign of godliness. Renounce that you be free.

This world is a vast market-place where experience is bought at the cost of vital energy and men trade and women too, sugarcoating the pills of pain.

Love shines in freedom but suffers a shadowy death when lust, lurking in the corner, announces its sovereign right over the fragile form of man.

This world is cruel to the disinherited, to the dispossessed.Our duty lies in restoring dignity to these children of God and this is dharma.

Love seems to be the only way out in a world as hate-driven as ours. But love is the fruition of purity, selflessness and high moral culture so rarely come by.

Modi's demonetisation move to flush out black money reminds one of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's experimentation with copper and brass coins which, though far ahead of the times and bespoke the vision of the monarch, eventually failed owing to logistical considerations.

When politicians parade before the President to plot the downfall of the government of the day, they ought to remember that their days of perfidy are nearly over. The nation will rise to its own defence soon and oust the villains who make a mockery of the voters who send them to office each time.

It is heartlessness that is the root of all evil; it is boundless love that is the panacea for the world's ills. Come, let us love all.

Saturday, 12 November 2016


Annapurna Devi was a genius. Daughter of Ustad Allauddin Khan, Annapurna Devi embraced Hinduism and became, as if like Devi Saraswati, a perfect exponent of the surbahar. Doyen of the Maihar Gharana, she evoked the respect of even her illustrious elder brother, the late Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, whom Baba Allauddin, the founder of the Maihar Gharana, had adorned with the title 'Swar Samrat'. Estranged wife of Pandit Ravi Shankar, Annapurna Devi distanced herself from public concerts to allow her husband the limelight he sought and which he feared would shift focus on to his more gifted wife if both performed before the world. Thereafter, the naturally reclusive Annapurna Devi completely withdrew into her shell so far as public performance was concerned and devoted herself to her lifelong pursuit of musical perfection. She trained many talented musicians and led them on to rare levels of excellence to continue the grand legacy of her father as her single-minded objective in life. The great Ustad Allauddin Khan had once remarked on hearing Annapurna play the surbahar, 'Annapurna plays the surbahar like Devi Saraswati.' My words dry up here as I my heart fills up to behold in my mind's eye the father (Baba Allauddin) train the daughter (Annapurna) that first day when he was so taken aback to hear her vocal rendition of a complicated piece of the sarod which her elder brother (Ali Akbar) was failing to successfully reproduce on the instrument. Thus began her tutelage at the feet of her father who had initially refused to teach her music on the ground of his disappointment with his eldest daughter Jahanara who was disallowed to pursue music post-marriage by her in-laws although she was proficient at it, courtesy her lessons at the feet of her father. The barrier broke that day and then followed a torrent of musical training whose fruition was the mature genius of Annapurna Devi. Our salutations at her feet.


Will demographic changes in Europe inevitably lead to collapse of Western liberal democracy and the institution of Islamic Sharia? Worrisome.
Is it not possible to overcome archaic religious absolutism by the imparting of liberal scientific education to children the world over?
Are we organically wired for conservatism to such a degree that liberalism fails to cast its effective imprint on our psychology?
When the past rules the present and prophets propound myths that by force of following become accepted as truths, reason takes a backseat and so does peace.
To be religious is easy, just be ritualistic. But to be spiritual, you have to lose all fascination for the body and its many pleasures. Om!
When all humanity is the visible form of God, let us stand in reverence before these divinities and worship them through our loving service.
We must not allow fascism to overcome us, be it political or religious, linguistic or racial in origin. Nationalism now must be inclusive and all-embracing.
Whoever claims exclusive access to godhead at a historical point frozen in time and denies the universality of possible perception, is flawed in judgement for sure and the veracity of his pronouncements can scarce be relied upon.
American society is fragile which is why she is undergoing such a churn now when confronted by right radicalism and barbarous bigotry.
Now is the time for India to emerge in her true spiritual colour for her to become the spiritual preceptor of the world and strive to bring about global harmony and peace.


I will not work hard, yet, I will be successful for it is my birthright to be so. Pray, what sort of logic is this? Decadent aristocracy!
The Geeta's teaching of detached work will not work for me. I need results for I have hired my employees who are being paid to deliver. Shame!
I may enjoy my life as I wish but you must work your life out to provide for my indolence. Do you not receive fees from me O teacher? Shame!
I am rich, I know, at your expense. So what? I have inherited all this by my past karma. I will now only enjoy the fruits of my inheritance. Shame!
I am white, so I am superior. You are black, brown, yellow, God knows what! You be subservient to me even as a slave is to his master. Shame!
I am a liberal. I am human. I bear no hate within me. I love all without distinction for all are mine. I feel so free in doing so. What bliss!
Distinctions are superficial. Culture entwined with selfishness plays havoc. I will not fall into its pitfall. I will love all, serve all as God.
When the world goes insane, I will maintain my sanity. When culture erodes to profanity, I will be civil in my discourse. I will stand up for truth and light.

I will tread the path of the enlightened ones,
Spread the message of the soul;
I will bleed for every blade of grass,
Help all reach the goal.

Leaders of men, take heed.
Now no hour of rest for you
Nor to unfairly wrest.
The world belongs to all my friends,
You need not freedom arrest.

Friday, 11 November 2016


Declining decorum in public life is an alarming trend across the world and Trump typifies it to gain popular ground. Culture plummets sadly.
The wounds of the past are being reopened as sleeping demons awake in America to wreck the reform done. Racism on the rise yet again.
How far will America advance if every step taken is with direction reversed? Will exclusion of ethnic minorities work to her advantage?
Donald Trump trumps up charges against adversaries on flimsy basis that fail to stand the test of scrutiny. His spontaneity is so vicious.
How far will a businessman who has profited by the billions so far go on to look after the welfare of the ones he profited from? Hope not.
Trump and Putin---trump it up, then put it in and you will get your mix of future disaster. Citizens have started speaking. Arise, awake.
Where does India stand in the mess of current world politics? Will she remain largely indifferent even as she clamours for her rights?

How hopeless seems the fate of man as he parades his senseless idiocy despite donning the outer garb of civilisation! So deeply rooted is brutality.

When good sense takes to flight in the winds and darkening clouds gather, it is time to heed the philosopher's word and strike anchor in one's roots.

When sanity departs and chaos prevails, when the heart heeds not the voice within, it's time to quell the thoughts galore and seek peace for all.