Sunday, 23 August 2015


Let the devotees of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji combine forces to propagate the Word for this seems to be the need of the hour when sectarian violence is wreaking havoc in the world. Let us unite the powers of good and try and bring to the door of everybody their pristine philosophy, the realisation of their divine selves, so very consonant with the deepest urges of the human heart, and let us do this in a spirit of humility with service to the Master as its divine end. May we never shirk from letting others know of the divine life and message of the Holy Trinity of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda in view of the fact that we have not yet attained to God-realisation or that we have not been commissioned to preach by the Master or the Mother for we are not assuming the role of someone superior reaching out to inferiors in knowledge or trying to act as Saviours but we are merely trying to slake the thirst of the world with their holy life and message in, as I said, a spirit of utmost humility! Swami Vivekananda had once exhorted his disciple, Sri Sarat Chandra Chakrabarty, to do so and had explicitly said that such act of propagation of the Word could surely be undertaken in the spirit of service to the world and that it would be most conducive to the welfare of some such soul somewhere who might have been stuck in the spiritual path at some point. At any rate, our scriptures say that good ever brings forth good and, therefore, I do not subscribe to the view that there should be any hesitation on our part on the count that we are not commissioned to propagate the faith of our ancestors and so we should not, but, rather, I firmly believe that had I been brought to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda by someone earlier than when I was brought to them, I would have been blessed evermore. So, I exhort all my sisters and brothers to come together and start veritably a movement in the name of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and propagate worldwide their life-giving message to save the world from the brink of destruction. Let the Master do his work as he pleases through us but let us be fruitful channels of his work. And for this great mission, let us live lives of great purity for purity alone penetrates the cavity of the heart where the Master sings his Song Celestial. Jay Ramakrishna! Jay Ma! Jay Swamiji!

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