For the youth to awaken to the call of the motherland, it is essential that they read thoroughly the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda so that they may feel the pulse of the nation, learn about its history which is the story of their forefathers and so doing, feel energised to attempt living chaste lives full of the fire of spirituality. Character thus formed, the youth will be empowered to make meaningful contribution to the nation through their worshipful service to their countrymen. Institutions must be built but for that we need masses of young people dedicated to the cause of nation-building. Affirmation may be easy, but not so, execution of an idea. For this, individuals must train themselves in the conception of the idea and its execution thereof. Rigorous rational build-up, meditation and cultivation of the heart are necessary before any welfare work may be undertaken. Intense sympathy that roots out selfishness and purifies the soul by the very sublimity of feeling for the national cause is the crying need of the hour. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women, armed in the philosophy of the Vedanta as expounded by the leonine Swami, must set forth in the direction of self-building and nation-serving. They must be fired only by the commonweal and not by any selfish motive whatsoever. They must be able to sacrifice themselves, their pleasures and their pains and that most difficult of all devils that besets the human frame, egotism. This done, let them vow to offer themselves as human sacrifices to the cause of the redemption of the motherland. May Swamiji bless such valiant souls achieve success in their endeavour! May our prayers preserve them in their purity of purpose and resolve! Jai Swamiji! Jai Hind!
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