Saturday, 1 August 2015


The people of India and Pakistan have nothing to gain from fighting fruitless battles with each other. Both countries have now gone nuclear and stand to face utter destruction through antagonistic attitude towards each other should there break out a nuclear war consequent on such a posture. In 1999 during the Kargil War Pakistan had been contemplating a nuclear attack on India and was dissuaded from such a horrendous course of action by the U.S. President Bill Clinton. In President Clinton's words, there would have been incalculable loss of life had there been a nuclear exchange that day and the damage from the nuclear fall-out in and around the region would have been of epic proportions. The danger has been averted once but the nuclear threat still looms large on the Indian Subcontinent. It needs a mature understanding of the problem and diplomatic measures are the only means available to both the nations to resolve disputes and to move ahead in bilateral relations. Confrontation must be replaced by co-operation as both countries have nothing to gain from a fratricidal feud, remembering that Pakistan was dismembered by British political expediency out of the Mother-body of India. We have nothing to gain from war and everything to gain from peace the world over. So, may India and Pakistan show a mighty political will and forge peace here in the Subcontinent and not the ever-lurking threat of nuclear annihilation! May the common people of both the countries come together and freshly forge bonds of peace and goodwill and not of hate and mistrust! May God guide our peoples once more to unite in fraternal co-existence, wishing the good of each other! May peace prevail!


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