Tuesday, 28 June 2016


How much does it cost to smile by way of greeting when we meet someone? Is it not better than to frown or to maintain an austere look full of unwelcome gesture? Life becomes so much more bearable and even beautiful if we but care to smile at each other, not derisively, as is so often our wont, but out of fellow-feeling and goodwill. After all, what is there in life to savour save these moments when common folks like us feel a gush of happiness amidst the mundane pursuits of daily living when the sunshine of the soul sheds its lustre on us by way of a merry spread of the facial muscles?

We are the children of immortal bliss, so say the Upanishads. Why then do we so cut a long face when the vicious mood like virus spreads to sully the air around? Better stay closeted at home in seclusion to grapple with such foul mood than to play spoilsport with happier selves who revel in the sunshine of life. This is not my advice but the prescription of Swami Vivekananda who so often was faulted by westerners for his jollity despite being a man of the Order and who would merrily retort that it was not for him to be sombre when he knew his essence to be of the substance of bliss.

Even the great J.R.D. Tata, when asked in a television interview after his receiving the Bharat Ratna as to what his parting advice to his countrymen would be, had ruefully said, "If only we could smile at each other a little more! Life would be so much easier."

I rest my case here. Now let us smile a bit. 

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