The youth must practise strict continence in order to conserve energy for great works. Nation-building is topmost on the agenda now and it is up to the youth to come forward as they did during the days of the freedom-struggle and build the nation of their dreams. India must be strong and vigorous but what is India save the collective will of the people who inhabit this vast landmass? Swami Vivekananda had great faith in the youth and expected them to carry out his great ideas and plans of nation-building when he was dead and gone. Must you fail him, O young people of India?
A weak country nobody respects. Our neighbours, instead of standing in awe of us, dare us each day with terrible threats to our national existence and we daily capitulate in abject submission to such heinous acts. We should be so strong that no nation on Earth will have the temerity to bully us into submission. Rather, they will have no option left to them than look up to us for support and guidance in the international thoroughfare. Economic strength is great, military strength an imperative, but spiritual strength is what sustains a civilization in the long run and is most effective in the short run as well. And who better to lend the country spiritual strength than tens of thousands of vigorous young men and women, steeled to indestructibility by absolute purity, physical and mental, whose focussed force, organized and made dynamic, will work wonders for the land?
Therefore, my young friends, be up and doing from today. India needs you as much as you need her, for she is your Mother. Must you allow her to be defiled by foreign forces who care not a shred for her? I leave you to decide.
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