Monday 24 August 2015


Belgaum, 1892. The electrifying wandering monk was in search of the soul of India. He was only 29 and on the eve of his great departure for the West but had the burden of refashioning the whole of civilisation for the next 1500 years on the foundation of the Vedas as envisaged by him in the life of his great Master. It was a Herculean task, this reshaping the career of errant humankind and it required readjustment of the psychological forces active deep within the subconscious in man. Mere Self-realisation was not enough for the work at hand and, thus, it was beyond the province of ordinary sainthood to achieve the objective. Vivekananda would have to dive deep within the collective consciousness of man and there readjust the psychological flow of civilisation. His austerities were not for his personal freedom, for he was born free, but they were for the discovery of the mental routes of mankind, for the comprehension of man's terrestrial maladies and for the redirection of human thought in the very subconscious along higher channels whereby man would, in course of time, be able to rediscover his lost spiritual heritage and, so, sustain and advance his evolution on Earth.    

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