It is preposterous to discover how Swami Nirmalananda's photograph has been expunged from the main body of the original group photograph as has been so well exhibited by respected Manoj Sivan. One wonders what could be the illumined reason behind such an act of deliberate deletion when it is on record that Swami Nirmalananda was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. And if he was not such, may we be illumined as to whose disciple he was? Can any proof be adduced to support the oft-repeated arbitrary claim that he was Swami Vivekananda's disciple? We would be obliged to rectify our stance of considering Swami Nirmalananda as Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciple if such proof be furnished at the earliest convenience for it does not behove anyone to be in the dark regarding the authenticity of direct discipleship of the Prophet of Truth that Sri Ramakrishna was and centering whom this now five-decade long political struggle to muffle truth is continuing. Let us all be made aware of the relevant documents which prove that Swami Nirmalananda was not Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciple or else let the leonine Swami be given his due historical recognition. At any rate, truth will soon surface for in this age of de-classification of secret documents, the tide of the times will turn against those who have deliberately distorted history and continue to do so for whatever ends one knows not and the records will be set straight. May truth triumph as it surely will!
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