Monday, 13 June 2016


Stop accepting the lie that Muslims have allowed Hindus to live in amity with them in Kashmir ever. Whenever possible, they have persecuted the Hindus. This is the history of Islam in Kashmir which originally belonged to the Hindus from much before the advent of Islam on planet Earth, and, at however distant a date, will again belong to them along with other communities that choose to inhabit the Valley, for none can suppress the voice of truth nor deny justice to a beleaguered people for ever. Therefore, do I exhort the Hindus again and again to educate themselves on the criminal cleansing of ethnic Hindus from the Kashmir Valley by fanatical Muslims out there. Do not buy the deluding stories sold about communal harmony and amity there. It is genocide of Hindus right away that is the truth about Kashmir today. I am no politician, neither do I care for polarisation of communities for securing votes for any, but as a proud Hindu and a committed Indian, I do care for the well-being of members of my community perpetually suffering at the hands of the offending Muslims who dare the fairness of the Constitution of the land through their murderous offences. Hindus must learn never to offend but ever to defend themselves for none else will do it for them. They must unite to restore to the Kashmiri Pundits their homeland and so, prove that they are worthy of being called Hindus, for cowards may not be called by that name which has been the valorous identity of the Kshatriyas of timeless India. Awake, my friends, in defence of the motherland whose crowning glory is the Sanatan Dharma which is in threat  today wherever Hindus are in minority, whose worst symptom is the brutalisation of the Pundits of Kashmir Valley who lie uncared for as refugees in their own country far away from their natural habitat in the high hills that bedeck this heaven on earth turned to veritable hell by fanaticism fuelled by fraudulent clerics feeding on age-old hatred of idolatrous infidels. The plight of the Pundits is our plight personal and the fight to restore their dignity is our fight as well. Let us all gear up for the mammoth task at hand and handsomely deliver what is the dharma of the moment.

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