Monday 24 August 2015


Sugata Bosemy (Swami Sampurnananda) facebook friend, says: I had met Revered Swami Mukhyanandaji many times at the Arogya Bhavan in Belur Math whenever I paid a visit to Swami Tattwasthanandaji (Bibhuti Maharaj) there. We exchanged pleasantries. I have seen him counseling devotees with great force of conviction as if they were his very own. The earnestness was very evident from the way he addressed them, somewhat like 'the Uttam Vaidya' of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. I feel saddened by this news of his demise, if may use the term with apologies, because of my acquaintance with him which brings back memories far earlier when I had wondered why he sported a beard, as also for the fact that these venerable souls were associated with so many luminous beings of the Order under whose radiance they attained to luminosity themselves and that they are departing, one by one, impoverishing us for good unless we learn to live by the precepts they lived and taught. My humble prostrations at Maharajji's hallowed feet!

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